Home > A.N.S.W.E.R.’s response to Bush: Hit the Streets September 24!

A.N.S.W.E.R.’s response to Bush: Hit the Streets September 24!

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 29 June 2005

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts International USA

Recognizing that the people of the United States have turned dramatically against the war and occupation of Iraq, Bush went on national television tonight to defend his imperial foreign policy. He repeatedly invoked September 11 as a pretext for the criminal and illegal war against Iraq. Bush took to the airwaves tonight because the antiwar movement is growing in strength. Our power poses a major political obstacle to the continuation of the war and occupation. Now Bush has taken on the additional role of Recruiter-in-Chief, urging young people to sign up for military service and replenish the dwindling ranks of the newly enlisted.

Tonight Bush’s speech was before a military audience. It comes twenty-five months after he used a military audience as a photo-opportunity. At that time, May 1, 2003, Bush landed aboard the USS aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln to announce, under the boldly painted banner, "Mission Accomplished," that major combat operations had ended in Iraq. Now with the blood of 100,000 dead Iraqis and more than 1,700 U.S. soldiers on his hands, and a population that no longer believes his recycled rationales, Bush is compelled to justify the ongoing military conflict and occupation in Iraq. With the old pretexts - that is, the old lies - so completely exposed, Bush tonight resorted to the constant referencing of September 11.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), which has organized the largest mass antiwar demonstrations in Washington DC during the last four years, was formed on September 14, 2001. A.N.S.W.E.R. represented the convergence of those organizations and individuals around the country (numbering in the tens of thousands) who immediately took to the streets to expose Bush’s manipulation of September 11 and oppose the slogan of "war on terrorism." This mobilization took place at a time when there was great pressure within the U.S. peace movement to be silent and not speak out against the coming imperialist war drive. All those who stood together in those early days of September have since reached out to their friends, families, neighbors, classmates and co-workers to successfully educate others, to broaden and expand this mass antiwar movement. Now we are ready to take the next step.

On September 24 in Washington DC there will be a mass mobilization at the White House. There will be coordinated actions at the same time in San Francisco and Los Angeles. This demonstration, initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition and now joined by thousands across the country, is coming together at the critical moment for our movement. Waiting for the politicians is a dead end. The people must act and deepen the popular antiwar sentiment until it becomes the most potent force in the current political equation.

The September 24 demonstration will have its place in history not only as an expression of the changing political climate in the U.S. but also as an expression of great unity. Marching together and sharing leadership on September 24 will be Arab-American and Muslim communities, unions, military families, veterans, students and youth, and antiwar, social justice and civil rights groups. The September 24 National Coalition has formed to work together in solidarity and support for this important demonstration. Urge your friends to join in this important united effort and show the world the power of our rapidly developing peoples’ movement. Rejecting the right-wing’s efforts at division, the people can become the most powerful political force - and that is Bush’s greatest fear.

What you can do right now:
Six ways to get involved and make a difference

1) Send this email to your friends and families. Ask them to endorse the demonstration and join with millions of others in the U.S. who now oppose the war in Iraq and want it to be brought to an end. Sign up to get critical email updates on the mobilization and how you can plug in.

2) Start organizing people to come with you to Washington DC on September 24. Help spread the word to others about transportation options from your city by filling out the Transportation Form on the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition website.

3) Contact the A.N.S.W.E.R. office for a free packet of organizing materials - flyers, posters, stickers and more - so you can start handing them out, leaving stacks, and posting them wherever you can: on bulletin boards, at school, at work, in the supermarket, your local cafe, your church, mosque or synagogue. Download flyers from the A.N.S.W.E.R. website.

4) Join a street outreach team this weekend or organize one in your town. In Washington DC email dc@internationalanswer.org or call 202-544-3389, in New York City email nyc@internationalanswer.org or call 212-533-0417, in San Francisco email sf@internationalanswer.org or call 415-821-6545, and in Los Angeles email la@internationalanswer.org or call 323-464-1636. If you live in another city, email info@internationalanswer.org for details and tips on how to get started.

5) Please make a donation today - we urgently need your help to bring this war to an end. The Bush administration has billions of dollars that they have taken from us to fund their war and line the pockets of war profiteers. It is up to us to fund the fight for true justice and peace. Please take a moment and make a donation through our secure server, where you can also obtain information to write a check.

6) September 24 - 12 noon - White House - BE THERE!

The leadership of the September 24 National Coalition includes the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition, National Council of Arab-Americans (NCA), Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation, Haiti Support Network, Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, National Lawyers Guild, Al Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Mexicanos Sin Fronteras / Mexicans Without Borders, Women’s Anti-Imperialist League (WAIL), and A.N.S.W.E.R. Youth and Student National Coalition.