by Open-Publishing - Friday 25 November 2005

Wars and conflicts International Prison Governments

An open letter to senator Liebermann
Dear senate Liebermann

I saw your press conference with the Iraqi prime minister, from which I understand that:-

1-You are concerned about the future of Iraqis. If so, please visit the detainees in Abu-Graib and Bucca prisons, where number exceeded 14,000. More than 98% of them are there without any charges, no access to lawyers. The red cross and Iraqi crescent are not allowed to visit them. Moreover, the Iraqi security forces, backed by the USA troops, have detained ten of thousands of innocent Iraqis.
The Iraqis believe in those who are “really concerned” about thier future and not those who “speak” about that.
2-You are proud of the USA achievments in Iraq. The Iraqis are convinced that Mr. Bush policies in Iraq have resulted in the death of 2100 and injuries of 16000 Americans and killing of more than 200000 Iraqis, plus the destruction of many Iraqi towns.

I hope that in your visit to IRAQ, you hear from the Iraqi people but not from the new politicians who only echo what Mr. Bush administration used to say!.
Ahmad Hussien

Forum posts

  • Good letter, Ahmad. But please don’t expect anything to come of it. Senator Liebermann is one of the “liberators.” Their plan is to give the Iraqis what the “liberators” want, not what the Iraqis want. At least until we in the US have all of your oil.

  • Lieberman- part of the warmongering neocon cabal.

    Please stop calling yourself a Democrat, some of us don’t think you have America’s best interest at heart.

    The war is bankrupting this country!!

  • Fifth columnist Lieberman deludes himself into believing that he is still a viable candidate for president. A woman named Hadassah as First Lady would just be too hard to swallow for most Americans. Sorry, Joe.

  • I feel very strongly you represent Isreal & not the U.S.

  • Bravo to Sen. Lieberman for standing as a profile in courage against the shameful defeatism that infects the far left of his own party.

    • Now that Sharon has abandoned the Likud party, Lieberman will feel more at home in the new "centrist" party the Prime Minister has created.

    • To 68.211: Criticizing an immoral, hypocritical war isn’t ’defeatism’, Mr.Lame Brain, it is the right thing to do. Sen. Lieberman is no hero to anyone except fools like yourself. Profile in courage? No sir, he is a profile in bullshit.

    • ok, let’s just cut and run like a bunch of pussies. great message to the world right? those that hate us and want to kill each one of us would stop hating us all of a sudden? iraq would become a wonderful place and everybody would be happy and free if we left right now and america and the world would be a much better and safer place? the 10,000 or so power-hungry and american-hating terrorists in iraq would all just go home and stop causing problems if we left?

      or.... maybe if i had a brain i would be able to think forward enough that the terrorists would seize control of the state, iraq would become a training ground and headquarters for more terrorism, and we’d have to go to war with them again once a few of our cities and a couple million americans were decimated with nuclear bombs.

      think it through you smart liberals instead of just hating and disagreeing with EVERYTHING bush says no matter what it was. so f’ing brainwashed, open your eyes to what’s going on in the world and realize we’re not going to survive by "being nice". so we trample on a few people-much better than us getting trampled on. it’s time liberals recognize that fact.