Home > Bush’s House of Cards Collapsing

Bush’s House of Cards Collapsing

by Open-Publishing - Friday 24 February 2006

Governments Secret Services USA

DETROIT - The frauds and deceptions are unraveling every day and cascading truths are forcing the Busheviks to do more of what they do best: lie. We now have the first eyewitness account from a CIA officer confirming what the reality-based community has long known - that President George W. Bush and company cherry-picked and distorted intelligence to make their phony case for War in Iraq.

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were not only aware that the identity of an undercover CIA operative was leaked, we now are learning they ordered the treasonous deed themselves. Oh, yes, another eyewitness account provides the testimony.

Bush lied through his teeth when he said he didn’t even know corrupt former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. In fact, Bush met with him personally about a dozen times at the White House, and at countless fund-raisers where Abramoff helped buy the favor-seeking crowd.

Bush forgets warnings of terrorist attacks and natural disasters, but he always remembers the big money people. Bush allowed Abramoff access to the White House and invited him to visit the Crawford ranch. Abramoff has the photos and e-mails to prove it.

The U.S. attorney general denies any wrongdoing and says the president can make his own rules, even when Congress has enacted a federal statute prohibiting warrantless electronic surveillance.

We now know - through another eyewitness account - that Bush and his minions lied about when they were warned about the breach of the New Orleans levees.

It is stunning to realize the lid was blown off all these monumental lies in a single week.

On top of that, our squirmer in chief had to endure Coretta Scott King’s funeral, where he had to listen to criticism of his War and his assaults on the Constitution.

Cheney was forced to leave his bunker and defend lawlessness, declaring that “we have all the legal authority we need” to trample on the Fourth Amendment and wiretap anyone without probable cause or judicial review.

The vice president made his wild assertions on “NewsHour” with Jim Lehrer. Cheney, in a rare interview with someone other than his pal Rush Limbaugh, was in legal limbo, declaring the president can do as he damn well pleases in matters of foreign policy and national security. Congress, Cheney claimed, only has the right to “suggest” in these matters.

A CIA veteran said the Bush administration engaged in the “politicization” of intelligence relating to Iraq. Paul R. Pillar, who recently retired from his post as the CIA’s top counterterrorism analyst, reviewed assessments on Iraq from 15 agencies in the intelligence community.

In an article in “Foreign Affairs” magazine, Pillar provides a scathing indictment of the White House interference, revealing that “it has become clear that official intelligence was not relied on in making even the most significant national security decisions, that intelligence was misused publicly to justify decisions already made.”

All those Saturday morning visits Cheney and his top aide, “Scooter” Libby, made to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., paid off for the cabal that had already decided to invade Iraq.

“If the entire body of official intelligence on Iraq had a policy implication, it was to avoid War - or, if War was going to be launched, to prepare for a messy aftermath,” Pillar wrote. “What is most remarkable about prewar U.S. intelligence on Iraq is not that it got things wrong and thereby misled policy-makers; it is that it played so small a role in one of the most important U.S. policy decisions in decades.”

Pillar joins the growing list of truth-tellers: Richard Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism chief; Paul O’Neill, former secretary of the Treasury and National Security Council member; and Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff for former secretary of state Colin Powell. They all say Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld first made the decision to attack Iraq, and then fabricated the reasons and justifications for what they were going to do.

Libby is preparing his defense, which will pivot on a claim that he was just following orders. Murray Waas of the “National Journal,” who did the finest reporting on the CIA leak investigation, has learned that Libby has already testified to a federal grand jury that he was “authorized” by Cheney and other “superiors” to disclose classified information to reporters in order to “defend the Bush administration’s use of prewar intelligence in making the case to go to War with Iraq.”

Libby’s twin titles at the White House were chief of staff to the vice president and special assistant to the president. Bush and Cheney had to know what Libby was doing. My theory is that Condoleezza Rice, then the national security adviser, had a hand in encouraging the treachery.

Amazingly, the White House has “lost” relevant e-mails, in a clear attempt to impede special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation. Whoever destroyed the e-mails obstructed justice and should be charged.

Bush’s “brain,” Karl Rove, certainly was a key player in the plot to discredit former ambassador Joseph Wilson for his report debunking the administration’s bogus claim that Saddam Hussein was buying enriched uranium in Niger. That lie was so pivotal in the case for War that the conspiring Busheviks blew Wilson’s wife’s cover.

Waas cites “people with firsthand knowledge of the matter,” indicating that Libby will structure his defense on the argument “that Vice President Cheney and other senior Bush administration officials had earlier encouraged and authorized him to share classified information with journalists to build public support for going to War.”

After the War began, Cheney authorized Libby to release additional classified information, including details of the National Intelligence Estimate report, to defend the administration’s use of prewar intelligence in making the case for War. Cheney and his boy in the Oval Office should be indicted for that crime.

“I don’t know him,” Bush said of admitted felon, influence-peddler and bagman for Republican causes, Jack Abramoff. Bush’s amnesia baffled Abramoff. Abramoff wrote in an e-mail to Kim Eisler, national editor of “Washingtonian” magazine, “The guy saw me in almost a dozen settings, and joked with me about a bunch of things, including details of my kids. Perhaps he has forgotten everything.”

Hell, Bush forgot the entire year of 1972, when he was supposed to be reporting for Air National Guard meetings in Alabama. He still can’t remember why he skipped his required pilot’s flight physical.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales forgot the Constitution when he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the administration’s illegal searches. Gonzales sounded more like a mob mouthpiece than our nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

Without being required to take an oath swearing to speak the truth - courtesy of the shameless committee chairman, Arlen Specter, and the other gutless knaves on the panel - Gonzales ducked and weaseled as he defended the indefensible. A New York Times editorial aptly described his performance as “a daylong display of cynical hair-splitting, obfuscation, disinformation and stonewalling.”

The soft-spoken Gonzales is, in fact, an advocate of monarchical powers for the president, and should be fitted with the brown shirt his fondness for fascism merits. He, too, should be indicted.

Michael “You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie” Brown, the disgraced former FEMA director, got his licks in, blaming top White House staffers for the disgracefully delayed response to Hurricane Katrina.

Brown - who did take an oath to tell the truth - appeared before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs last week. Brown said it was “baloney” for Department of Homeland Security officials to claim they only learned of the extent of the flooding in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30. Brown testified that, the day before, he had informed senior White House officials of the unfolding disaster and the dire need for more help from the federal government. He said he probably spoke with Joe Hagin, the deputy White House chief of staff, and he may have informed chief of staff Andrew Card of his concerns.

Either the White House staffers did not inform the president about the crisis - in which case, they should have been fired - or they did and he did nothing. The latter is more plausible. Bush was in California at a political fund-raiser and probably just shrugged off the warning. Recall, his staff had to sit him down to show him videos of the devastation, because “Bubble Boy” had not bothered to watch it on live television.

Bush works to frustrate our freedom on every level, especially with his incessant lying and isolation from the reality of the horrible failures his deceit and incompetence have wrought.

My friend and colleague Amy Lange wrote a description of our national suffering, which I condensed and shaped into verse.

Welcome to Democracy Row
Just outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
This is where our greatest freedoms
Once cherished - now worn out, washed up and
Discarded like empty gin bottles - have hit the skids.
There’s Freedom of Speech
Curled up in a ball under a tattered American flag - rocking
Silently back and forth.
Freedom of Expression is nearby trying to warm - huddled under two T-shirts that read
“Support the Troops” and “2245 Dead How many more?”
Wiretapping walks by fresh from a party at the White House
Reeking of arrogance and undeserved superiority
He spits on Privacy and Privacy whimpers in despair.
Lies come running out like a pack of wild dogs
Tearing Truth to shreds.
Fear and Ignorance chase after them
Drunk with power
They kick dissent a few times
As they pass just for fun
The Liberties watch in disgust
Waiting for We the People to wake up.


Forum posts

  • its time for a citizens arrest , clean house , put them on ppv torture special where lottery tickets are sold for chances to win daily trips to leavensworth to humanely humiliate these war criminals and traitors for repartation to the american people they have robbed and deceived .

  • If Bush’s memory is so bad, he is obviously non compos mentis (not of sound mind), which is a valid reason for removing him from the presidency.

  • Yeah, yeah... All talk... Nothing can harm Bush or his policies or the top people. Mark my words.

    There just is no opposition to him or his policies, and in fact, Bush is doing what the Whitey America wants. There is no such thing as opposition in America. (Example: Look to H.R. Clinton. She and McCain are of one mind.)

    (People like Cindy Sheehan and others are completely ineffectual. Case in point - What was the outcome of her "Camp Casey" effort. Zilch. Nada. Zero.)

    There is no reason for any Whitey American to object. All the Whitey Americans I know either could care less what happens in Iraq or simply want to turn Iraq to glass or to the NSA listening in, or anything else that Bush has done.

    There are some Blackies who object but overall the non-Whities are so marginalized as to be non-existence. They barely register on the political or economical radar. The Blackies who are "nationaly" recognized either are Oreos (Blacks who have a pathological need to be "White" or do the bidding of Whitey without and beyond any reasoning of their own; Colin Powell comes to mind at the U.N. presenting Whitey’s lies) or have their own selfish interests; Obama from Illinois is a prime example.

    Bush’s policies will be implemented for the next 50 years if not more, no matter which side of the political spectrum is in office. In fact, the color of Whitey America is Red and little less Red. Think for a moment of what it is that you actually see — without approaching it with labels in hand.

  • Most of us "whiteys" care what is going on in America. I believe there are too many "blackies" who don’t!

    • " Most of us "whiteys" care what is going on in America. I believe there are too many "blackies" who don’t!"
      You are a bona-fide American redneck asshole! How convienient for you that all those "hate and anti-semetic laws" don’t apply to you and your email. Try saying that, substituting in "jews" for "blackies", and see what happens!

    • To: 70/205

      My dear chap, you don’t have to put quotes on the word "Whitey"... But this is not a lesson in contextual english. Hehehe..

      Whitey America only cares about comforting its White A** and nothing more. A good example might be the craze for the last decade or more for pickup trucks and SUVs. If Whitey cared he would have been more prudent towards oil usage, towards road usage, and towards the encironment. Do you as Whitey even know that it pollutes upwards of 30,000 gallons of water to make an SUV? And that the Japanese can make a pickup truck (of relative size) in just 1700 gallons of water used? And unlike the Whitey’s way it is reused many times before being cleansed and burned off — Where as Whitey simply releases it back into the open environment after one use.

      Your "concern" is false. It is for show and it is based on a void foundation.

      Whitey’s outlook on the world is a little less than an inch past his nose. Give Whitey his Starbucks and his Wal-marts and he will even sacrifice a fellow Whitey’s livelihood and loudly proclaim the banner, "It’s the American Way" (tm). Showing how little he cares of the items he consumes comes from the life essence of a non-White human that also inhabits this planet.

      (Does Whitey even realize that the $3.00 cup of coffee from Starbucks he drinks is equal to the pay of a day’s labor who pick the coffee bean?)

      Your "concern" is false. It is for show and it is based on a void foundation.

      BTW, do you remember the lies of a few years back wherein Wal-Mart touted that it carried only products made in America? Only to be show that the soccer balls came from Pakistan and the jeans (carrying the "Made in America" were from China?) Ahhh, but Whitey did not care enough to halt his consumption or alter his purchases.

      All this talk about democracy and freedom; where were your concerns when the elder Bush and Clinton waged war on Iraq by bombs and other means?

      Your "concern" is false. It is for show and it is based on a void foundation.

      Whitey America never cared for non-Whites, not even in the community of "America". Case in point — what went on during Hurricane Katrina’s landfall. FEMA’s Whitey was safely sitting on his Whitey A** behind a desk, disussing his sense of fashion. Whitey never cared for non-Whites and never will.

      Your "concern" is false. It is for show and it is based on a void foundation.

    • Keep working at it 4 45. I hope you are in your late teens or early twenties, at most. If you’re older, forget it. Your writng is mediocre. But, if you’re maybe 18 - 23, there’s hope for improvement. Always edit before you press that little send button. Oh - it’s OK to spell "ASS" out fully. It’s not a naughty word. And, the "whitey" "blackie" shtick is lame.

    • To 24.145: I’d be more careful in giving advise to others on how to write English. 4.45 demonstrates far better command of the King’s English than your sorry ass. Look at how you spelled the word ’writing’, for crying out loud. Yes, Sir Good Grammar, always edit before sending, a good habit you don’t have. Like so many hypocrites before you, you point out the same defects in others that you possess in abundance. Look in the mirror, Whitey and see your disease. It’s called hypocrisy and delusion.

  • It is collapsing, but only if Americans wake up. Please help.

    To introduce myself, I am a respectable, ordinary (senior)lady who understands the dire situation we find ourselves in.

    I believe the next six weeks are pivotal, since the crazies in DC want to start WWIII. For this reason, I am contacting you to ask for your urgent help.

    In brief, former Intel Officer, Captain Eric H. May, U.S. Army has, since the Battle of Baghdad coverup in 2003, been desperately trying to get his message out en masse. Since that date, he has successfully broken the embedded code the elites use to signal to each other what they’re doing next. In so doing, he has averted the nuking of Texas City, Texas in 2005, and the recent attempt to nuke Houston, (and possibly South Carolina), thus saving millions of lives. He is currently gathering intel on a possible fake terror attack on California.

    From the links included below, you’ll hear Captain May describe the embedded codes in detail, and his efforts at averting the fake terror attempts that have been made to date, not, I might add by any muslim network, but, as we who understand this nonsense know, by alCIAduh!! I believe strongly that the successful deciphering of their embedded codes is perhaps THE single most immediate issue for humanity to understand at this dire time. It could save the lives of millions of innocents across the globe, and completely blow the cover off the criminal cabal.

    I believe that time is of the essence here; the war drums beat loudly for Iran, and the crazies, yet again, are ramping up the flu pandemic rhetoric. Simply put, another false flag attack on American soil (blamed on Iran) will result in full martial law, forced chip-laced vaccines, and the rapid disappearance of large numbers of patriots/whistleblowers, never to be seen again. Once successful in locking down America, the crazies will attempt the same across the globe.



    Command archive for Captain May’s Texas City Inquest. You can access it via http://ca.groups.yahoo.com/group/GhostTroopCommand/

    Feb 23rd 2006 Captain May’s interviews with broadcaster Frank Whalen available for download here: http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Whalen06.html (3rd & 4th hours)

    and his interview with Zeph available here:




    To augment Captain May’s work, I’ve also included the following link which outlines the satanic calendar the crazies use to schedule their fake terror, assassinations/murders or staged "suicides" around, including of course child sacrifice. These "events" are not necessarily carried out on the exact pagan date, but rather on the nearest full moon to the date. I have also read, and been told, that their diabolic events are scheduled anytime within fourteen days before and/or within fourteen days following any of these dates. The truth lies somewhere in between I would suggest; since we are not "insiders", we cannot possibly know exactly. However, using the common sense our Creator gave us, and learning how to decode their numbers, we can, with a fair degree of accuracy, predict the next fake terror event, perpetrated by these creatures, in furtherance of their satanic fascist New World Order

    I urge you to consider interviewing Captain May, and making the transcript available on your web site. In addition, through your many contacts, help in any other way you deem appropriate, to get this man’s information out to the world URGENTLY. Please contact Captain May directly (captainmay@prodigy.net) in this regard.

    Thank you for reading this email, and I look forward to your response.

    With respect,

    Media Liaison, Ghost Troop

    • GT Cilla, it is a sick joke that you’d imply I’m a ZIONIST disinformer when I was booted off of GCN radio for exposing ZIONISTS THERE! It has been Eric May who has parroted absolute LIES and DISINFORMATION from the likes of Stew Webb, Flocco, Skolnick and others trying to keep the focus AWAY from ZIONISTS whom I’ve consistently pointed out ARE INVOLVED!


      With regard to information, ’RAT POISON’ has been defined as partial truths mixed with LIES.

      This is what Eric May DOES! Eric contacted myself and others because we were posting TRUTH on the internet LONG before he decided to show up. Then deliberately disregarded repeated warnings of COINTELPRO DISINFORMERS like Stew Webb, Barbara Hartwell and others. Eric has been repeatedly WRONG in his TX NUKE warning predictions and diverts readers attentions chasing mythical ’codes’ in news media articles. But that hasn’t stopped him from repeating the GARBAGE spewed by the likes of Webb in many Yahoo groups Eric now infests. You have to wonder about somebody who flagrantly disregards TRUTH and posts material from those proven WRONG over and over again.

      This is what Eric May DOES!

      For more information on this JESUIT style disinformer, email me at: hitech2@bluemarble.net