Home > Are Most Republicans Sheep?

Are Most Republicans Sheep?

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 30 January 2005

Wars and conflicts Parties International USA


Are Most Republicans Sheep?
David Corn
January 26, 2005

I try not to denigrate entire groups of people—like the French, professional wrestling fans or even telephone solicitors. Actually, the French were quite nice to me on a recent trip to Paris, and I find it difficult not to condemn all telephone solicitors to the most unpleasant nooks of hell. But I may have to break this rule altogether for Republicans. I’m starting to wonder: do Republicans know how to process facts and think for themselves? This fall—thanks to a survey conducted by the University of Maryland’s Program on International Policy Attitudes—we learned that 72 percent of Republicans believe Iraq had actual weapons of mass destruction, even after it had been widely reported that the Bush administration’s own WMD hunters had concluded that Iraq had absolutely no WMD or active WMD programs in the years prior to the invasion. Three-quarters of Republicans also said that Saddam Hussein had provided substantial assistance to al Qaeda. Which meant they had either ignored or dismissed the conclusions of the independent 9/11 commission and the CIA. Both found no evidence of any operational alliance between Iraq and Osama bin Laden’s murderous outfit.

Now the Pew Research Center reports that 66 percent of Republicans say "we all should be willing to fight for our country whether it is right or wrong." Think about it. That means Republicans believe it is perfectly fine to sacrifice their fellow citizens (those who volunteer for military service) and to kill people overseas—even innocent civilians (since accidents do happen in war)—for a mistake. In other words—or is it the same words?—two-thirds of Republicans are willing to see others die for no good reason.

Shouldn’t Americans, as well as the citizens of all lands, ask questions (even if politely) whenever their leaders tell them, "It’s time for you to kill and die"? Apparently most Republicans believe only in saluting. (One-third of Democrats agreed with this sentiment.) They will put aside critical analysis and blindly follow. Or maybe only when their own party is in charge. What is particularly disturbing about the answer to this poll question is that it does not measure the respondents’ willingness to trust government leaders. After all, it’s certainly possible that occasionally an administration, through hook and by crook, might be able to convince its citizens that a wrong action is a right one. (You think?) But the Pew Center question was exploring a different issue: would you support your government in prosecuting an unjust war? It did not put it in such blunt terms. The Pew Center used more colloquial terminology—just the sort of rhetoric usually deployed in political debates. Thus, the Pew Center determined that Republicans would spill blood for a mistake if spilling blood was equated with supporting the country.

I’d like to see what these Republicans would say if asked, "Would you be willing to give up your own life or that of a son or daughter for a war you believed was absolutely boneheaded?" But that’s not how these questions get framed in real life.

It’s hard to resist the cheap comparison of the GOPers’ fight-for-my-country-right-or-wrong attitude to the we-we’re-just-following-orders excuse used by you-know-who after World War II. But a large majority of Republicans, out of a distorted sense of loyalty to homeland, say they would should support a war that should not have been waged. They seem to believe it is a citizen’s obligation to say "Yes, sir," and further the wrong. This is not patriotism. This is behaving like sheep.

Forum posts

  • Most republicans believe the propaganda they hear on main stream news. Unfortunately, I have asked friends who are republicans about the war in iraq and they still say Iraq had weapons of mass destruction...they must have been moved. This is the most successful propaganda machine since Hitler and Bush should be found guilty of war crimes along with his cabinet. The republican propoganda machine moves in lock step to instill lies and give them a sense of legitimacy. Republican senators are just as guilty as conservative commentators in supporting propaganda instead of the truth. It is embarrasing, but we now have a single party system that controls all branches of government and they are all "just following orders."

    If the situation were reversed and the US was invaded, US government overthrown to put in place a political structure deemed acceptable by the foreign occupation, huge number of civilians killed, and those who opposed the foreign occupation were deemed insurgents (may or may not actually be) and were tortured, killed, and brutalized...and it was all done because the foreign occupier said we had some weapon that turned out to be a complete fabrication...would the republicans still think this is OK? The foreign occupier then says oh well, the important thing is to bring their form of government to this occupied country and that is a win in itself. Tell that to the people who have lost their lives, their homes, their families...oh well, I am sure you are just happy to have a new your form of governement and completely destabilized country, thousands of dead civilians, homes and businesses destroyed, no water or electricity, and have made your country a breeding ground for terrorism and increased the world wide terrorist threat. Just be happy...you get to vote and the US hasn’t deemed you a terrorist threat...well not yet. I guess the republicans would think this is OK and justifiable because they were just following orders.

  • Republicans have never really studied the behavioral patterns of sheep; they lack the basic knowledge to comprehend any comparison to sheep, or even to ostrich...for their lack of observation-skills.