Home > $1000 Reward for Getting Bush to Answer this Question

$1000 Reward for Getting Bush to Answer this Question

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 1 June 2005

Wars and conflicts Parties International USA UK

Democrats.com is offering a reward of $1,000 to anyone, professional journalist or citizen activist who gets President Bush to answer a particular question.

The question is:
"In July 2002, did you or your administration ’fix’ the intelligence and facts about non-existent Iraqi WMDs and ties to terrorism — which were disputed by US intelligence officials — to sell your decision to invade Iraq to Congress, the American people, and the world - as quoted in the Downing Street Minutes?"

Granted, if we had democratic media in this country, there would be no need to offer money to get someone to ask this question. But have you heard it asked? Democrats.com is even offering a smaller reward if you ask it and Bush does not answer.


Forum posts

  • Bush already said ( listen to the MP3 )he would have gone to Iraq even knowing their were no weapons because Saddam ’bothered’ him. By the way, we still might find those weapons on a ’turkey farm’.

    We don’t really need to hear anymore lies do we?

    A DUer has started this list....

    "Lied us into an Illegal Invasion, War and Occupation.
    Lied when inventing phony Saddam-Osama connections.
    Lied about intelligence cherry-picked to build casus belli.
    Lied about not knowing about 9-11 before it happened.
    Lied about letting Osama family fly out of USA after 9-11.
    Lied about not knowing James R Bath.
    Lied when holding hands with Dick Cheney in front of 9-11 Warren Commission.
    Lied when asked: "Who outted CIA agent Valerie Plame?"

    Then there are the "little" lies that still qualify as "High Crimes and Misdemeanors"

    Lied about HARKEN Energy insider trading.
    Lied about fixing things for bidness as governor of Texas.
    Lied about tax cuts helping everybody.
    Lied about not knowing Ken Lay.
    Lied about Social Security.

    • The weapons of mass destruction was only one of more than 20 reasons that Bush decided to go to war against Saddam, this was already said numerous times. I don’t know why you keep harping on that one reason. Move on already.

      Ad for the DU list. The democratic underground seems to be so underground that it is making up lies. Very funny! Thanks for the laughs.

    • Hey toots, I’m not a democrat or a republican. Those parties are one and the same now a days. And it’s used to seperate people rather than unite against the wrong doers.

      But reality check, Saddam road in open cars in parades with guns a blaring and so did his countrymen. If they really wanted him gone they could have done it years ago.

      I am not a defender of that tyrant, but when our president has to ride in bullet proof cars surrounded by security and a madman in a nation can ride in public with the public also having guns and firing into the air. You need to ask questions.

    • If it was that easy to kill Saddam, they probably would have. But the Iraqis know that if any one had succeded, that would have been the end of his/her entire family.

    • Hey 24/7/365 Bush apologist, I bet you didn’t dare listen to the mp 3 because it was a playback of Bush and his minions lying repeatedly probably somewhere near 100 times about the reason we should go bomb Iraq. You Bushco trolls are so hilarious when you repeat evey lie they feed you like an empty headed wind up toy, you have no idea how funny you sound making excuses for the devil and his demons. Do you learn that shit in church? Or is your brain just washed by Fox news?

    • Hey Saddam wanna-be, you do not contribute anything of value to this "discussion" why don’t you go back to your lefty commune and keep stuffing your head up your ass.

    • When was it up to a fucking fool Bush apologist to decide what is germane to any discussion? Does the truth hurt you faggot? Do you have your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears?

    • That’s right when you have nothing to add to the conversation, name calling is the last resort, how like a lefty. However, I didn’t expect a liberal loon like you to be homophobic bigot. Like all hypocrits, you have feet of clay.