Home > An Open letter to Howard Dean.

An Open letter to Howard Dean.

by Open-Publishing - Monday 26 September 2005

Justice Parties Elections-Elected USA

This letter is in response to one sent by the DNC regarding the Roberts confirmation for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (original letter posted below my response.)

Dear Mr. Dean,

Although the Roberts confirmation is indeed an important issue, I think a much more important issue is voter fraud. What went down in Ohio on Nov 3, 2004 and after, is a frontal assault on our cherished Democracy. Why did Kerry concede and why did only 47 house reps led by John Conyers, and one Senator, Barbara Boxer, speak out on this before the chambers? The evidence supports the fact that our elections appear to be fixed now. It makes all other arguments and issues moot. Bush’s support can drop to 20% and incumbant republicans need not worry as long as the fix is in. As long as the Democrats are making no real effort to address THAT issue, why should I send any money? Why should I vote? Why should I participate in our “so-called” democracy when it is a lie. Do you think I’m the only one who feels this way?

The only explanation that makes a shred of sense to me as to why the Democrats have been so quiet on this is that because you are also in the corporations pocket’s, maintaining the status quo is your most important constituency, and speaking out on this issue would be rocking the boat at your own peril. I’m not convinced of this argument, but I’m surely stumped to come up with a better explanation for the Democrats inaction. I think not rocking the boat will lead to your peril; it certainly has regarding my personal support for the Democratic Party. As terrible as Bush and the neocons are, watching the Dems sleepwalk while the neocons literally get away with murder is almost as bad. I know you had four decades in the majority and now an entire decade in the minority, but you guys need to learn how to act like an opposition party. Watching your fiery rhetoric during the last presidential campaign, you would seem to be an ideal person to lead this fight. But I ain’t seen much from you yet.

One person, one vote. Make it a reality again.

Justis Suffram
Disaffected Democrat

On 9/23/05 9:22 AM, "Gov. Howard Dean" wrote:

Dear Justis,

A few weeks ago more than 100,000 of us filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for key documents on Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. This week, just before the legal deadline for a response, the Justice Department formally brushed aside the public interest and refused to release the documents.

Senate Democrats waited for the Bush Administration to come clean about Roberts’s record — the administration chose not to. During the hearings, they asked Roberts serious, precise questions about his record and his views — but Roberts dodged question after question.

Our Senate Leader, Harry Reid, is right: there are simply too many questions left unanswered. John Roberts, and the sham process that has accompanied his nomination, does not deserve our support.

But it is obvious that the Republican-controlled Senate will confirm John Roberts. Some people even say that it’s useless for us to speak out against him. They say we’re wasting our time.

But how will we win any battle if we don’t stand up for what we believe and speak the truth? More importantly, how will Americans know what to expect from a Democratic Congress and Democratic president if we don’t fight for our values at every opportunity?

Democrats can disagree with Democrats in good faith — and many do on this issue. But when political calculations silence our conscience, we have abandoned our true values. We cannot let that happen.

Our party must speak plainly and fight for the values of equality, opportunity and security that bring our party — and the vast majority of Americans — together.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

If you want to take a stand in your community, you can start by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper about why John Roberts is the wrong man at the wrong time. Nearly 75,000 letters have already gone to newspapers.

Don’t be afraid to fight:

http://www.democrats.org/robertsletters <http://redir.democrats.org/rdr/0034...>

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org <http://redir.democrats.org/rdr/0034...> . This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Forum posts

  • May God bless you America, if the GOP Nazis win also the midterm elections.

  • "The only explanation that makes a shred of sense to me as to why the Democrats have been so quiet on this is that because you are also in the corporations pocket’s"

    That’s the only thing that makes sense to me as well. And they know that Diebold is making the voting decisions, not we the people.

    The growing majority in this country now realize the truth about the war in Iraq, know we are losing and things will only get worse, and want to get out now.

    And where is the opposition party? The democratic ’leaders’ are still going along with Bush and the lunatic fringe rapture nutcases. Who exactly is representing we the people?

  • The power of corporate interest to influence government is one thing.If also, the electorate is ill informed due to media bias and apathy,we have a problem.Bellaciao et al have a tough time against Fox and Rush.

  • Dems wake up! The majority of the US hold middle-of-the-road beliefs, depending on the issue, sometimes liberal, sometimes conservative, but rarely extreme. The same thing will sink the Republicans, if they let the whacko right wing of the party take the lead. The dissent over the war may unseat the Republicans, but the Democratic party will not regain long-term power until it stops giving prominence to extreme views, and letting crude rhetoric represent them. That appeals to the college age group, but Whoopi, Moore, et al are repulsive to the educated middle class. The American people have the ability to smell the rot, and when referenda are overturned by judges, then the political process is corrupted. If you really want one person/one vote, then legislating from the bench needs to stop.
    Also, I have heard tape from JFK stating that the personal views of a nominee are irrelevant....That their job is to determine the constitutionality of an issue. Bill Clinton advised Judge Ginsberg not to answer any questions about her personal views and activism. So, why should Judge Roberts be treated any differently?

    • While I don’t find your vocabulary shocking, it is woefully inadequate. When you grow up, perhaps you can use your keen intellect to express your views in a more erudite fashion. Oh, for the record, I am not quoting any ’talking points’. These are my thoughts, and my criticisms were for both major parties which are desperately out of touch with the populace. Also, I live in one of the most liberal areas in the country, and those comments are generally accepted by people who live here - in the real world. It has been a long while since the colorful Democratic spokesmen you mentioned (Whoopi, etc., ) had to be concerned with reality like paying the mortgage etc. Unlike you, I prefer to discuss and learn and be open-minded.

    • Hey blockhead...the majority of Americans 63% by the Republican’s own polls say the war in Iraq should be ended, it was and is wrong...most of us also think Whoopie and Cindy and Moore speak for us and we think they are certainly more honest and intelligent than the crooks making the war possible so that they and their buddies can make themselves rich beyond their wildest dreams...in case you didn’t tune into the pro-war demonstration, there where about 100 people paid by the GOP that turned out, as compared to the 250,00 anti-war participants....so do a little math and then tell us how the majority of Americans feel, even your own party says the majority are against them....stop trolling and do some checking before you spew your Bushco talking points.