Home > Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005

Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 26 December 2004

Edito Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts USA

The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) has called for a permitted anti-war rally and
march, and it has called separately for nonviolent civil disobedience die-ins
to draw attention to the dead at the hands of the Bush Administration. These
actions have been called for January 20, 2005. We invite the entire world to
participate in these events, which have been endorsed by Unite for Peace and Justice

DAWN has applications and has general assurances from the authorities for permits
for march and rally locations. We are calling for people to rally at Malcolm
X Park (16th and Euclid Sts NW—nearest to U Street and Columbia Heights Metro
Stations) at 9:00 AM. Following this, we will have a march at 11:15 AM, toward
the White House down 16th Street and ending at Franklin Square Park. From there,
march participants may join in several actions.

Details of the die-in scenarios continue to be worked out. We expect that most die-in participants can also participate in the rally.

Stay tuned to more logistical details and other possible counter-inaugural events. For the best information on all events (DAWN’s and everyone else’s) as well as housing and ride boards please go to http://www.counter-inaugural.org

 Against the needless slaughter in and occupation of Iraq;
 Against the assault on civil liberties, as represented by such acts as the Patriot Act and the immoral detentions at Guantanamo Bay;
 Against US support of the Israeli government’s denial of human rights against the Palestinian people;
 Against U.S. overthrow of Aristide in Haiti;
 Against U.S. attempts to overthrow any other democratically elected leader, including Hugo Chavez in Venezuela;
 Against any U.S. military action in Iran.

 For a world that embraces peaceful dialogue instead of war;
 For a world where we respect the liberty of all beings;
 For a world that looks out for all those who are now oppressed, including the poor, women, racial minorities, workers, the disabled, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, as well as the earth and its creatures;
 For a world that embraces social justice;
 For democracy and the autonomy of all people to have a full say in how they are governed;
 For each other.


Forum posts

  • I hope people realize that the rally Jan 3 in Columbus Ohio and the Jan 4-6 march from Baltimore to DC is WAY more important than this J20 rally. We need the masses outside Congress demanding an investigation into the vote fraud and a complete re-vote. Preparing for this rally suggests that we’ve already lost and must accept for more years of doofy dubya. Why should we accept the fraud- especially when the Ukraine re-vote just produced such a dramatic reversal of the results?


    We should be beating down the doors of the media, demanding they cover the full fraud story, a complete hour of interviews on 60 minutes will do. We demand UNCUT interviews of each of these people: Bev Harris, David Cobb, Jesse Jackson, Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman, Jon Bonifaz, Cliff Arnebeck and John Conyers.

    mosh8gn.th.jpg ... mlkspeakout5eb.th.png

    you can hand write in the date and time before taking it to kinkos... or use an image editor to insert your own text, if you don’t have one, install ’the gimp’ - like adobe photoshop, but free.


  • Speaking of election fraud and the Ukranians...I am getting ORANGE FLAGS made up for January 20. If someone is interested in helping to distribute them at the rally, I would be grateful to hear from you.

    I will try to have a web site up shortly to encourage people to come out and bring orange flags with messages on them like "NO MANDATE" and "There? HERE!" on them. In the meantime, feel free to contact me at my old web address: GoKerryStopBush@aol.com.

    Lori in Chicago