Home > Black Budget - secret budgeting and spending of the US Gov.

Black Budget - secret budgeting and spending of the US Gov.

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 30 March 2006

Economy-budget Governments USA

Black Budget - secret budgeting and spending of the US Gov.

The Negative Return Economy - a discourse on America’s black budget

Fascinating and lucrative patriotism.

Keep the people frightened
Of things they cannot know
Is the secret of the Tomb
If they knew what you and I know
They would know it is just men
Who rob them, cheat them, kill them
Then start it all again

 Orville X

Black Budget? What Black Budget?

At the time of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 according to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), Pentagon had incurred $3.4 trillion of “undocumentable transactions,” that is to say that there were $3.4 trillion worth of financial transactions for which there was no discernible purpose.

The day before the attack, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld warned that the lack of control over its budget was a greater danger to the national security of the United States than terrorism.

After the attacks, the government stopped publicly disclosing information about “undocumentable transactions”.

Blame the Bookkeeper

The problem is not restricted to the Pentagon but affects the entire spectrum of government agencies and departments from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Defense Department.

For a number of years the GAO has compiled a parallel set of books for the Federal Government called the Financial Report of the United States.

This report attempts to impose “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” to the government’s financial reporting process in order to give a clearer picture of the government’s actual assets and liabilities and thereby enable better planning. Neither the Pentagon nor the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to name just two, have ever been able to pass a GAO audit on this basis.

Significantly, the government does not employ double entry bookkeeping in the preparation of its accounts.

This has been standard accounting practice since the seventeenth century, which classifies and tracks sources and uses of funds to create an accurate picture of a business (or public) enterprise.

Today the Pentagon utilises no accountable means of tracking money authorised by Congress from its initial authorisation to its use, say in developing a fighter plane.

Running a 21st century military machine using antique accounting methods is an anomalous situation with interesting implications, not least of which is that government agencies cannot, or will not, explain what they are doing with the money that is appropriated for their operations by Congress.

A similar state of affairs prevails at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

It exists primarily, at least in law, to ensure that low income Americans have access to affordable housing, which HUD provides as well as both credit and credit insurance on a nationwide scale.

Yet HUD has never compiled information on its activities so that it or anyone else can see, by place, whether or not its activities in that place make money, lose money, or are simply irrelevant.

Conflict of Interests

Few Americans are probably aware that Lockheed Martin, builder of the F22 air superiority fighter, is also a major outside contractor supplying financial control and accounting systems to the Pentagon.

The Pentagon for its part is Lockheed Martin’s biggest customer.

This example is by no means unique.

Lockheed also has a subsidiary employed by HUD to administer housing in American cities, an unusual diversification for a corporation the majority of whose business is done with the military and intelligence agencies. [ii]

Similarly Dyncorp (recently acquired by Computer Sciences Corporation) is another contractor that, like Lockheed, derives almost all its revenue from government security and military contracts. It is also a contractor supplying information technology to a variety of government agencies including the Pentagon, HUD, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice. At the Department of Justice it manages the case management software used by DOJ lawyers to manage investigations. [iii]

A prime example of overlapping interests is Herbert “Pug” Winokur. Not only was he on Dyncorp’s board of directors but he is also the Enron director in charge of that company’s risk management committee, and a long-standing board member of the Harvard Management Corporation, which invests in HUD projects.

AMS Inc., a computer software firm hired by HUD in 1996 to take over the management of its internal software for accounting and financial control, presided in two short years over an explosion in undocumentable transactions of nearly $76 billion. AMS violated fiduciary and control practices by installing its own equipment and software with no parallel runs against the legacy software and accounting system.

In those same two years, HUD’s management more than tripled the volume of loan and insurance business being pushed through the system. Anyone familiar with running such systems in a bank or an insurance company immediately understands that a decision such as this (for it had to be a decision) would result in huge losses. [iv]

Is this incompetence or design? Only the credulous would believe accident: the reward for Charles Rossotti, president of AMS, was to be named Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner at the Department of the Treasury, from which position he oversaw significant Treasury contract amendments to AMS.

He was a direct beneficiary of this as a special White House waiver permitted Rossotti and his wife to retain their AMS stock.

Government’s response to criticism

The reaction of many people to the sorts of facts related above is to dismiss them as no more than evidence of incompetence and accident.

The government does little to resist this sort of interpretation; on the contrary, it encourages it.

For example, in response to calls for an investigation of its financial control, the Pentagon countered with an offer to investigate credit card abuse. Complaints about the performance of outside contractors such as AMS have been answered by a government-wide contract award to IBM for the standardisation of IT systems and practices. IBM, in turn, has awarded subcontracts to AMS, Lockheed, Dyncorp, SAIC and Accenture (formerly spun out from Arthur Andersen of Enron fame).

It is these firms that have failed to provide systems that can pass a GAO audit.

This manoeuvring and the government’s justifications affront common sense and are unethical. As private sector firms, they have to pass audits before their own accounts can be approved and reported to shareholders. Yet they routinely fail to meet the same standard for the government.

Often the government blames the previous, outgoing administration. However, consider that the incoming Bush administration replaced all the senior Clinton political appointees except: the Comptroller of the Currency, John D. Hawke; IRS commissioner Charles Rossotti (formerly of AMS); Comptroller General David Walker (Formerly of Arthur Andersen [v] and CIA director George Tenet.

(see: http://www.npr.org/programs/npc/2001/010423.dwalker.html)

In short, the key positions necessary for the control of the federal credit, financial control, audit and intelligence.

Comptroller of the Currency, John D. Hawke ---->control of the federal credit
IRS commissioner Charles Rossotti ----> financial control
Comptroller General David Walker ----> audit
CIA director George Tenet ----> intelligence

This undisturbed transition from Democratic to Republican administrations represents a remarkable cross-party consensus, and highlights the real positions of power. With the exception of Rossotti, all these men are still in place in 2004. And Rossotti? He left the IRS to become a senior adviser to the Carlyle Group for information technology. A more richly symbolic and meaningful job move could scarcely be imagined.

Carlyle’s business is global venture venture capital, which is to say it invests in corporate acquisitions all over the world with a speciality in arms manufacturers and technology.

The large levels of undocumentable transactions at HUD and the Department of Defense inevitably inspire curiosity.

Where is the money associated with those transactions?

It is no great leap of imagination to wonder equally where the Carlyle Group raises the money with which to finance its acquisitions. [vi]

The trusts are dead. Long live the trusts

The cartelisation of the American economy was for all intents and purposes completed by the end of the first decade of the twentieth century. [vii]

In 1889, America’s leading banker JP Morgan held a meeting at his 5th Avenue mansion in New York. Its purpose was to reach a consensus whereby the owners of America’s railroads merged their competing interests. [viii]

This was no mere group of transportation executives agreeing to fix prices. The railroads also controlled the nation’s coalfields and oil supplies, and were tightly bound to the nation’s largest banks.

The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1914 completed this process of consolidation.

In effect, Congress ceded control of the US currency system and the federal credit to the banks, thereby officially recognizing the cartel.

This placed a relatively small number of men in a position to set prices across the economy with a degree of control heretofore unknown in US history.

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Forum posts

  • An important implication raised by this thought provoking article is the overabundance of printed dollars at play to make these ’undocumented’ yet recorded transactions possible. (Oxymoron here: if a transaction is ’undocumentable’ how then can anyone record it? It seems that the entire Federal Government, including the bureaucracy that handles its financial accounting, is being run by PsyOps) If most of these ’undocumentable’ transactions have been finalized through US dollars, than the amount of US paper money printed by the Federal Reserve Board on a yearly basis is far more than the US Treasury is willing to admit. The US dollar is already extremely overvalued as it is, what with a public debt of over $8.2 trillion, a combined national debt of both public and private sectors of over $37 trillion, and an economy whose average annual growth rate for the last 15 years (3.3%) has not equaled the world’s average growth rate of 5.5% even for one year. The knowledge of how vast these black budgets really are will soon become common, and the world’s most prominent central banks will demand a revaluation of the US dollar. A revaluation based on the new knowledge of this ’under reported’ black budget, as well as factoring in the already known enormous weaknesses of the US national economy, will make the dollar drastically lower than it is now, probably less than a dime of its present value. More than likely it will send the dollar into a frightening downward spiral, with the rest of the world’s markets going up and down with it as well.

    The article mentions that in Septmember of 2001 the GAO released a report stating that the Pentagon had incurred $3.4 trillion of these ’undocumentable’ transactions, an amount of money that dwarfs the total revenues taken in last year by the IRS, $1.8 trillion, and the amount taken in foreign holdings by the US Treasury, $2.1 trillion, which raises another implication: If the Pentagon can make transactions that are more than 8 times the amount allotted for in its budget, and make them with impunity, no fine, no financial loss, why then does the US taxpayer have to pay for anything that the Federal Government builds, procures, manufactures, destroys, regulates and incarcerates? A government that can easily function without our money, using black budgets that by their very nature are unreportable, is a government that is either magical or forever corrupt. How can anyone say that this government is answerable to the people when so much of its financing, literally over 100% of what it reports it takes both at home and from the world, is forever unaccountable or worse ’classified’? A government that cannot or will not disclose all of its financial transactions is a government not worthy of the trust of the people it was mandated to protect and serve. A government unwilling or unable to tell its people the truth of how it maintains itself is a government that should not be surprised when the people completely lose what little confidence they have in it. This government should not at all be surprised if the people stage a tax revolt to reveal their great displeasure towards its duplicity, their sense of utter betrayal. A government that cannot or will not disclose all of its financial transactions to all cannot by any shade of meaning be considered democratic.
    People are going to get mightily pissed, stark raving mad, as a matter of fact, if they find out that the only reason the IRS takes any of their money away is to put the finishing touches on a humungous front, an elaborate facade of legitimacy, a cover game, to keep the world believing that the moneys that they [the Federal Reserve Board as well as the Pentagon and the Treasury] obtain are legal and honest.
    JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller and Woodrow Wilson have created a financial monster that the Mob would envy. What with ’undocumentable transactions’, under reporting of budgets and the use of two books, Al Capone and Tony Soprano would feel very much at home running the giant money laundering machine our Federal Government has become.

  • I agree with you 1005, that why we go from one war to next, cos our resourses not enough to meet the bankers greed need.

    The same game happing in front our noses, the Euro is a fake competitor of Dollar, it belongs to the same group, it is a controlled competitive currency, so no one else comes up with real one.
    Just see how the bankers in distress when Iran announced to open an oil bourse, that is real danger to bankers, so they rally behind each other to destroy the coming bourse even its in Euro. Some one might ask if dollar melt away, it will be good for Euro. No sir the Banker will loose and to protect their interest they will do what ever necessary to stop fall of Dollar. Do you know if Dollar goes and we have USA note it will be blessing to the American and the world?
    There will be very little tax
    The debt will disappear within one year
    The deficit will be from the history
    So all these are the crime of the Bankers, I wonder when we can stop these crime, 9 11 was a drop in the ocean of the history of THE MONEY MASTER)
    W Wilson the USA president said I betrayed my country, can any one ask to home?

    we all been told by the WOLF(in asheep dress) that the FOX is DANGEROUS to you (SHEEP), and we beleaved the wolf, and we still believing it, have u seen THE MONEY MASTER, its available on Google video, worth watching.