by Open-Publishing - Thursday 6 July 2006
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Media-Network Wars and conflicts USA

FOX NEWS is the self proclaimed network that America turns to for fair and balanced news' ....Is hiring war-mongering DLC Democrats toface-off ’ against war-mongering GOP neocons an exhibition of balance ? ...FAIR AND BALANCED ?.... How are the paid ,debauched `on-air personalities’ at FOX NEWS able to utter such errant nonsense without cracking up on air ? ..... Where do they find human refuse - so desperate for face time on TV as to traduce their self respect ?... They are BOBBLE-HEADS receiving BAWBLES in exchange for babbling neocon lies to FOX’S core audience - AMERICA’S BIGGEST MORONS ... THE GLASS-EYED BUSH CULTISTS ... Oh I forgot , prostitution is the world’s oldest profession , ain’t it ? ....... One has to admit a certain grudging respect for these liars .... .. They brainwashed Americans into believing that IRAQ posessed WMD - thus creating the false casus belli for the installation of US Troops into that hellhole ..... Having set the trap , the FOXSTERS now pretend that they are the troops greatest supporters ..... The NEWS Channel bedecked in red, white and blue ? ....... In reality , FOX is and always will be the channel America turns to for journalism - of the dark yellow tint ...... Owing to FOX , there will be a steady increase in the number of US Troops they will so ostentaciously honor each Veterans and Memorial Days ....... Their lies planted the seeds for effusions of blood ..... red journalism ?

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