Home > 58 Years of Zionist Cruelty and Terror... It’s Time to Put America First

58 Years of Zionist Cruelty and Terror... It’s Time to Put America First

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 16 May 2006

Wars and conflicts International History

58 Years of Zionist Cruelty and Terror... It’s Time to Put America First

By Hassan El-Najjar

Al-Jazeerah, May 15, 2006

On May 15 1948, world Zionists claimed their state, which they called Israel. It was not good news to the world in general, and the Palestinian people in particular.

Zionist Israelis did not limit their state to the borders prescribed in the 1947 UN Resolution 181, known as Partition Resolution. They occupied most of the lands prescribed to the Arab state of Palestine, particularly Galilee, most of the Gaza Strip (which included a strip extending north to Isdood), a lot of the West Bank (particularly the Jerusalem corridor), and the the Auja area south east of Gaza Strip.

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