Home > Barack Obama as next President of The United States of America

Barack Obama as next President of The United States of America

by Open-Publishing - Friday 25 July 2008

USA US election 2008

The die is cast and for reasons that only a privileged few know, you Sir, will be the next President of the United States of America. Your next 4 years will be a turning point in US history and planet earth. CHANGE, your advisors and high stake investors offer the nation will undoubtedly be the same rhetoric and empty promises that make up a political campaign, that campaigns for appointment for any public office in America.

The White House will be the Black House to some, the Aryan Brothers of America will not be so happy, but yet will blame you and your staff if you fail, which will reinforce their belief that the Aryan Nation is the true leader for America. The religious zealots will be busy bees making nests to survive the onslaught of lies, corruption and deceit. Business enterprises and other competing nations will capitalize off of your inexperience in the art of corruption and murder. The organized crime organizations from different nations including our own will benefit from the lack of control over national crime.

Military governments including our own will test your tolerance to pain and deception and trick you into needless and profitable domestic and international conflict. You will no doubt attempt to colorize your staff to soften the race conflict once in office.

As President you will be President. Nations will respect you only for your title of office. Americans will soon see after your appointment as President that your intentions were manipulated by those that make the rules. You will fill the spot in history as planned, and nothing more.

You will never while in office be able to pull the troops from conflict in any land we are engaged in. As a matter of fact we as a nation will be engaged in a new conflict of war, which will galvanize Americans to seek a different form of government and a different and honest Congress.

You will attempt to shore up Americas problems with false promise and lies, because you cannot directly affect the CHANGE you promised.

Your frustration will be your downfall while in office, and your co-dependence on those that you trust will also add to your demise.

Our Armed Forces in rank will respect you as good soldiers they are, but those under them will not, and for good reasons, that only a good soldier knows.

America will not be America until its government respects the People, and tells the truth. America is a Republic, not a Democracy or Fascist Government or is it?

Until you can walk thru the streets and neighborhoods of America unaided by Secret Service or any other law enforcement agency you will not be respected by the many, only by the fearful and selfish few. Americans can protect their leaders if they are honest and respectful of the people they were elected to serve. Our Government has forsaken us for many hundreds of years, and now we will wait until your 4 years are finished for us to come to fruition.

The American Republic
A Sovereign Republic

Forum posts

  • IMHO Condi Rice should be the next Prez, and then she could talk about the birth pangs of the new American Fascist republic. Hey, it’s what America truly deserves, and you get that black president, and that woman president that y’all have been talking about, in the one package.

    Condi for President!

  • In democracies people get the leaders they deserve

  • Wow! Getting prophetic now aren’t we? In all seriousness, we can’t anticipate Obama’s election, but he seems to be playing the part as if he’s already won. Unfortunately for Obama and his followers, numerous chinks have opened in his armor. For one thing, he lacks a thorough enough understanding of how politics work in the Mideast, which is more than just Israel. Try as he might to appease the AIPAC crowd, getting results on Iran is a whole nother matter. The farther we extend our military reach, the weaker we become, and less able to intimidate Israel’s rivals. Selling out to the Zionist will make conflict resolution harder with the Arabs and their increasingly closer friends the Chinese and Russians, who we are helping to drive them towards.

    While superficially, the entire post-9/11 operation has led to transient gains in the West Bank, the conflict continues. As long as Palestinians are dying, Israel will be under threat. No amount of military power can ever crush the tenacity of Arab resistance. All that Israel and the US, acting as its proxy, have done is burn their credibility and exhausted the military power with limited gain. The oil is not out of the ground. Hamas and Hezbollah are stronger than ever. Plus, you have widespread condemnation of Israel and the US, which will make security issues that much harder to resolve through peaceful means. While a monopoly on hard power might please the hardcore Right, military force is proving less and less effective. Afghanistan will bleed the US even further, and Iran could kick off a whole new level, with more Russian and Chinese hard power brought into theatre (as well as into Cuba as the Missile shield goes up.)