by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 17 May 2005

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts International Europe USA

Tuesday May 17, 2005, Brussels - Today, representatives of the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) delivered a law summon and invitation letter addressed to President Bush at the US Embassy in Brussels. It was part of a global action day, as similar actions took place in Japan, Sweden, Turkey and the United States. The WTI representatives invited George Bush to the final hearing of the World Tribunal on Iraq that will take place in Istanbul between 23-27 of June 2005.

In Brussels a number of activists arrived at the US Embassy with a huge banner reading “President Bush, the World holds you accountable”. The activists also presented a letter to the US officials at the Embassy. In front of the US Embassy today, Prof. Lieven De Cauter, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal, and spokesperson for the WTI in Belgium, said: “Since the US administration does not recognize the International Criminal Court (ICC), the citizens of the world have undertaken an initiative to reclaim justice. The world is calling for Bush to be held accountable for the crimes committed in Iraq.”

The World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) is a worldwide undertaking to reclaim justice. It aims to record the severe wrongs, crimes and violations that were committed in the process leading up to the aggression against Iraq, during the war and throughout the ensuing occupation, that continue to be widespread to this day. The project consists of commissions of inquiry and sessions held around the world investigating various issues related to the war on Iraq, such as the legality of the war, the role of the United Nations, war crimes and the role of the media as well as the social, political, environmental and cultural devastation.

On June 23rd to the 27th 2005, at the start of the third year of the occupation of Iraq, the culminating session will take place in Istanbul. This session will reach a decision following an examination of the results of the previous sessions as well as new reports and testimonies, while evaluating the implications of the aggression against Iraq for the world at large.

“We ask Mr. Bush to present his case in front of the jury of concience in Istanbul. We are fully aware that this is a symbolical action but we firmly believe that international law should be respected and that war crimes should not be met by indemnity” concluded Mr. De Cauter.


Forum posts

  • Another Sprouts Court that does actually nothing? Whose taxes are paying for this donkey kong tribunal? As long as the euros are paying for their own political moneky shines, that’’s fine. But if they harm one american hair, Bush should lock, load, and blast away at that court.

    • DAMNNN!!! I never realized just how really PASSIONATE you repukicans are! I thought the Jeff Guckert story was just a repukican wet dream, but it seems your dreams have COME.....well, you can finish that sentence ’passionately’, can’t you, 151.***.148.***. From now on I will address you and your asshole buddy fondly as 69.***.69.***.69.***.69.***.69.***.69.***..............
      Sweet dreams, little ones!

  • YEAH! what he said! LMAO

    Hey doo-doo head, how’s that conservative triple defecit treating you?

    Where’s the $9 billion?


    the emperor has no clothes

    Here’s a sword, fall on it. lol

    • Where you got your financial information is beyond me. By the way, you think the money we are sinking into Iraq isn’t going to come back to us in the form of oil, and other goods and services that Iraq is going to need to rebuild their country? We’ll have the last laugh. That $9 billion is small change for us. By the way how much are you europeons paying for your Kyoto Agreement? Hell of a lot more than we are that’s for sure. And are you anywhere nearer to preventing global warming. No? I didn’t think so. Heh, heh, heh.

    • Heh, heh, heh.

    • Thats because the US is the worlds biggest spendthrift, in energy, money, and lives. How can you clean upt the world while the US is here?

    • That Bush should face a trial and a hell of a long time in prison for his lying, murderous ways is a simple fact backed by document after document. You lot of right wing nut jobs need to take your heads out of your arses and look around.

    • When you refer to "US" unless you are a member of a Big U.S. Corporation in Iraq NO money is going to come back to you! Noone cares about you!

    • What a putz...he thinks Bush is going to share the bootie with him...hee hee hee. Here is a true fool, his Bush is jerking him around for his little social security money if he ever gets any of it he can thank his lucky stars, and for sure he and his children are going to get the bill for 5Trillion in Georgie’s debt so far, meanwhile, the STUPID clod thinks Halliburton is going to cut him a check for billions (9billion is chump change to him???). Do these people get any dumber???

    • I’m amazed. Hardly anyone writes in or says anything positive about the Coalition of the Willing, Bush, Blair and Howard the main offenders, yet these dictators keep getting elected over and over again.

      What is happening? Are the few at the top so corrupt, they maintain the governments of their choice and us little people just sit back and complain. There are a few rednecks around that love Bush & Co. but most people hate them. Why are they in power?

    • they are in power because they "know" how to steal elections ... they "love" the lies and games they "run" on the people of the entire world! having no moral fiber they sleep well and appear to enjoy what they are doing ... when we gather our courage together and come to a quantum leap conclusion that we’d rather die than live as slaves to "their lying ways" ... the changes required will begin.

    • When you allow the party in control to control the registration and counting of voters and votes you get magic.