by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 14 March 2007
1 comment

Discriminations-Minorit. USA

For years Americans sat back while gay organizations moved in to fill the vaccum of inaction. Very few people cared as long as gay’s only wanted to live their own choices
as long as it was kept that way. Now these angry vicious groups are pushing their agenda
onto everyone. Forcing states to give them special rights against voters will. Forcing companies to accept and give special treatment to gays. Changing your childrens views by
making school books about homosexuals against parents desires. Showing up in movies,
hosting the Oscars, TV shows.

Recently the News networks have made their top stories about people who speak out about
the gay lifestyle. The actor who was forced to apologize and seek councile, General Case,
and others.

A gay video that a fellow made I knew stated "We are in your churches, your schools, get use to us." It was an in your face militant attitude. These are not sweet little miss treated
individuals. They have a social problem. They need help. So the answer is not to fight them
with fists. What people need to do is stand up against them. Stop buying products from
companies that support gay agendas. Vote out gay politicians and those intimidated by them. The gay groups are weak paper tigers. They only make up 1% of the population yet they make themselves heard. Squeeky wheel gets the oil. So Speak up. Stop school officials who want to force agenda on your kids. When enough people get up and say enough these groups will flee. They are like highschool bullies.

Make a stand. Even Walmart is giving in. But hay it is only because someone yelled at Walmart. You can yell too.


Stand up write flood your politician and news companies with letters.

Forum posts

  • "Big Darkness Come Soon"
    Hunter S. Thompson said shortly before his death:
    "It is genuinely incredible. The U.S. Treasury is empty, we are losing that stupid, fraudulent chickencrap War in Iraq, and every country in the world except a handful of Corrupt Brits despises us. We are losers, and that is the one unforgivable sin in America...Beyond that, we have lost the respect of the world and lost two disastrous wars in three years. Afghanistan is lost, Iraq is a permanent war Zone, our national Economy is crashing all around us, the Pentagon’s "war strategy" has failed miserably, nobody has any money to spend, and our once-mighty U.S. America is paralyzed by Mutinies in Iraq and even Fort Bragg...The American nation is in the worst condition I can remember in my lifetime, and our prospects for the immediate future are even worse. I am surprised and embarrassed to be a part of the first American generation to leave the country in far worse shape than it was when we first came into it. Our highway system is crumbling, our police are dishonest, our children are poor, our vaunted Social Security, once the envy of the world, has been looted and neglected and destroyed by the same gang of ignorant greed-crazed bastards who brought us Vietnam, Afghanistan, the disastrous Gaza Strip and ignominious defeat all over the world. The Stock Market will never come back, our Armies will never again be No. 1, and our children will drink filthy water for the rest of our lives...Big Darkness Come Soon."