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Blair in Secret Plot with Bush to Dupe U.N.

by Open-Publishing - Monday 30 January 2006

Europe Governments USA UK

A White House leak revealing astonishing details of how Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the Iraq war is set to cause a worldwide political storm.

A new book exposes how the two men connived to dupe the United Nations and blows the lid off Mr Blair’s claim that he was a restraining influence on Mr Bush.

He offered his total support for the war at a secret White House summit as Mr Bush displayed his contempt for the UN, made a series of wild threats against Saddam Hussein and showed a devastating ignorance about the catastrophic aftermath of the war.
Based on access to information at the highest level, the book by leading British human rights lawyer Philippe Sands QC, Professor of Law at London University, demonstrates how the two men decided to go to war regardless of whether they obtained UN backing.

The revelations make a nonsense of Mr Blair’s claim that the final decision was not made until MPs voted in the Commons 24 hours before the war - and could revive the risk of him being charged with war crimes or impeached by Parliament itself.

The book also makes serious allegations concerning the conduct of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer and Attorney General Lord Goldsmith over Goldsmith’s legal advice on the war.

And it alleges the British Government boasted that disgraced newspaper tycoon Conrad Black was being used by Mr Bush’s allies in America as a channel for pro-war propaganda in the UK via his Daily Telegraph newspaper.

The leaks are contained in a new version of Sands’ book Lawless World, first published last year, when it emerged that Lord Goldsmith had told Mr Blair the war could be unlawful - before a lastminute U-turn.

The new edition, to be published by Penguin on Thursday, is likely to cause a fierce new controversy on both sides of the Atlantic.

It follows recent charges against two British men under the Official Secrets Act after a transcript of another conversation between Mr Bush and Blair, in which the President raised the possibility of bombing the Al Jazeera Arab TV station, was leaked by a Whitehall official.

Both governments will be horrified that the stream of leaks revealing the grim truth about the war is turning into a flood. The most damaging new revelation concerns the meeting between Mr Blair and Mr Bush at the White House on January 31, 2003, during which Mr Blair urged the President to seek a second UN resolution giving specific backing for the war.

The Mail on Sunday has established that the meeting was attended only by Mr Blair, his Downing Street foreign policy adviser Sir David Manning, Mr Bush and the President’s then national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, plus an official note-taker.

The top-secret record of the meeting was circulated to a tiny handful of senior figures in the two administrations.

Immediately afterwards, the two leaders gave a Press conference in which a nervous-looking Mr Blair claimed the meeting had been a success. Mr Bush gave qualified support for going down the UN route. But observers noted the awkward body language between the two men. Sands’ book explains why. Far from giving a genuine endorsement to Mr Blair’s attempt to gain full UN approval, Mr Bush was only going through the motions. And Mr Blair not only knew it, but went along with it.

The description of the January 31 meeting echoes the recent memoirs of Britain’s former ambassador to Washington, Sir Christopher Meyer.

Meyer, who was excluded from the private session between Blair and Bush, claimed the summit marked the culmination of the Prime Minister’s failure to use his influence to hold back Mr Bush.

Equally significantly, Meyer was puzzled by Blair’s behaviour when the two leaders emerged to join other aides. Meyer writes: "We were all milling around in the State dining room as Bush and Blair put the final touches to what they were going to say to the media.

"Bush had a notepad on which he had written a form of words on the second resolution...He read it out...There was silence. I waited for Blair to say he needed something as supportive as possible. He said nothing. I waited for somebody on the No 10 team to say something. Nothing was said. I cursed myself afterwards for not piping up.

"At the Press conference, Bush gave only a perfunctory and lukewarm support for a second resolution. It was neither his nor Blair’s finest performance."

In view of Sands’ disclosures, Blair had every reason to look awkward: he knew that despite his public talk of getting UN support, privately he had just committed himself to going to war no matter what the UN did.

When, in due course, the UN refused to back the war, Mr Blair seized on the fact that French President Jacques Chirac said he would not support any pro-war resolution, claiming that the French veto was so ’unreasonable’ that a UN vote was pointless. In reality, Bush and Blair had decided to go to war before Chirac uttered a word.

The disclosures will be seized on by anti-war critics in Britain, including Left-wing MPs who say Mr Blair should be impeached for his handling of the war.

However, Ministers will argue that after three major British inquiries into the war, and with thousands of British troops due to be sent home from Iraq this year, it is time to move on.

A Downing Street spokeswoman said last night: "These matters have been thoroughly investigated and we stand by our position."

Simon Walters, MAIL on SUNDAY


Forum posts

  • This is just another piece of evidence, that the two of them are working towards ruling the world, with Bush as the King and Blair as his lapdog. Why nobody has started impeachment proceedings against them is beyond my understanding.

    • Because White Americans want an empire at all cost. That is why no one wants impeachment.

      The leadership is doing their bidding; doing what they desire.

      I wonder why it is so hard for people to realize the truth? Do they not see their fellow White Americans’ beliefs? Do they not hear they brothers’ talk when in close gatherings? Do they not see and feel what is in themselves — yet deny?

      It is a wonder that so many know and beleive and realize and feel the killing and destruction of Arabs and Muslims is justified because of their Empire. And yet how it is very easy for them to deny all that and say, that they are innocent and fair and do not want Empire. Quietly they seek, speaking none and closing their eyes and minds and accepting all lies as justified truths.

      The belief that the White Americans are superior to all now and in all of history has no fear of God, or what will be asked of them on their day of judgement.

    • A good,albeit short& somewhat incomplete,explanation of the current state of WORLD affairs...In addition to"The primary driving force that moves this "clique" is greed; the secondary force is the lust for power." ,I would add CONTROL.These 3 behaviors are often attributed to people who are imbued with FEAR and PARANOIA and sense of SUPERIORITY to the point of Psychosis. These are the people who do not exhibit remorse,sympathy,empathy,and anxiety prior to immoral acts.They can pass lie detector test,for example....some say that this abberation of human behavior is the true definition of EVIL.Bottom line is: these are the LAST people we should allow into positions of leadership&advisement!! Sadly,they are the ones who are driven to these same positions .
      ......historically, there is 1 group of people who have been genetically bred to exhibit these very ABBERANT behaviors....It is almost as if they have been intentionally isolated&behaviorally modified to fullfill this purpose, as a type of "CHOSEN PEOPLE" by some EVIL ENTITY..waaayyy back in history,say 3500-4000 years ago.Foe a clue read ,in the bible, the activities of the LEVITE tribe during and just after the EXODUS.....you will see this identical behavior being enacted on the rank&file "israelities"....Now bump forward to the 1700’s and read of the near-supernatural emergence of the BAUER(ROTHSCHILD) family to a position of $$$ and economic control in Austria/Germany..eventually to Great Britain...Italy....Switzerland...netherlands...most of the balance of Europe...and Finally the U.S.A. via the Federal Reserve Act of 1912
      That covers the ECONOMIC FACTOR
      Now on to the Media......see the list below
      …”in the beginning of the 20th century”-Cohn,Fox,Laemmle,Mayer,Warner bros..Zukor)…”the motion picture moguls”
      1.time-warner aol cnn—Gerald Levin
      2.warner music universal studios-Edgar Bronfman(also seagrams alcohol& cocaine,heroin)
      3.time warner publishing-Norman Pearlstein
      4.ABC disney miramaxtouchstone etc.-Bob&Harvey Weinstein
      5.viacom-Sumner Redstone(Murray Rothstein) Leslie Moonvies et al.
      6.paramount-Sherry Lansing
      7.usa network-Barry Diller
      9.Speilberg......no 1st name neccessary(just like Striesand...huh??)
      10.Columbia pictures-Amy Pascal
      11.early ABC-L Goldenson
      12.early nbc-David Sarnoff&R.Sarnoff
      13.early cbs-W.Paley&L.Tisch
      14.A.P. wireservice-M.Silverman
      15.n.y. times&Wall st.Journal&washington postAND MANY OTHERS-Sulzberger&Graham Family
      16.chair&ceo of DOW JONES&Co.Peter Kahn
      17. Vanity Fair- Si & Donald NEWHOUSE
      NOTE THE ETHNIC CONNECTION------ This is but a SMALL portion of the list of "JEWS"(may or may not be semites) who TOTALLY control the U.S media............most of us sub human(see TALMuD) GOYIM’ don’t have a clue about the above......and as the few of us who DO, know- The long term goal of the Zionist World Domination Movement clearly specifies,among it’s protocols, the zionists should infiltrate or CREATE,if neccessary, and control, ALL sides of all political & social philosophies and the media and the educational system...and of course the ECONOMY(rothschils/schiff/warburg)...........................
      , michael david elliott- Human Being P.S.- "he who controls the media ,controls the minds of the masses"..J. Goerbels

      ....Now for the POLITICAL...Adam Weishaupt(illuminati), MARX,Engels, STRAUSS,40% of the original BOLSHEVIK PARTY in Russia,Adolph Hitler’s Father’s Mother(Schickelgruber),who was a maid in the house of Rothschild,wherein she became pregnant out of wedlock!!,Churchhill(mother a JEW),Roosevelt(Dutch for ROOSENFELD),Paul Warburg(creator of the Fed.Res.Act of 1912(jew),ROCKEFELLER(ROCKENFELDER)Schiff(jew), who family wrer housemates to the Rothschild family in the Frankfurt Ghetto ,and current world banking family,whose child just married an Al Gore child last year!!,Ed Mandell House(advisor to Woodrow Wilson),.....Henry Kissinger(advisor to Nixon,Ford,Carter,and on and on, AND NOW on to the current gang of neo/con Zionist Facists-Paul Wolfowicz,pearle,negroponte,Feith,Abramoff,Michael Chertoff,Daniel Pipes,Lieberman,John Kerry(real nameFRANKEL!!!) and on&on&on&on.including many of the MOST influential Democrats..Fienstein,Liberman,Boxer,Feingold,Schumer.,Levin,Burger,Kahn,Waxman,Frank,.not to mention G.Soros,A.Greenspan...
      ...In conclusion, I believe that this genetic strain of "humans" is/has been genetically "tweaked",millenia ago to fullfill the current WORLD DOMINATION AGENDA.....by a being who has convinced the Judeo/christo/islamic world ,that he,YEHWEH/JEHOVAH/GOD that he is the true GODHEAD of the universe...This monster’s goal is to enslave mankind in a world of FEAR<PARANOIA<HATRED<PAIN<SUFFERING WELCOME to the way i see things.....He has almost completed his mission& this nation of braindead,dumbed down nascar watching,beer drinking,working stiffs are paying for a war,a house,and a life of USUROUS DEBT that we will NEVER ever be able to getout from under!!!