Home > A History lesson for Anti-War Ninnys

A History lesson for Anti-War Ninnys

by Open-Publishing - Friday 2 September 2005

Wars and conflicts USA History

Nov. 19, 1863
Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who died here that the nation might live. This we may, in all propriety do. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have hallowed it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is rather for us the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

To those misguided souls - ninnys and partisans of intolerance who support the dreams and ambitions of the terrorists. Stop trying to cleanse your conscience with the hollow refrains of "we support the troops". In this war on terrorism, you are taking up sides with the army of intolerance and hate - the jihadists.

Brave men and women have sacrificed to fight terrorism. Some have paid the ultimate price and given their very lives. And you DESECRATE their memory. Read Lincoln’s words. In Iraq, Afganistan, the Pentagon, WTC, and in an airplane of the fields of Pennsylvania, brave passengers, police, firefighters, soldiers, sailors and marines have "given their lives that a nation might live".

And so, we decided to join in another great war - this time to combat forces of intolerance and hatred. We did not embark, we just belated entered the war. The war began when people of hate killed our Marines in Lebanon - men who came in peace. The next battle was a truck bomb attack on the WTC... and the bombing of the USS Cole. The greatest victory of the forces of intolerance and hatred was to wage war without us recognozing we were at war, or at least to not participate.

So...the noble cause to which many have given their lives - to rid the world of terrorists. No need to speak of WMD. They just don’t matter. The army that has been waging war on us with impunity since the Reagan administration has finally been answered in battle! And from the ends of world they come to Iraq. And we kill them.

Are things tough - yes. Is this an easy war - no. Are we succeeding? We are at least as successful as Mr. Lincoln’s war was prior to the battle at Gettysburg. And then too...your intellectual predecessors were willing to support and accept the intolerance of slavery...if we would just end the war. Mr. Lincolns response was to declare with resolve that the opponents of intolerance and hate stay the course and perservere, that ..."we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

And a noble and just cause it is.

God bless our troops, bring them victory and safe passage home.

And to the terrorists dogs...may the USMC grant you your 72 virgins, and may they come with 72 mothers-in-law.

Forum posts

  • War on Terrorism, Yes! War for Oil and Territory in the Middle East and Asia, No! And that is what this war is really about, isn’t it? Haven’t you realised yet that the terrorism has increased as a result of the illegal wars that the USA has started? Or are you so blinded by "patriotism" (aka nationalism), that you are prepared to sacrifice any number of human beings in its name?

    • If the United States is about oil and Middle East territory, wouldn’t it have made sense to KEEP KUWAIT???? Why did we give it back? What we really need is oil refining capacity to oil our capitalistic economy. How many oil refineries are we occupying??? I’m sorry, you are just wrong.

      You need to study the history of radical Islam, which defames the peace loving people of Muslim faith. They need no excuse to hate.

      Answer me this...Who were we at war with when the army of hate and intolerance murdered our Marines in Beirut? Were we not there at the request of the Lebanese people to help sustain a very tentative peace? How many illegal wars have Sudan waged worldwide?

      Face it - if you are a secularist they HATE you and want you dead because you support abortion. They hate me and want me dead because I am a "cross worshiper" and oppose abortion. They HATE you and WANT you dead if you are a secularist because you permit or support pornography, they HATE me because I oppose it as a "cross worshiper". They hate Shiite muslims because...well who exactly knows except they are INTOLERANT and HATE anyone who is not like them. Anyhone who is not ....well them is a "great Satan". From the civility of your post I assume that you are too decent a person to throw you support to the army of hate and intolerance. Both you and I are judged by the people and causes we choose to support.


    • Funny, but the hate seems to be coming from you. Muslims I have personally known are kind and tolerant people, which, unfortunately, does not apply to you as a "cross lover." As a Christian, I find your lack of tolerance painful. It seems that "love your neighbour" has been forgotten by many, even though it is something I attempt to practice every day, not always with the success I would hope for. So, no, I am not a secularist; neither am I intolerant. Nor do I use capital letters to shout at people.

    • Neither do you read closely. Look above and you will see I wrote "You need to study the history of radical Islam, which defames the peace loving people of Muslim faith. They need no excuse to hate."

      Notice the clear distinction I draw between "radical Islam" and "peace loving people of Muslim faith". I too live and work with peace loving people with an AUTHENTIC Muslim faith (note emphasis not shouting). Not all Muslims are radical, jihadist Muslims. I have NEVER denounced authentic Muslims let alone hate them. Read my posts and prove me wrong (although in Charity I believe you must admit you have judged me wrong.

      Who is intolerant? The jihadist, radical Islamic terrorists are intolerant of women, Christians, securlarists, and even other Muslims. I guarantee you that the radical Muslims coming into Iraq from Syria would love nothing more that slaughter your peace loving Muslim friends because they practice authentic, peaceful Islam.

      The proof of my arguement can be seen in Isreal today. Why is it that Muslims can (and have)lived in peace amongst Jews in Isreali settlements, but the Jews cannot live in peace amongst a Muslim controlled community and must be forcibly expelled? Reflect on this questions. The answer will tell you who is intolerant. And as a Christian, you too should stand with me against the intolerance and hatred of radical Islam. They blaspheme Allah with their murder, hatred and intolerance.

  • Thought we were told at the U.N. that you wanted to go into iraq for W.M.D.-remember Colin’s speach?Now I don’t think you want to leave.You gotta put gas in your S.U.V.’s.Mr.Chavez should watch out or he might get a taste of liberty from Rummy and the boys real soon.Get your men out of Baghdad and onto the Mexican Gulf Coast.

  • Bullsh..t. If you’re so certain that Iraq is about defending freedom IN AMERICA, then sign up for the military and git yo @$$ off to Baghdad. Otherwise you are just plain blowin’ wind. Go on, send YOUR sons and daughters off to die with you. Even after Bush himself just admitted it was about oil. Go for it. I’m sure you will be welcomed with flowers and cotton candy when you get there, oh Defender Of Our Liberty. Boogey on over. Hurry on up, now, they’re waiting for ya...

    • I’m sorry you have difficulty reading and comprehending. I HAVE sent my only son, he is in IRAQ defending YOU as we speak. I am a veteran of the US Military who volunteered and am now too old to serve. You are my proof that war opponents are die-hard supporters of intolerance and hatred. Grow up and wake up! And STOP desecrating the memory of our fallen heroes.


    • Do you buy everything Bush says? When did Iraq attack us? with terrorism? 9/11? No No No sweety, that was the other we are in at present moment. Remember Taliban? Remember Osama? Neither are centered in Iraq. No, the other war that is on terrorism, I fully support that war, but apparrently our president doesn’t, cause he decided to get us into two wars, take away the focus on the real war on terrorist and focus on Iraq.

      It’s sad, Bushy thinks that we are all stupid to think that just because Iraq’s people have the same religion/skin color as the terrorist that attacked us on Sept 11. that we would just automatically be duped to thinking that Iraq was responsible for 9/11 as well. It’s so sad that people actually buy into it.

      My heart does go out to you, with your son being there, and I realize that you have to keep some sort of faith in your president to justify the "what ifs" or you couldn’t sleep at night. How could you if you didn’t believe that what he and your son was doing was right. If you want to keep that false sence, then go for it. If it helps you get through the next couple of years, then by all means. I know for a fact this is how a lot of the men over there are getting through as well. They have to believe what they are doing is right, or they wouldn’t be able to do it. A lot know something is fishy, but they have to push it out of their heads to stay alive. This is how we can say we support our troops, but not support the war. They got sent there because they were brave to step up to the plate to serve our country, and we respect that. We don’t respect the fact that our president is using them for other uses other than protecting our own people and soil.

    • I guess you think shooting and bombing innocent women and children is showing tolerance don’t you you deluded vicious "Christian".

      And most of you phony arm chair generals lie like Bush does about having been in the military, or having children in the military. You are probably one of those phony bullshit artists since you come here to claim you are tolerant yet you like violence and destruction for lies.

    • No, I think bombing innocent women and children is a horrible offense against the dignity of the human person. Read my comments about the innocent Marines in Beiruit on a mission of peace and mercy. Unless you are like the idiot professor who equates the workers in the WTC to Nazis, then you will also find the bombing of the WTC and slaughter of innocents.

      This is the problem that none you have yet to address. We are dealing with people whose level of hatred and disrespect for others (who are not like them) is beyond belief. They are capable of blindfolding a journalist, forcing him to his knees, and with him alive to suffer - hacking his head off with multiple blows from a machete.

      You offer no solutions to this. The years from Beiruit to 911 prove that laissez-faire will not placate these radical jihadists. "Ignore them and they’ll go away" is not an option. War should always be the last option. I believe that the invasion of Kuwait was an example of the last option. The world community, via the UN resolutions placed demands on Iraq. They were ignored and time had long past to enforce them.

      As to my being a phony bullshit artist - my only son left got on a bus last Thursday at 4am to go to Iraq. I saw the brave men, and their brave wives - some so pregnant that they look like they were going to give birth in the parking lot. And your positions and lack of support for their noble efforts are hurtful and harmful to these unselfish heros. You hurt morale and this can lead to our troops harm.

      Finally two points. I am not in the miliarty now, are you? Are you volunteering to go to Iraq with an aid agency to help those suffering innocents for whom you claim to be an advocate? Perhaps you and I are both armchair advocates.

      One of the defining aspects of the US Constitution is civilian control of the military. Do you suggest that I must be a general or a warrior to have and speak an opinion on when we make war and when we settle peace?

    • You just don’t get it do you dumb ass....NO, I am not in Iraq and neither should our government/military be there either. The Iraqis do not want us there. They are a proud and capable people with a long history and a high culture. We need to give them the jobs of fixing our mess, they have a 50% unemployment rate there, and we have destroyed their country with our terriorism. We need to get the hell out of there and stop killing people for Bushco.

      Your son is a fool, the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree......

  • I just now see that this is a European website? I did not realize this was not a US based website. I thought I was speaking to my own countrymen. I apologize for posting here, I would not expect you to relate to Mr. Lincolns Gettysburg address or see how it should apply to the thoughts and deeds of US Citizens.

    Further, I realize that what is appropriate for respectful dialogue and disagreement between fellow citizens might give offense to peoples of other nations. I regret my misunderstanding, and assure you that if any offense was taken, it was not intended - please realize that I thought I was speaking within my own family.

    Please accept my humble apologies. I will withdraw from further conversationsations and leave this site for peace loving Europeans. Even if we, as a community of nations, disagree on the best means to achieve a JUST peace - certainly we can all agree to pray for the day of peace to come.


    • Screw you and the soulless administration you blindly follow, MORON!

    • Well, yet another example of the intelligent thought process and debating skills of the warriors of hate and intolerance. You have no solutions, you have nothing to offer as a way to stop terrorism - any hate and intolerance. Blind follower of terrorists!


    • How to stop terrorism -make all US personnel stay within US borders.

    • YESSS...that approach seems to have worked well for Isreal. Glad that having all their troops within their borders has kept them from invasion and terrorism.


    • Only on this excellent web site are the likes of you given the opportunity to voice your misguided opinion. My compliments to the Bellaciao comrades for their openmindedness. Your jingoistic comments serve as a reminder that the problems rational people face are many. You, "Ubipetros," a dumb, weenie name by the way, are one of these problems.

    • Yes, your "comrades" are oozing with open-mindedness, tolerance, and most of all high-minded cogent arguments. (as opposed to dumb, weenie arguements). You are indeed a model of intellectual debate. Go get ’em Tiger.

    • God, I thought you said you were going to leave....but you’re still here...don’t let the door hit you in the ass.....you need to go to the Bush Sycophant sites or the military sites, you are quite right, you don’t belong here.

    • In other words...You’re not like us. We don’t want your kind here. Free speech really means "our speech". You are proving my point, anti-war crowd is dominated by people who support the most intolerant terrorists and jihadist because you are intolerant.


    • Petrooooz,you and your heros are "oozing" with bullshit. That is their only attribute, you’re a lot like them. You’re stinking up the place, go do your "business" elsewhere.

  • Many of us have sons and daughters serving in the Middle East. My son has been in the army/marines for close to 15 years.

    Every day I meet people who are supporing impeachment of Bush, do to the fact that the reason for this war was falsified. Most of the people believe that the 9-11 disaster was falsified. We have men and women who represent our government who know this war is a lie and sit by idly and allow this to happen. This makes them as guilty as the president. God has given man a soul, and that soul will burn with the wrong that is being done to the American people.

    Is Bush the representative for the AntiChrist to come?

    • Bless you and your son for his service. Where is he serving? I will pray for his protection.


    • "....Nov. 19, 1863 Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers...", had finished killing the native americans and stealing their land, then they began to spread out across the globe starting wars everywhere, that they might feed the war machine.

    • So you are just a liar like Bush is....you said you were through posting here we took you at your word, and it turns out you are just a bullshit artist afterall.

  • Stop humping your mother, or is that your sister? Open and read some books, try to lose some of your ignorance and arrogance, talk to people who have studied socialology, biology and history. And as to your comment "USMC will give you your 72 virgins"; you are a dumb motherfu***r. The supposed mightiest military in history of mankind is held at bay, bogged down by a people with no army, navy, airforce, marines, satellites, f-16’s, 18’s, stealth bombers, warships, carriers, "nucular missles’. Why are you posting here, Rush Limbaugh is calling you, he wants his dolphin waxed

    • How can I argue with such persuasive rhetoric? Nowwwww I see it clearly... You’ve totally rebutted my positions and I have no choice but to tell the other members of the vast right wing conspiracy that I resign. How could I have been so blind.....

      As I asserted to begin with, the peace loving, tolerant, social and educational elitists who oppose the war are in truth supporting hateful and intolerant terrorists because that is their nature. I wonder if any "socialologists" are studying the enlightenment manifest on this page.


      PS: Are you perhaps a mother in law that was insulted by my 72 mothers-in-law comment?

      To other, reasonable posters who walk upright - do you see the kind of person you are associating yourselves with???

      PSS: Your friends the terrorists want you dead too. Sorry.

    • Ubipetros:
      I actually liked your comment about 72 mothers-in-law. Funny. But I must respectfully disagree with your underlying premise: that we went to war based on WMD in Iraq, and that going there would be the best way to defeat terrorism, or at least control it. Hussein was a ruthless, brutal dictator. But there was no clear and present danger of our being attacked by Hussein or Iraqis. Iraq, unlike the war between the states, did not pose any threat to life and limb on either side. there was no terrorist staging ground in Iraq before we invaded.

      Now, sadly, by invading Iraq rather than staying in Afghanistan and pursuing the true enemies of humanity, I believe that we have created the very scenario we all dreaded, namely that very expansion of the extremist Islamic sects who believe that suicide bombings in the name of Allah and jihad will deliver them into heaven for eternity. I don’t believe that this faction is religious at all. I think they are using Allah’s name in vain and are perpetrating crimes against humanity. As Bin Laden did, and wishes to do again and again. It seems to me that your statement, "From the ends of the world they come to Iraq" leaves off the part, "thanks to the U.S."

      I also think there are real parallels here in the U.S., with extremist Fundamentalist "Christians" such as Pat Robertson calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. I believe that is a treasonous statement. As is Robert Novak’s outing Valerie Plame’s name as a CIA operative in his news column. To me, that kind of action seriously jeopardizes the workings of the agency (CIA) that is supposed to defend our national interests.

      Can you understand why people are suspicious of an administration that fights a war in Afghanistan and then suddenly veers 90 degrees to the left and attacks a sovereign nation, sending 150,000 American troops to fight a war that appears to be for control of the oil in the region? And that the day of 9/11 the Saudi Royal Family were the only people who were allowed to travel, while we Americans were not? And the Downing Street memo? On and on. A lot of unanswered questions. Calling demonstators and protesters unamerican and traitors? That is what we have fought and died for. Freedom of speech. I want you to keep an open mind about this.

      Ubipetros, I am offended by your calling me an "Anti-War Ninny". Not that there’s anything wrong with being a pacifist, but your pejorative words do not help a true dialogue from which we may both come away with something positive and useful. Additionally, I think the lesson you have tried to teach is really inapplicable in this case, as stated above.

      I hope you can read my words with reason and reflection. I await your reply,


    • Jkmkay,

      Finally, a voice of reason with cogent arguments. I was beginning to despair that any difference of opinion could be treated with anything other high school locker room trash talk.

      I am not a GW Bush fan, although I agree with him more than I disagree I do not approve of how he has handled some parts of this war. I think that the US Congress is to held in even higher disregard for dereliction of duty in how we entered this war. They basically wrote a blank check and deferred their duty to the opinion of the president. That way they would not have to make a decision, would not look like they stood idly by after we were attacked, but rather leave the decision the president in a way that they could wash their hands clean and criticize if it went poorly and take credit if things go well. Cowards. Go read the resolutions that should have been a clear cut declaration of war.

      Now, was there a justification to go to war with Saddam? Muliple. UN resoloution after UN resoloution demanding compliance went unverified. Each had military consequences for non-compliance. The world forgets that the burden of proof for WMD was on Saddam, and he never provided the proof that he complied. The UN will never be effective in preventing war if tyrants see they can ignore the resolutions meant to force peaceful compliance. Saddam was providing a training ground and safe have for the terrorists - before 9/11 and after the invasion of Afghanistan. Iraqi intelligence were known to meet with Al Qaida in Europe before the attacks.

      There can be debate about how we went, but I think that both Bill Clinton and GW Bush sincerely thought that there were WMD. So they went with good intentions, but either were mistaken or Saddam hid or moved the WMD.

      For the sake of discussion let’s grant you all your claims and assume the worst, Bush lied about WMD and the entree to this war was based on false premises. (I do not agree, but lets make the assumption for the sake of discussion) So the question becomes what now? Do we leave now because the premises are false? Do we leave before the Iraqi infrastructure is rebuilt? Do we leave before the Iraqi’s have a sovreign democratic government?

      I’m sure you will say that we at least should continue to rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure so they have adequate water/sewar, electricity, schools etc. Extremists are blowing up the pipelines and murdering those in the relief effort. Should we work unarmed? Or leave? What of the Iraqi government? Leave and risk anarchy and civil war?

      None of these issues answers my fundamental question. What of the extremists that would like you and me dead? How would you deal with them? Fear and the erosion of personal freedoms to increase security is a pitiful substitute to eliminating the forces of hatred and intolerance. If you know there is a mugger around the corner and you hope that if you ignore him he will leave you alone you get mugged. A reasonable person will due something to prevent it. A ninny walks the same road, with the same false hope, with the same results. Give me your solution. I am open to alternatives, but the liberals have only hatred for Bush and "No WMD lets leave". No solutions.

      I think that we should rather see the potential power in a free and soverign Iraq. Given time, such an Iraqi government could develop the ability to secure its own borders and establish the rule of law. The freedom of the Iraqi people would propel others in the region on the slippery slope to true freedom and democracy.

      As for freedom of speech, I’ve seen your side protesting in Saratoga Springs, NY. One person had an Abortion sign in the back of the crowd. One of your protesters, a guardian of free speech and tolerance, was up in the young mans face waving his "peace" sign to block the anti-abortion sign. So much for free speech.

  • It is time for humankind to evolve. Waring is primitive and animalistic. Educated people should be able to resolve conflict by non violent means for the good of all people by now,

    The first step is to stop glorifying war.There is nothing glorious about being too unintelligent to resolve problems in a civilized manner. Glorifying war is backward and primitive and the sign of low intelligence. People need to start regarding war as socially unacceptable and demand that all governments cease their aggressive violent corrupt ways or be thrown out of power, and be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

    The earth is a magnificent creation and people are stupid and unappreciative. We can all imagine a world where there is enough for everyone to have a beautiful life experience. Tragically some think they are entitled to horde, take more than they are even able to use, have nothing but scorn and malice for their own kind. They are the ones who are bad caretakers of our mother earth. Their motto is "Let’s sell mother". We do not need this kind of human, they are like weeds in a beautiful garden, they must be weeded out and eliminated one by one until their ways are a thing of the past.

    • Yes, you are correct people should be able to resolve conflict by non violent means. Would you mind pointing this out to Al Qaida and maybe stop by a radical Islamic mosque where they are teaching children that they have a duty to hate and kill infidels?

      War is repulsive and not to be glorified or entered into lightly. It should be avoided at all cost. What should be socially unacceptable is terrorism.

      The earth and all of the universe is a glorious work of beauty and intricacy that reflects and points to the beauty and glory of its Creator. And love of Creator should result in love of mankind that prompts us to share the wealth of the earth. But who are you talking about “weeding out”? Me? George Bush? And what means do you advocate for undertaking this “weeding out”? We need to “weed out” the terrorists – any suggestions???


    • Stop humping your mother, or is that your sister? Open and read some books, try to lose some of your ignorance and arrogance, talk to people who have studied socialology, biology and history. And as to your comment "USMC will give you your 72 virgins"; you are a dumb motherfu***r. The supposed mightiest military in history of mankind is held at bay, bogged down by a people with no army, navy, airforce, marines, satellites, f-16’s, 18’s, stealth bombers, warships, carriers, "nucular missles’. Why are you posting here, Rush Limbaugh is calling you, he wants his dolphin waxed

      I am extremely sorry UBI PETROS that this is the kind of discourse that certain type of people resort to. Specially these anti-var ninnys. They can’t spell ’socialology’ or ’ninnys’ correctly. But you are totally righteous, you f**cking dumb, sisterf***ing, motherfu***ing, BOOOSH and WhoreReilly cocksuc***g, discharge of human waste, fu*k you. Take your pearls of wisdom and shove it up Laura Bush’s ass with your tongue. If another US soldier has to die in that fu*king desert I hope it is your son. Not some eighteen year old kid who has no idea how and why he is there. Oh and by the way if any US soldier gets captured in Iraq I hope it is your son. The fuc*ing ninny that I am, I will have a great laugh watching your son standing on a box with a hood on his head, naked, with wires attached to his balls. Then for a finale, I hope i get back in time with my popcorn to see your son get beaten to death. Again you Boosh shit eating motherfu**er open books, learn and enlighten yourself. Stop watching FAUX news. Try not to comment on things you know nothing off. If you must, stick to limbaugh, oreilly and hannity where you will get support. Again I insist you fuc**ng go to hell and take the christian Taliban and the republican Party with you.

      King Iwillfuckya

  • "And so, we decided to join in another great war - this time to combat forces of intolerance and hatred. We did not embark, we just belated entered the war. The war began when people of hate killed our Marines in Lebanon - men who came in peace. The next battle was a truck bomb attack on the WTC... and the bombing of the USS Cole. The greatest victory of the forces of intolerance and hatred was to wage war without us recognozing we were at war, or at least to not participate."

    Unbridled tripe.

    Typical prattling of the Neocon terrorists within the administration. These deviants deceived the nation, and the world.

    To quote Wolfowitz, one of the prime achitects of the war,"For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on" (Vanity Fair, May 2003).

    "WMD" now means (W)ashington’s (M)onumental (D)eception.

    Neocon traitors repeatedly tried to link Iraq to the events of "9-11".

    More lies.

    Washington’s neocon fascists had better exercise their right to return, and get out before they are tried and convicted for treason.

  • Ubipetros: What does it mean? Whereby rocky? Everpresent stone? Everpresent petroleum exploiter? You have no real job, I see. Otherwise, you could not respond so quickly & thoroughly to all the replies that your hapless post has elicited on this particular blog. And you don’t have much of a family life either, for the same reason. I guess your buddies on the golf course are tired of hearing your rants, and posting on that neocon blog is so incredibly boring, isn’t it? So, you’ve decided to take your ’war’ to the people who you consider are your real enemy; all those Americans who haven’t been brainwashed by your mainstream media. You’d like to see us all dead, wouldn’t you? Or at least marched off to a FEMA camp. We don’t die easy, Mr. All Rocks-in-Head. But you should be careful where your globalist rhetoric leads you.

    You & your kind are the problem. Not the terrorists. Not the Muslims. And definitely not patriotic Americans who have stood up against this godless, criminal war and a iying administration. For the last 45 years, if not more, the people you support, the political class, have taken our money for any fraudulent ’War’ their busy, greedy little minds could conjure; War on Poverty, War on Drugs, War on Terrorism, to the tune of a $7 trillion deficit, a monstrous debt load which increases by over a billion dollars a day, and all you pathetic Enforcers of ’Democracy’, (in reality highly paid parasites, hypocrites and bullies), all you end up creating with this borrowed money is more poverty, more drugs and more terrorists.

    Your political class, your Beloved Elite, in both parties, represent Catastrophic Failure of the nth degree. And denying this basic reality is to exhibit a new magnitude of self-delusion that likes of which history has never known. The Germans of Nazi Germany, nor the Russians of Soviet Russia had at their command the knowledge the common American has at his disposal. Their ignorance entitled them to a measure of understanding & compassion history will not give us, if we continue to submit ourselves to the insatiable, grasping power of ’our’ Federal Government, and the globalists that are its true masters. There is no excuse for any intelligent American, knowing as much we do about our world, to submit to such reality-denying, deluded arguments Ubipestilence exhibits here.

    Many Americans, true conservatives and libertarians, see too clearly what you and your Beloved Elite have been doing to our great nation since before WWII. We know you for what you really are: The exploiters of the American people, the enforcers of Globalism. And no amount of spin-trash quotes from Enforcer-Goon types like yourself can obfuscate that glaring truth.

    You can quote Lincoln all you want, you can hide behind your son’s service in Iraq, if you want. But we can see you for what you really are: a totalitarian sympathizer. A Trotskyite. A turncoat, a traitor. Go back to that X-Boxer, war mongering blog hole from whence you came, Mr. Rocks-in-his-Head. There are quite a few American veterans, millions actually, God bless them, who also see right through you, right through your hypocrisy and bullying ’intellectual’ arguments. It’s your freedom of speech, not ours that you want to protect. It’s your high-on-the-hog lifestyle you want to protect not the lot of the average American who now must make do with a faltering dollar and a desperate future, much of it caused by your blasphemous war. Remember, we have fought real battles, not ’virtual’ ones, Ubibellicose. My kind are not easily frightened by the likes of you, Ubidementos, so it’s best to keep your hatred and your belligerent attitude to yourself, or vent it back on your favorite Fake-Combat game-lovers blog. No one’s denying you that choice.

    Let me make myself plain: This is also our country as well, not just yours and your neocon friends. And neither does it belong to the thieving multi-nationals who in reality you represent. And we are claiming our country back. Peacefully, democratically and with dignity, we are claiming our country back. Capice, Ubipestos? And a lot sooner than you think. Go to www.militaryproject.org, or www.vai.org, www.avaw.net, UbiPestilence, and find out quickly what the average American GI thinks about both your false ’War on Terror’ and what they think about you and your blasphemous defense of this immoral and unjust war.

    Civil War, you say, Ubibellicose? Is that want you want, or is Martial Law really what you want? That’s it, Martial Law, then. That would definitely keep the riff-raff off the streets. No more ’Anti-war ninnies’ to worry about and their ’Alternative’ media. That would definitely help you get some sleep at night. Martial Law is what you really want, for it will make this totalitarian state you and your neocon friends have been building these past 45 years an everyday reality for all. If this is the case, that Martial Law or Civil War are the only choices that the Ubipestos, the neo-cons of the world can give us, then many Americans, hundreds of millions I dare say, will have to take to the streets. The sooner this nightmare world of lies, death, delusion and misery you and your masters have unleashed is over, the better. To quote your demented President, "Bring it on". Bring it on, Ubipestos, bring it on.

    Here’s another quote for you, Ubi-irrumator, from Thomas Jefferson: "Those who sacrifice their freedom for security, deserve neither". The Ubidemented amongst us have precisely done that for our country, by allowing something called the USA Patriot Act to be the law of the land. The USA Patriot Act, the greatest oxymoron in US history. The greatest betrayal in US history.

    Any reply to this particular post would be wasted, Ubipestos. Unlike you, I have a lot of life yet to live, and I intend never again to waste even one more precious thought or one more fleeting second with Ubiblights and Ubidementoses, such as yourself, and their facetious and deceitful ’arguments’. To quote JRR Tolkien, "I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm".

    • Game, set and match to 24***113*** . Amen, brother.

    • 24...113, thank you for putting into form what most of us think....may you help others to have the clear vision to defend our country and take it back for the people.

    • In other words, we want to be mind-numbed ditto heads, but we don’t have a Rush Limbaugh. Will you please be our Rush Limbaugh??? Pleeeeaaasse???? If we have you to tell us how to talk, maybe we won’t have to curse, be vulgar, and spew hatred.

      And so much for freedom of speech you hypoticrital guardians of civil liberties. After the Al Qaida operative spewed the filth above, the peace loving, tolerant guardian of open-mindedness blocked my IP from posting here.

      Glad to see the outpouring of your moral outrage at the post advocating and taking joy in the prospect of terrorists torturing Americans. You may not be tolerant of different, reasonable opinions, but at least you have the moral courage to allow terrorists in your midst.

      Good riddance. You are all hypocrites. I hope that your "rush" retains control of the Democratic party. You will never be in power for several generations.


    • It would have been fun to engage you in an exchange of ideas. I like your wit. Too bad the webmaster and protecter of morality and free speech has shut my IP out from posting immediately after the filth a few posts back. Just as well I wasn’t permitted to respond to him on the spot. I bet your proud of the company you keep.

      Your post does make me curious - Northeastern Ivy League elitist faculty??? Na, you’d have figured out the latin in Ubipetros. Maybe an elitist faculty at a liberal community college? Perhaps SUNY.

      Wait, maybe a real-live TV star or media elite? Babs? Sean Penn? Michael Moore himself??? No, I temp myself to pride to think I would draw that level of elitist.

      Anyway, you never answered my basic point - solve the fact that evil people want you dead and want me dead. I hope you and your kind stay in the DNC leadership. The people of the US will evaluate your opinions (which seem to be only "we hate Bush", "we hate America"). If the DNC pulls off a win in the Congress of the Executive branch in the midterms or next pres election, I will post here again to say I was wrong and give you and your dittoheads a well deserved chance to gloat. (as if).

      Kind regards,

      Ubi Petros ibi ecclesiastes est....

      PS: Rebuke the scumbag a few posts back and let me see what kind of philosophy is behind your reasonbly presented comments. Back to being suppressed....Free speech and tolerance for all!!!