Home > BoyCott the Elite Controlled Money system - Eliminate their Illegitamate POWER

BoyCott the Elite Controlled Money system - Eliminate their Illegitamate POWER

by Open-Publishing - Monday 7 August 2006

Wars and conflicts Economy-budget International

Today it is high time to boycott and replace the elite controlled money system which is the primary means through which the exploitation and deception is carried out.

Remove that power by implementing an alternative system of resource sharing based on equal need and responsible use - eliminating waste, environmental issues, and genocide and bias ---

Spread the truth and REJECT the rule of the money system.

REJECT the LIARS money system.

End it TODAY. Just work to make sure that everything is as it should be... It is simple.

STOP all wars by PAYING soldiers to STOP fighting with the alternative.

Forum posts

  • great idea! WOW! so simple and powerful! and so true!

  • Any suggestions on how to do it?

  • We DON"T have to pay them to STOP fighting! We need to STOP THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX THAT EISENHOWER WARNED ABOUT! Too many people as ususal making too much money on WARS! It is ULTIMATE CLASS WARFARE! Murder!