Home > Barack Obama’s 300 Spartans (Advisors)?

Barack Obama’s 300 Spartans (Advisors)?

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 19 July 2008

USA US election 2008

Barack Obama’s 300 Spartans (Advisors)?

It seems that you claim to be truthful and advocate CHANGE, and yet you enlist 300 soldiers, (advisors) to give advice on "as the world turns", is quite alarming. If you sir, need 300 paid advisors to help you make a decision then you have not done your homework. You have managed to create your own independent congress of people that are burning thru your $5.00 internet donations like sand thru an hour glass. It alarms me that if THEY decide to place you in that office, your staff would double?

If your 300 were like the Spartans and lead by a leader like King Leonidas , of which you are not, then your 300 advisors are justified.

But in this case they are not.

You wish to be the President of the United States of America, and yet you still lie, you hire an outrageous staff of succubus’s that have their own interests, you do not attend to the poor, you are too concerned with keywords and false policy that fool those that really want CHANGE, you cannot stroll thru an American neighborhood unless you have your SS officers with you, not allowing Americans to protect you, you are so concerned that you will say the wrong thing, because you are not allowed to speak your own words, you have taken from the American people their hard earned $5.00 and given them nothing in return, you have no idea how big and deep the rabbit hole is that you have started to go down. The 300 Spartans defended their freedom and their Homeland, and you sir, are defending those that wish to rape the land and enslave Americans like Xeres attempted to do.

You are making policy on the run, without regard to the outcome, and we Americans will suffer for your mistakes and blunders.

These next four years will be yours, but the next four years after that will be for the American People.

The American Republic
A Sovereign Republic