Home > Bush Clears Way For More Buggering By Saudis

Bush Clears Way For More Buggering By Saudis

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 25 September 2005

Un/Employment Women - Feminism Discriminations-Minorit. Economy-budget International Attack-Terrorism USA

Waives trafficking sanctions

by Brian Richards

WASHINGTON, D.C. — (OfficialWire) — 09/25/05 — George W. Bush and his religious Right administration decided Wednesday to waive all financial sanctions against Saudi Arabia-Washington’s closest Arab ally in the war on terrorism and a major owner of the United States-for failing to do enough to stop the slave trade in prostitutes, child sex workers and forced laborers. Go figure.

Last June, U.S. State Department officials singled out 14 countries that were failing to adequately address trafficking problems and said they would subject all of them to possible sanctions if they did not crack down. Sure they would.

With trillions of dollars on deposit in American banks and a vast stock portfolio that makes-up a major portion of America’s so-called ’Blue Chip’ market, Bush couldn’t and therefore wouldn’t subject Saudi Arabia to sanctions even if they were buggering little boys on the White House lawn.

Of the original 14 countries, Myanmar, Cuba and North Korea were barred completely from receiving aid or, in the case of countries that get no American financial assistance, the barring of their officials from cultural and educational events, said Darla Jordan, a State Department spokeswoman. That’s gotta hurt.

The White House offered no explanation as to why Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and Kuwait were given a complete pass on any sanctions, despite the continued abuses in their countries.

As many as 800,000 people are bought and sold across national borders annually or lured to other countries with false promises of work or other benefits, according to the State Department. Most are women and children.

Nice one Bush.


Forum posts

  • I always thought that Bush was queer...trouble is that he gives the queers a bad name....Mr. Cheerleader has reassured the Pope that no charges will ever be brought against him and his pedophile ring...they are free to practice pedophila as much as they please in the United States thanks to the Bu$h administration, they have their elite perverts club. And his good buddies the Saudies are well known for "buying" little boys (at least they pay for them unlike the Catholic priests and clergy). How much more disgusting could a human being be??? Bush is certainly vying for first place along with these animals he slobbers all over every chance he gets If God chooses to destroy the earth, it will be because of people like these.

  • Why is Bush is blamed for human trafficking? It is disappointing if the claim is true that all financial sanctions are waived against Saudi Arabia, but why aren’t all governments coordinating on this human trafficking problem?

    • Through out history, wealthy countries and empires have been built and maintained by trafficking in people.
      This is essential in maintaining opulent or prurient life styles.
      In America from slavery to illegal immigrants, how else, could we have so much, if not for poverty wages in domestic and food service industries.
      Slavery whether volunteer or forced is alive and well in the US, maintaining a glutinous and wasteful society.
      How else could 5% of the world population consume 25% of its wealth, in goods and services except for this type of exploitation.
      Its all pornography in one form or another.
      If you want others to change, you and your country might consider taking the first step.
      Let me tell you the ways..........
      cheers, jt

    • If you want to define pornography and slavery in broad terms, no one can stop you but I don’t accept your broad definitions, otherwise you could also say all men are pimps and all women are whores. As for american consumption, it is what keeps the world afloat. Our big economy is what helps make it possible for China and India to rise. I can’t explain why the US does have so much more than everyone else. Hard work, fairly open markets, some corruption but not too much, fairly good leadership and good luck is probably why. I don’t feel guilty about it but I can understand why other people would be upset.

    • America now has 1/3 of it citizens suffering from obesity. Citizens are over feed and undernourished in more areas than food consumption, you are a good example of that other area, which I will leave for you to speculate upon..

      Perhaps I should use the word consumer since I’ve rarely heard the term citizen used and you are aware these terms describe two distant types of people and activities.
      Citizen has been removed from the lexicon of the US media, they primarily sell things, not information.
      Corporations and advertisers determine whats news, and reporters know when self censorship will help their careers. ( a minor form of pimping )

      I’m not asking you to feel guilty, simply to wake up into a bigger world.

      Gluttony does not feed the poor.

      "The American Dream has become a Nightmare for increasing numbers of people both within and outside your borders. Praying and lotteries offer a temporary and illusionary relief.

      All of us are pimps and whores to some extent, its simply a matter of degree.

      But of course you may be the exception.

      cheers, jt

    • I forgot to add that if you want to discover a few reasons why the US does so well, read;
      "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins.
      Google will probably give you a short interview by Amy Goodman (Public Radio) in double quick time.
      From this you may also learn a new definition for luck.
      Its entertaining and I’m sure you will enjoy it.
      cheers, jt

    • Let me clarify, when I said "american consumption" I meant it to mean more than food, I meant it to be a general term in the sense that we are literally consumers of the world’s goods as well as our own production of goods. Because we have relatively open markets and we are competitive ourselves, this allows us to employ numerous people at home but causes companies to look for employees overseas because we have a shortage of certain skilled people. Where does human trafficking come into this? Pontential foreign employees to US companies are well paid and competition to get those H1 visas are enormous. In addition, they learn a new set of skills which they can bring to their home countries and start businesses and employ other people. In my opinion this is productive work and yet you would call this exploitation. If you consider people to be pimps or whores to some degree then you have a very cynical view of the world and you should definitely ponder on that.

    • I read the interview between Goodman and Perkins and it’s definitely entertaining. I was chuckling the whole time because what he said was so implausible to anybody who knows how the system works. Thanks for the recommendation but I don’t think I would take that book seriously.

    • Time for a reality check....come down out of the clouds...."you can’t explain it", because you do not want to know the truth of the economic slavery here. You think as long as it does not affect you personally, exploitation just doesn’t exist.

    • You’ve apparently not paid much attention to the minuscule amount of information offered.
      (But thanks for checking out the article)
      Delusion, denials are obviously not confined to closed psychiatric units but to closed minds as well.
      If Perkins book is such a hoot as well as a best seller how come he is MIA in the mainstream media.?
      Why would no major publisher take his work unless he turned it into fiction.?

      We know about US consumption of the worlds goods and that pesky problem of extracting oil from Iraq as but one example from a long list of similar types of past Imperial adventures.

      Cherry picking scientists and other highly skilled labour from the 3rd world countries demonstrates only how improvised your education system has become.
      When more than half of all tax dollars goes to the Military, guess what institutions suffer, besides the people ducking bombs and bullets in foreign lands. (And those observed sitting on roof tops in New Orleans)

      In my country the head of a major university, a renowned professor in Medicine and Ethics suggests a minimum of $1 million dollars to compensate the country from which we have accepted a medical doctor. We too are not prepared to educate an adequate number for our own needs. She considers this rate of reparation as minimal if not cheap, but also as an absolute moral imperative. Many of us agree.

      The CIA considers that HIV Aids to be the biggest threat facing the West, should we encourage doctors to immigrate from these countries where these rates are destroying whole nations.?
      So many troubling questions for the inquiring mind, even for the moral mind, time permitting.

      cheers, jt

    • I understand that you are frustrated by my explanations, unlike you, I’m not trying to convince you over to my point of view, only telling you that there are some discrepancies.

      Regarding Perkins, the MSM knows how flaky he is, which is why they won’t touch him with a 10-foot pole, they’re afraid he would damage their credibility. As for the accusation of stealing Iraqi oil, it has always struck me as a european accusation and that the europeans project that on the americans because they have historically controlled the middle east for oil; the americans have oil, the europeans don’t.

      Scientists and other skilled labor will go to where they are better paid, if their country allows them. It indicates how dynamic our colleges and universities are regarding research. Why deny them the opportunity of the exchange of ideas and skills? Also, you are wrong again about how much or our tax dollars go to the military, Only 4-5% of our GDP is spent on the military annually.

      By the way, if your country wants to pay someone 1 million dollars, go right ahead, no one is stopping you. But why do you expect others to follow you? Why are you trying to control other people’s chance at negotiation? Finally, your accusation that we are stealing doctors from Africa doesn’t have merit. We have enough doctors and doctors do not have preferential treatment for an H1 visa. The spread of AIDS is due more to unsafe cultural sexual practices. Prevention is a much better course of action rather than treatment, government and teachers have a larger role in making sure that everyone is educated regarding prevention of AIDS.

    • There is no economic slavery here, unless you are an illegal alien. No one is stopping anyone from upgrading or getting new skills so that they can be paid more. It is true that with some fields the entry level salaries are very low, but they do get better as you have more experience and move up the ladder. It may shock you to know that the "poor" in the US are much better off than the average in europe. The poor have TVs, microwaves, washer & dryer, etc.

    • Entry level ? where are you coming from man, many many far to many are working two and three dead end jobs to approximate 3/4 of a low income cheque. Wages are equal now with inflation to the money put in that little brown envelope back in 1973.
      The reason, simple, Employers avoid benefits, overtime pay, paid sick leave ,avoid unions, call in time and play workers off against each other...should I go on....
      About the only thing that can be said for this type of work, it provides some lower middle class kids a chance to give their parents a break and something to put on their resume after acquiring a Junior College Certificate. And then they may be eligible to get a job my buddies in the mines used to sing about, "The working class, can kiss my ass I’ve got a Foreman’s job at last. Then they will be eligible to run up to $9,000 on their credit cards for medical expenses etc (Of course there will be a sizeable school debt)
      Until this week only a minimum of $200. monthly payment on outstanding debt was required now visa and the government have raised this to $400. and virtually eliminated the bankruptcy rules for the working class. If this ain’t wage slavery you must be a foreman at Walmart or a partner or fellow or whatever the euphemism for worker is called.
      On top of that, what about doing away with the minimum wage all together as decreed by GWB to help those peons in New Orleans rebuilt their shacks. Thats compassion and love in action. Now that place sure looks like a third world country and not some depressed slum in some European city. I’ve lived in both the US and Mexico and when Mexico has to offer aid whats that telling you. But reconstruction will be a windfall for Haliburton and other vultures.
      About those fridges etc check the consumer debt of the American poor to those in Europe and you’ll get a accurate picture of who really owns what, and what companies own what people.
      Finally it seems to me that illegal immigrants are given preferred treatment in the US as none of their employers has been fined or taken to court.
      Doing the same menial job for 20 years gives you 20 years of menial experience, and if the last 32 years of wage stagnation continues workers may soon have to give employees a percentage of their pay cheque. Buy another lottery ticket, thats the answer...
      You are so polite and such a believer is it impolite to ask if you are a lady.?
      cheers, jt

    • Yes poor people have t.vees, microwaves, etc....and not just in the US...possible exception is Africa, South America, and other third world countries. But you need to check out how much of our GNP goes to the military. Google it. The only job growth in the US since the 90s has been in the service fields. With all of the thousands of manufacturing and tech jobs lost in this country, we are fast turning into a service country...the have will each have groups of have nots to service their needs wants and desires...like in the dark ages which we are quickly returning to in more ways than one. I thank God everyday that I have no children to leave this mess of a country to, and I hope yours will forgive your ignorance for the price they will pay for it.

    • "U.S. military budget dollar for dollar, our military spending accounts for more than half of the U.S. federal discretionary spending, which is all of the U.S. government’s money not spoken for by pre existing obligations (social security, administrative costs, etc. etc., etc.)" "in 2004, the military spent $956,000,000,000.00....you republipukes think that is just a drop in the bucket, and that is EVERY year. The united states spends more than half of the entire world’s military budget each and every year....more than 6 times the next biggest spender (China)......the amount of money the US spends to wage war and kill other peoples of the earth is obscene. When these good "Christians" meet their God, they are going to have some ’splainin" to do.

    • But we digress off of the topic...sex slaves.....trafficing in children to be abused by the Saudi Royal family...Bush’s good pals...the Ben Dars and Bin Laudens...et.al.....not to mention that just a couple of weeks ago, Bush assured the Pope that he would be also be immune from prosecution (when the Pope asked him for immunity) for "conspiring" to aid the Catholic churches’ pedophile ring avoid prosecution for their sex crimes.......some morals these "moral" leaders have....now let’s hear it from all of you "Christians" who think Bush is a "moral" man.

    • The fact that they ae working 2 & 3 dead end jobs tells me that person is ambitious and will find work that will pay them more or will upgrade their skills to get work that will earn them more. Dead end jobs are a temporary measure. And what have you got against a lower middle class kid helping the family out by getting this type of job? It shows that the kid is a good worker and responsible, things that will bode well for him/her in the working world. What also makes you think that same person would be satisfied with a junior college certificate? If they are not afraid to work, they’re not going to settle for a certificate.

      The gov’t required the credit card people to raise the minimum on credit cards because the previous minimum would have kept people in debt until retirement. By effectively increasing the minimum the credit card companies lose money. Isn’t that the point?

      I agree with you that doing away with the min wage in NO is a mistake by Bush, but it is temporary. I also think it’s fine that Mexico offers aid, nice to know that we have a friend and why should the US be too proud to accept if the offer is sincere?

      As for Halliburton and other companies, if they aren’t going to do the reconstruction work, who is? Someone has to do it and make money, how else are they going to pay workers? And I agree with you that the gov’t really is stupid when it comes to illegal aliens and they contribute to the wage stagnation at the lowest income. However, citizens and legal residents have more opportunities to get out of a dead end job than an illegal alien.

      By the way, I’m polite because my parents taught their children to be polite. I don’t see any reason to change that.

    • Since you are having a conversation all by yourself. I’m not going to interrupt.