Home > Bush Hating 101

Bush Hating 101

by Open-Publishing - Monday 12 September 2005

Governments Catastrophes USA

It’s hard to imagine that all things bad with america and americans can be personified by one person " George Bush ". All I can say is the more you rant and rave that only the president is at fault and to blame for an "act of God ", the more apparent and ridiculouse you cry babies appear. All I can say is listen to reason or no one will hear your stupidity. Why not throw away another election or any chance at one.

Consider this. 1) The moron that released the prisoners into the Superdome, doomed those thier to experience the crime that followed. ( a local mater )

2) Unlike Fla who proactivly asked for federal aid prior to land fall of the last huricane. It’s called the chain of command. Mayor , Gov , President , Local , State , Federal.

3) Where are all the bodies ?

It would seem all the haters would rather stand afar and hate the president instead of stepping up with any help or solutions. Thats my beef with the left, only hate never solutions. Wake up, no one follows complainers, find soultions and you will find followers.

One final observations. No one has a good plan for when there is no electricity and no open roads. Because it slows every one down, well no kidding.


Forum posts

  • Stop this type of talk. I’m looking forward to seeing how the libs are going to blame Bush for a utility worker cutting a cable and putting power out to LA... This site is some of the best entertainment available on the internet! Let the libs spew their hate. The intellectual gymnastics necessary to hold their inconsistent positions is better than paying to see a circus gymnast - "those mad, bitter libs on the flying trapeze..."

    I hope all the libs who oppose transmission line and generation capacity construction can find a way to ignore their direct role in the tenuous state of the CA power grid and find a way to blame Bush, and "big electricity". If we’re lucky, Halliburton will get blamed too. Oh yea, I almost forgot Enron. The rationale of how a defunct Texas former utility is to blame for CA power shortages will be great entertainment. Enjoy!

  • What is wrong with your brain? Was someone ROVING in there? Don’t beat around the BUSH, you have bought all the spin, and alas, you too, will spin so fast that you will turn into butter. Who got things done? The citizens of New Orleans. The mayor. Where were the federales when the Governor of the State of Louisiana requested federal help for this emergency and looming disaster on August 28th? The hurricane hit on the 29th, and President Nero was celebrating a senator’s birthday in Arizona, strumming on stage, telling Brownie he was doing a heck of a job, somewhere other than N.O., and when he heard of the hurricane, did he go to the site? No, he went to D.C. to meet with god knows who. He was absent during the critical hours. He was the one who cut funding for completing the job on the levees.

    I just don’t understand this blind obedience of yours. When someone makes mistakes, shouldn’t they pay, especially when so many people lost their lives because of this negligence? And it’s not just Bush who we are criticizing. Sept. 11th: they had plenty of warnings. Iraq: invaded a country that posed no imminent danger. They lied to us about weapons of mass destruction. It was the pretext to get us into this conflict. Now thousands of innocent citizens of a foreign country breathe no more. Add that to over 1,800 u.s. troops officially killed in Iraq. There are also other untold numbers of soldiers who fought in Iraq but who died in European hospitals, and they are not part of the official tally. Yes, there are terrorists in this world. Yes, Hussein was a brutal dictator. But I thought Bin Laden was the #1 enemy. But somehow this administration veered 90 degrees to the left, invaded a country that had few terrorist networks and has spawned a renaissance among Al Qaeda cells all around the world. Bin Laden is still at large. Do you not remember the president’s words such as mission accomplished, we will track down and capture Bin Laden, on and on.

    Please, rather than react, take a minute. Think about what I’m telling you. I’m sure you’re a decent person who wants what’s best for yourself and others. Take a closer look. Get past the headlines. Take the time.

  • Burning Bush: Lighting up the dark night of the American apocalypse!

    Formal Presidential Prayer

    THE PRESIDENT: Are you there God? It’s me, George.

    I want you to know, that per my election strategy, I will pass up no opportunity to been seen looking to you for guidance and/or forgiveness. Remember that time near my 40th birthday, when I got so ripped on Tequila bombers that I stumbled home and thought Laura’s underthingy drawer was the head? You forgave me then. You forgave me for all the little silly crappy selfish cokehead Princely mistakes I’ve made over the years – like fixing votes, strong-arming anyone who thinks off-script, starting wars, leading by dividing, running the country into the ground like the greatest DUI in the history of forever, and all the rest. You know. Well, if you forgave me then...how about one more time?

    I know I shouldn’t have been honest and flaunted my contempt for that part of the populace I always thought my momma made up just to scare me during bedtime stories. And I know I look like I could care less about this stupid hurricane and all the mega-bummer screw-ups that came with it. And now I’m being punished. One might say...martyred? All these folks being braised to death is a mighty sad thing, I’m told. Know what I’m saying? If not, ask your Son. He knows what it’s like to be misunderstood.

    So please forgive me for being me. I’m only the most powerful man on the face of the earth.

    I’m on bended knee right now, asking you for the help you’ve given me my whole life, because that’s the only way to reasonably explain how it is that I’m the bossman CEO of so many millions of people. You know, I always thought the beatitudes were just... suggestions really. Your Son thinking out loud, a Holy Brainstorm – I had no idea that the poor and meek were actually part of your plan.

    Isn’t. That. Egg. On. My. Face.

    But before you send me a yakking burning bush or that friendly neoconservative angel who sits at the bottom of every can of Lone Star I crack, I’d like to fulfill the very minimum that’s required of a fair-weather Christian. Please forgive me my itty-bitty transgressions, such as being partially mortal. I assure you that I am majorly mother-fucking penitent.

    Also, please forgive the local and state authorities on the Gulf Coast, especially Mayor Freak-Out and Governor Wet Blanko, for totally dropping the ball and allowing this PR disaster to occur. Give them the wisdom to realize they prevented Tom Ridge Jr. and Brownie from doing the tremendous, magnificent, awesome, utterly competent job they told everyone they were doing. And please bestow this wisdom before the next press conference.

    And forgive all the dead. Maybe if they had embraced compassionate conservatism, they would have worked harder, pulling themselves up by their basketball shoelaces by holding down three or four low paying jobs, and then wouldn’t have been so poor and helpless and wrong-colored. Why didn’t anyone at the local country club teach these people how to swim in the first place?

    It would also be nice if you would forgive yourself, Big Guy. While I’m mostly beyond criticism and responsibility, you’re not above a little self-reflection. Granted, all I have to do is make sure the Richest, Most Powerful Country In The History Of The World doesn’t go belly up, yet you have to make sure the sun comes up, the seasons change, and those who deserve smiting get smoted. And while I know Katrina was just one of many ways you tick off unwanted drug dealers, voodoo witches, and rum-drinking homos, I just can’t help but think you can work on your precision a little more. Think "Tomahawk Missile".

    Lord, you giveth and you taketh away. You taketh my poll numbers lower than a New Orleans po’boy scramblin’ through the muck to keep his family fed while a bunch of manicured DC dandies wax super-serious for the TV Disaster Show. And from what I’m told – second and third hand, of course – that’s pretty darned low. And yet you also giveth – in the form of sucking up Chief Justice William Rehnquist’s musical-theater loving soul into your mighty celestial vacuum cleaner, thereby giving me the opportunity to stack the Supreme Court with white dudes who want to replace the House of Representatives with the Fortune 500.

    Thank you for such a gift, and I promise that very soon, every woman’s womb will be regarded like a miniature American Embassy, complete with armed Marines.

    Until that time, and hopefully before you FINALLY pull the trigger and start sending tornadoes of lava into the backyards of the non-believing and unsaved, please grant me the strength to distract the voters from the reality of a stumbling nation and focus them on something more important – like tax cuts.

    Give me the strength to look genuinely concerned while I ping-pong between empty photo-ops with pencil-pushers and military dudes. And give me the strength to stomach those annoying, snobbypseudoo-Christians serving food, collecting donations, and offering their homes up to unwashed Delta trash instead of dutifully watching Tivo’ed reruns of The 700 Club and ordering boxes of "Pat’s Age-Defying Protein Pancakes" like a REAL member of the armored Republican flock. Those show-off do-gooders really get my goat!

    And finally, give me the strength to wage a successful War On The Gulf Stream. Someone has to pay for this debacle, and it might as well be the environment. Seriously, you gave us the world to butt-fuck as we see fit, and that bitch isn’t playing by our rules.

    Lord, Bless me. Me. MemeMemeMemeMEMEME. Extra bless me, if you could.

    In Your Name, And Everybody Says...



    Burning Bush: Lighting up the dark night of the American apocalypse!
    Kanye West is My Hero
    by Justin Felux

    We’ve never seen anything like this before." I have heard this phrase
    repeated several times by newscasters describing the devastation wrought by
    Hurricane Katrina. However, as I watched the footage of all those black
    bodies desperately trudging through dirty floodwaters, I realized that I
    actually had seen something exactly like this before. It was one year ago,
    when Hurricane Jeanne slammed against the coasts of Haiti, a country which,
    like New Orleans, is both poor and black. The floods and mudslides ended up
    killing thousands of Haitians. The media gave scant attention to the matter
    for a few days; just long enough to get some sexy footage of houses being
    destroyed and valleys filled with floodwater. Enough to boost ratings for a
    while. Shortly after that, they packed up their equipment and got out of
    there faster than you can say "racist indifference." The United States
    rendered so little aid as to be insignificant, and before long the entire
    incident had faded from the minds of most Americans. There were few cries
    of outrage over the fact that this country couldn’t care less about the
    deaths of thousands of black people, but devotes countless hours of TV time
    to the latest Missing Pretty White Girl (I believe at the time it was Dru
    Sjodin, not Natalie Holloway). But people dying in Haiti is one thing.
    Americans have always found it easy to dismiss the deaths of those from
    other countries, especially when those countries are full of dark-skinned
    people. But who would think our government would allow something equally
    devastating to happen to people on our own soil — to people who are
    full-fledged American citizens (in theory, anyway)?


    Burning Bush: Lighting up the dark night of the American apocalypse!

    MetaMagic MediaMinistry
    Buzzworm: Access the New Revolution!
    MetaMagic News of the Strange & Supernatural!

    World Peace in Our Lifetime: We MUST Do It!

    (<>..<>) (—)
    • When you watch the news you will see white people helping black people. Or is it people helping people, I forget since I can’t think for my self unless the evil white government does it for me.

      Unless you forget, when you can’t hear the sirens and the water is up to yoru roof top and your not dead, your one lucky fooka. It’s because the power doesn’t work not because the evil white racist gov un plugged the power. Damn quick call GW to save us, damn it I can’t the power is out, I hope he’s watching Oprah so we can get some relief. Meanwhile some bone head fema guy calls the Gov of La, " Hey you guys want help yet. " Naw its cool wait til we are completely fooked. Meanwhile every one prety much forgets about all the while people in Missippi and Alabama.

  • LOL!!!

    You libs have outdone yourselves. I am sincere in my appreciation of the comic value of your posts. At a time of much stress, you make me laugh. This is a gift for which I am grateful.

    Can you please opine on the LA power outage??? I really can’t wait!!!

    Howard Dean ROCKS!!!!

  • Try to be understanding when it comes to the american libs and the euros. The euros are dying off: their economy is going nowhere, they are all getting much older, the young meanwhile are unemployed, they’re not having babies, and they are being surrounded by islamofascists who are multiplying faster; the euros need to blame someone and by gosh, it’s all going to be george bush’s fault. As for the libs, you have to be nice to them as well, at the rate they are going, they’ll be lucky if they hold on to even one seat in the senate or congress and not lose one governorship — and that’s unlkely given how idiotically Blanco has behaved. The euros and libs have no vision and since they lack vision they will insist on taking down the people that do, however their efforts are very transparent, and we will see this in the upcoming November elections.

    • Thank you , right wing , for your vision . Thank you for clearly seeing the threat of Ossama attacking America with commercial jetliners and shoring up defences so that could never happen. Thank you for declaring "Mission Accomplished" after you dazzled Iraq with shock and awe so that they would never dream of an insurgency. Thank you for protecting the little investors of corporations like Enron from greedy, lying, book-cooking C.E.O.’s . Thank you for listening to global warming experts and ensuring that the New Orleans levee system got all the funding it needed to withstand a long overdue killer hurricane aimed at the heart of one of the busiest ports in North America. And especially thank you for providing ME with many hours of comic relief due to your vision , which I’ve only scratched the surface of here.

    • If the Europeans (to use the correct term) are so bad, how come the dollar keeps dropping against the euro (currency)? Might it have something to do with the fact that the rest of the world has more confidence in the Europeans than it has in the Americans? Or the fact that the Europeans do not spend so much money on weaponry to try to conquer the rest of the world?

    • The only thing that you’re scratching is your butt. But I understand you poor lib/euro, your inability to process information in any other way but to blame Bush.

    • The currency markets have nothing to do with the above facts stated.

    • Process this!

      I remember Ronald Reagan saying, "Facts are stubborn things."

      Here are some facts for you to process.

      Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency that went into effect on August 26 asking for federal assistance.

      President Bush (or someone in the office) declared an emergency on August 27.

      "The president’s emergency declaration authorizes the FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts and to provide appropriate assistance in a number of Louisiana parishes, or counties."

      Interesting which counties and parishes were included in the emergency plan.

      "to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the parishes of Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Caldwell, Claiborne, Catahoula, Concordia, De Soto, East Baton Rouge, East Carroll, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, LaSalle, Lincoln, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Pointe Coupee, Ouachita, Rapides, Red River, Richland, Sabine, St. Helena, St. Landry, Tensas, Union, Vernon, Webster, West Carroll, West Feliciana, and Winn."

      So, let’s just let the facts speak for themselves.

      Parishes NOT included in this disaster plan include Orleans Parish and Jeff Parish, two of the hardest hit and the site of the worst disaster.

      So even though Bush (or someone in his office) issued a declaration of disaster on Saturday, he stayed on vacation.

      Sunday August 28 Bush speechified about the Iraq Constitution, and urged the people [presumably of those parishes not included in his disaster declaration] to "move to higher ground."

      On Sunday night National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield briefed Bush by teleconference.

      On Monday, Bush continued his vacation by celebrating John McCain’s birthday and delivering a Birthday Cake

      Early Monday, Army Corps of Engineers were made aware of the levee failures

      There are too many reports over the past decade which detail just what would happen to the City if/when this happened, that I don’t need to list them all, but even FEMA came out with a scenario as recently as last year.

      Tuesday Bush was still on vacation and strumming his guitar

      Tuesday, New Orleans filled up with water.

      Wednesday, Bush decides to cut his vacation short

      "The reality,[of the devastation] say several aides who did not wish to be quoted because it might displease the president, did not really sink in until Thursday night.

      What I still can’t understand is how so many of Der Leader’s followers can still believe that their hero is some kind of decisive leader, when he is so clearly out of touch with the reality in the ground and in the neighborhoods.

      And why is he never seen amid throngs of ordinary people. Is he afraid of ordinary people?

    • I never mentioned Bush in my post, I said "right-wing" , of which Bush is merely their dry-drunk appointed talking head. I’m not poor, I’m more libertarian than liberal and I’m not European. So you understand nothing, poser. Your ability to process information consists of trying to figure out what the cocktail waitress meant by "go fuck yourself" . But I digress. Suffice to say that the right wing "vision" is getting closer and closer to bankrupting America in more ways than one. So if that doesn’t concern you, you’re either a bigger idiot than your "poor lib/euro" mantra indicates, or you stand to gain in some way financially. My guess is 5 bucks an hour for distributing propaganda on the internet since the army wouldn’t take you due to your psych evaluation.

    • Hey clueless, first of all Bush asked Blanco to declare the emergency before she declared the emergency. Second, if Bush was on vacation, how is it that he is hearing from the Director of the Hurricane Center and declaring an emergency, and "speechifying" about the Iraq constitution? For a vacation it sounded like a lot of work to me. DOH! I have no doubt that FEMA was slow to respond to the plight of the New Orleanians who stayed. However, have you taken a look at the FEMA record response rates in past hurricanes? Have you compared the preparation record of Blanco and Nagin against Jeb Bush and his majors? A lot of the pain of these people could have been alleviated if Nagin and Blanco weren’t so inept and ill-prepared.

    • Dude you’re dancing around labels because you can’t admit to yourself what a left-wing loonie you are. In my post, I never said I was "right wing", you were the one who accused me of that. Also, as far as I was concerned I was talking to the general population of bellaciao, my original post didn’t refer to anything you said, you were the one who responded. So loonie, write a big "L "on your forehead because that’s what you are.

    • By the way, Chirac and lots of french people apparently didn’t come back from their vacations when thousands of old people were dying during a heat wave because they didn’t have a friggin air conditioner. That is a more disgusting situation than what happened from Katrina.

    • I guess the poor of New Orleans are victims of not living in a swing state with a Republican Governor during an election year.

      And I guess there’s no chance now that Drownie Brown will start handing out millions of FEMA dollars to those swing-state voters like he did last year.

    • Hey psychophant,

      Please where is the documentation of your assertion?

      "first of all Bush asked Blanco to declare the emergency before she declared the emergency"

      Please back this up with some facts.

    • Don’t be a lazy lib, do your own research.

    • How stupid are you? Bush put forward and the legislature signed an initial $10 billion dollars to help the victims of the Gulf Coast which includes New Orleans. Then both bush and the legislature passed another $50 billion dollars days later.

    • It’s beautiful to catch a FOX news disciple in a lie . I finished my first post with "I’m only scratching the surface" to which you shot back "the only thing you’re scratching is your butt" .I also didn’t call you right-wing, I called you a poser. You then reply that I accused you of being right wing and that your original post didn’t refer to anything I said. We now know how accurate the information is in all your other posts. Gee, lying can really make for a bad day at the office. Any luck with that waitress ?

    • Dude, that big L on your forehead means LOSER! Your first post said, "Thank you , right wing , for your vision ." DOH! DOH! DOH!

      Also, what have you got against waitresses that you would inflict them on a skank of your own making? You obviously think that you’re way too good for them. You’re just an elitist, leftist LOSER. But wait, it could be that your projection shows that you weren’t and still aren’t getting any. LOSER!

    • Holy fuck, you ARE hopeless. "Thank you, right wing, for your vision " means the ENTIRE right wing, Jethro , not you in particular. But it is amusing how your vocabulary is starting to melt down into some kind of 14 year old Simpsons watching surfer dialogue. And yes you’re right . Mentioning you and waitresses in the same sentence IS an insult to waitresses everywhere. To them I apologize. Any luck with blow up dolls, dude?

    • Still dancing around when hoisted by your own petard, huh? That’s right keep dancing. LOSER! I wonder why you keep bringing in waitresses and blow up dolls into the postings? No luck at all when it comes to sex, huh? Tsk, tsk, tsk. ROFLMAO

    • Au contrare, Mr. Roflmao ,I’m married and I get it every night . I do seem to have fucked you up pretty good though.
      Kirk out.

    • Married to what...a blow up doll? It’s not the same thing, even if you do get it every night. LOL!

    • So, obviously you’ve tried it. Thanks for confirming what we already knew. Hysterical LOL.

    • Keep on laughing dude, most of us don’t have to try it to know it’s not the same thing. The fact that you obviously didn’t know the difference is just too sad. Heh, heh, heh.

    • What’s sad is you are so easily steered away from reasoned discourse with a bit of baiting. You don’t want a debate. Anyone who doesn’t see it you way is a "noodle brain’ or a ’loser’ . And you chasing me into next week just to get the last word word in is an example of the schoolyard mentality that permeates the U.S.
      See you down the road.

  • Ya all have it wrong. The Americans only have one party. The party is paid for by the elite and no one else matters. When you wake up and smell the roses you will see the truth. The wealthy run everything in the world, US not excluded.

    • Why are the rightwing idiots going on about the power outage in CA? This was a utility worker mistake, not market manipulation as was the case with Enron. (Friends of George) There has been no problem with electricity supply since the lights came on on Enron’s antics. JB

    • Speaking of Enron, has anyone seen Kenny Boy Lay, or did Bush let him get off scott free...Martha eat your heart out, you should have kissed Bush’s butt and joined the crooks and liars club that he is the head of...

  • "Doomed those thier"....what is thier? Does anyone know what thier is? I don’t know what thier is, could the moron who posted this please explain the word thier? I think the idiot who posted this escaped from the retard school, probably in Kansas where they teach ID instead of logic and spelling.

    • It was an obvious misspelling noodle brain. Why are you so anally fixated on a misspelling? Get some much needed therapy.

  • First, in answer to your question "where are all the bodies"...I say that our cover up/propaganda machine is trying to come up with the "right" number of dead they will find. They obviously can’t have this # be too many, but it must be just enough that it doesn’t raise too much suspicion!
    The other night on Cable there was a very sad but true statement made about how due to the lack of Military presence (and Fed Gov’t) in the immediate days after this hurricane, the media was able to report, without restrictions, and the true stories were told. Now that the Feds and Military are there they continue to disquise the true body count(same as in Iraq), and say they don’t want the dead shown out of respect for their families! Oh Please do not insult us... they have no respect for anything except the almighty $$$$.
    A local radio show spoke to a fireman just back from N.O. and he said there was a temporary Morgue set up there and they had 1200 bodies there so far when he left. I DO believe him, because W. and his gang of insurgents have done nothing to make me believe them!!
    I do not blame W., frankly he doesn’t have a clue of what is going on, in order to understand things he would need to be somewhat intelligent. Cheney, who was missing in action after the storm, is one of the major players in this "Cancerous Administration" which is metastasising all over the World! He was also busy drawing up his Haliburton Contracts.
    These people are beyond belief as just when you thought they had lied and comitted the worst criminal acts they continue not to disappoint us!
    We in the U.S. did NOT vote for W. and Dick, we DON"T want them ruling us anymore and would appreciate help from anyone...even Hugo Chavez!!

    • You are one sick puppy. You are actually hoping that there were thousands of deaths instead of the hundreds that Katrina caused, just so that you think that will take down Bush and his government? You are really base.

    • When "officials" state that there my be fewer dead than anticipated, are they talking about the 40,000 bodies that DMORT was preparing for?

      Or were they talking about the first shipment by FEMA of 25,000 body bags?

    • Did I say I was hoping there are thousands dead....NO!! Of course you interpreted it that way, as do most of those "paranoid" individuals in your small group. You read into and twist things, this paranoia is a key symptom of psychosis. Do you have something to hide, as you are so defensive?
      Actually, I save lives every day and that is certainly much more then W. can say! Ihave held the hands of the sick and dying. I have helped them on their way to their "transition" from life to death, please do not make judgements. Look at facts. With all those people talking about all the dead people they saw and all the "bodies" the Gov’t was prepping for they either overestimated tens of thousands or are fixing the numbers, as they did in the last 3 elections.
      It is ALL about "damage control" with them, not a value for life or respect for death. Asdecieptful as this "Administration is we have to band together and not forget these survivors or those deceased .They were ALL victims of incompetence and neglect at it’s utmost level!!

    • Did I say I was hoping there are thousands dead....NO!! Of course you interpreted it that way, as do most of those "paranoid" individuals in your small group. You read into and twist things, this paranoia is a key symptom of psychosis. Do you have something to hide, as you are so defensive?
      Actually, I save lives every day and that is certainly much more then W. can say! Ihave held the hands of the sick and dying. I have helped them on their way to their "transition" from life to death, please do not make judgements. Look at facts. With all those people talking about all the dead people they saw and all the "bodies" the Gov’t was prepping for they either overestimated tens of thousands or are fixing the numbers, as they did in the last 3 elections.
      It is ALL about "damage control" with them, not a value for life or respect for death. Asdecieptful as this "Administration is we have to band together and not forget these survivors or those deceased .They were ALL victims of incompetence and neglect at it’s utmost level!!

    • That wasn’t said. You are paranoid and this is a sign of psychosis! Actually I save lives every day and have held the hand of many sick and dying and frankly would have been fired of incompetence if I was as neglectful as W. was!

  • No one hopes for thousands of deaths, but we know that what the government has been doing all points to fraud. A site needs to be set up to start posting the names of the dead, just like the site for the men and women who have died in the Middle East. We do not know the truth about many things that have taken place throughout history. The truth about 9/11 needs to be exposed. The only way "We The People" will know the truth is to look for it. Nothing is hidden, but to be exposed. The light will shine and the truth will be known. LOOK FOR IT!

  • You don’t have the chain of command right.

    The Bush Chain of Command starts with him, at the top of the heap. He makes a comment to Condi or Dick or Karl. It gets passed on down. It "trickles" down the heap, down to state level, down to county level, down to city level, down to department level. There is it mulled over, deciphered, interpreted, revised, reviewed, tweaked and put in a neat file drawer. Everyone on the chain can point DOWN DOWN DOWN to someone else. And the corporal at the bottom gets court-martialed. And everything goes back to normal again.

    No one important really gets any blame. Blame is for suckers. Blame is for poor people who deserve all they can get.

    Truman had a sign on his desk: THE BUCK STOPS HERE. But Bush has no sign. He sees no buck, where’s the buck, what buck, who has the buck? In that way no one except someone at the bottom of the heap gets blame, and who cares about some smuck with a mortgage, a jalopy, a sick cat, and an ill-fitting suit?

    Please don’t talk about "act of God." God was not on vacation. God was not strumming a guitar and making speeches about staying courses or having photo-ops with senior citizens. Bush and his entire cabinet were on vacation, enjoying life and barbecues and buying shoes or eating cake. Bush is very nice about that "Let them eat cake," he said generously, emulating some ancient person who soon afterward got his head chopped off with a guillotine.

    • Bush is not accountable for this messed up disaster.

      Actually, George W. Bush hasn’t been accountable for any of his screw-ups. His entire life of screw-ups has been managed by his daddy’s rich friends and he has never been held to account for anything.

      Last term at Yale - transcript with an entire row of "NP" and no grades. He got his 10 credits somehow.
      Last year and a half in the Texas Air National Guard and transfer to Alabama, no record of him attending, but he got his dishcharge somehow.

      Sold his Harken stock and failed to report it to the SEC in violation of insider trading laws. No official investigation somehow.

      Reading a book about a goat while people are jumping out of buildings in NYC
      Media made him appear like a leader, somehow.

      Strumming a guitar while NOLA drowns.
      Media having a hard time with this one.

      What’s next?

      I am not optimistic.

    • The only way anything will change is if all Democratic U.S. Senators draft articles of impeachment against this gang now. Even if they are not impeached, the senators would show solidarity and that they are trying to hold these criminals accountable. Nov. ’06 will be too late. I’m more hopeful about the House members these days. But I’m not too optimistic either. Also, the same dem sens need to filibuster John Roberts. They need to reject ANY Bush choice outright.

  • Did I say I was hoping there are thousands dead...NO!! Of course you interpreted it that way, as do most of those "paranoid" individuals in your small group. You read into and twist things, this paranoia is a key symptom of psychosis. Do you have something to hide, as you are so defensive?
    Actually, I save lives every day and that is certainly much more then W. can say! I have held the hands of the sick and dying. I have helped them on their way to their "transition" from life to death, please do not make judgements. Look at facts. With all these people talking about all the dead people they saw and all the "bodies" the Gov’t was prepping for they either overestimated or are fixing the numbers as they do in Iraq and they did in the last 3 elections.
    They are also preventing the media from covering scenes of the dead...thankyou "Big Brother" for protecting their dignity and us from this horrible site..Ha.Ha!
    It is ALL about "damage control" with them, not a value for life or respect for death. As deceiptful as this Administration is we have no reason to believe anything they say and every reason not to.
    We all need to band together and not forget these survivors or those deceased, as unfortunately they were ALL victims of incompetence and neglect at it’s utmost level!

    • Hey, I’m a conservative progressive. Not liberal nor right wing. I have to say that from what I’ve seen from the mostly white, uneducated, lazy, stupid, fat male jerks who follow the president blindly, like the original poster and the jack asses who piled on with comments, is that if George W. stuck his thing out, you’d be falling over each other to suck it.

      What a sorry bunch of losers. You’re needed in Iraq. Catch a plane, quick!

  • Look, you need not blame bush for what he has wrought...think of all the wonderful things that have taken place. The US super power has attacked a crapy third world country and has looted, pillaged (oil) and raped(you should see the pictures...). How can you ask for more? Oh, and then their is that other god forsaken country that the US has atttacked. So what. It has been a place of blood shed and misery and lord do I love misery. Hey remember when the russians invaded and told thier solidiers that it was to help the country. Ya, right. "help build schools and hospitals and to help the afgan people have a better quality of life.... you could hear the zip of body bags. Did I say how much I love the sound of body bags. It makes me wet. Wasn’t it wonderful how the US poored millions into the party and how the CIA helped the Afgan to resist. Oh how I wish that I could get other countries to help the resisters in Irag. Wouldent that be nice. It could really turn it into one big monkey ****. Hey you haave to keep a balance. Think of those poor Afgans living in a third world country like they did in centuries past. In comes the invaders all powerful, sure I help to egg them on with the greed of what they can gain. Is not war about GREED(LOL).If thier was noting to gain, why bother... you have to have something to loot and pillage, unless your just plain EVIL>. So what if Bush knew about 9/11 befor it happened. Do you think that the stupid American people would of been so gunhoe about attacking Afganistan or Iraig if 9/11 had not happened.....you are so like dumb sheep being led to the slaughter. Sleep on and trust your leaders... don’t question thier authority or their motives....Death and Destruction I hope You don’t quess my NAME... Oh, by the way, have you ckecked your bank balance lately... The dollar is dropping in value and it won’t be long befor its time for the NEW WORLD ORDER>>> and the dollar will be no more and neither will be the US sovergnty... George’s dad was a good helper of mine, much like his grand father Prescot. Prescot and I were tight. He helped finance a good friend of his in the third reich and help make it possible for him to come to power. Some of his fortune came from some hard working people in some German kamps... Much of the Bush family has profited from war... So you could say, Look at what the Bush family has wrought. On Aug.6th,2001 George was given the presidental briefing that clearly spelled out that Bin Laddin was planning to hyjack US planes and Krash them in to buildings. Now if they had listen to reason, they would of flown those planes into the Nuclear power plant just 50 short miles away....,but this was just for EFFECT> Like Condi had said, a few months earlier, "maybe what this country needs is another Pearl Harbor".... Do you think she was implying that it would be good for the US to have two naval bases called "Pearl Harbor"??? Ya, right. And she and W don’t get jungle fever...And I’ so pleased with Pat Robbinson and how he called for the assination of a world leader that was demorcratically elected...Way to go Pat. Its nice to know who is on MY side.... Ya, maybe the us should attack another oil rich country that is closer to home. It kwould show him that MIGHT IS RIGHT!!!!! And I don’t like him anyway... he is giving his oil cheap to poor countries, what is he....a chrisitan....I like Pat so keep sending in all those dollars and tax free!!!!Yippee!!!!

    • These comments show the extreme divisiveness of Americans under the Bush thumb. Some think he can do no wrong, no matter how stupid, how vicious, how unthinking, how brazen his actions might be. He is like a junior Jesus, free from sin, white as Republican snow-job, talks with some god but never seems to listen to any answer. Other people think he is the rear end of a jackass, a puppet in the hands of corporate sponsors, a religious nut, a talking head, an irascible petulant spoiled rich guy who should have had his backside whipped until raw when he was young, or an irresponsible insensistive irritable bully who struts, smirks and smiles his way through the devastation he has wrought wherever he goes. One thing, never let him get hold of your money...it will end up in the pockets of one of his sponsors, and never turn your back on him because his sidekick Karl Rove will sink his knife deep inside your guts and turn the blade.
      But the religious nuts love him. After all, he helped God write the Bible.

  • Where were the real men in the storm? Most were waiting for hand outs.. Would you let your kids go without water food etc..? Most of these so call men were waiting for hand outs and still are.. Maybe cause of the french blood who knows.. When something happens my family is helping each other Grandpa, Dad, Brotherinlaw,, Maybe it’s just men taking care of their kids and wife and mothers and family??? Maybe everyone should try that??? You might have to grow some balls to do that? May be to late for some as we see...