Home > Bush uses the SAME phrase Hitler used in press conference

Bush uses the SAME phrase Hitler used in press conference

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 26 December 2004

Governments USA

By Jackson Thoreau

WASHINGTON - In only his 17th press conference on Monday, Bush appeared to admit that not even the people around him are very smart, while giving another quip that didn’t make grammatical sense.

"I’m going to find somebody who knows something about intelligence," Bush said, "and capable and honest and ready to do the job."

On the budget, he said, "We will submit a budget that fits the times. It will provide every tool and resource to the military, will protect the homeland, and meet other priorities of the government."

"Protect the homeland" is the SAME phrase that Hitler used when he proposed the creation of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany. Hitler said, "An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland."

Much has been written comparing Bush and Hitler so I won’t go into much detail on that here. Just that I read some interesting articles lately on how Hitler was a devout Christian who spoke against gays and abortion and used government funds on so-called "faith-based programs."

Add in the propaganda, the stolen elections, the use of a major tragedy for political gain, the torture, the prison camps in Guantanamo Bay where people are held without being charged or access to legal reps, the invasion of another country without good reason, the unwillingness of so many Americans to honestly assess the Bush administration and investigate facts, so many Americans’ willingness to blindly go along with Bush, as many Germans went along with Hitler to the point of denying there were death camps in their neighborhoods, etc., and a disturbing trend is on the horizon.

I’m not saying Bush IS like Hitler, just that we seem to be sliding down that slope. And this "protect the homeland" language doesn’t do anything to dispel that notion.

Also in the press conference, Bush lied again when he said he would "maintain strict discipline in spending tax dollars." Every budget HE has submitted has been higher than the last one. He cuts taxes mostly for the wealthy, increases spending mostly for defense, contracts for his fat-cat campaign contributors and "intelligence," rolls up huge deficits and calls that "fiscal responsibility."

On Social Security, Bush said, "The first step in this process is for members of Congress to realize we have a problem."

More members of Congress do need to realize we have a problem, with a major one being that the Republicans control the White House, Congress and Supreme Court. The fact that Bush and other Republicans will steal people’s Social Security funds to give more campaign contributors on Wall Street more cash to gamble with, not to mention billions in new fees, is a HUGE problem.

Then, Bush issued this stirring, Patrick Henry-like defense of Rumsfeld, who even many Republicans want out: "He’s doing a very fine job....He’s a caring fellow." Caring towards whom - multimillionaires? This "caring" jerk cared so much about the troops who died in the stupid Iraqi war he pushed for and did not supply enough troops or equipment for that he couldn’t even take the time to sign the letters sent to family members telling them their sons and daughters died. Rumsfeld had a machine sign his signature. But doesn’t Bush’s defense of this "caring fellow" make you feel better?

Finally, Bush passed the buck on his failed nomination of former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik to be the Homeland Security secretary.

"In retrospect, he made the right decision to pull his name down," Bush said. "The lessons learned is continue to vet and ask questions."

Besides that last sentence being ANOTHER grammatical error - “lessons” is a plural noun, thus it should be “learned are” - the statement was another case of Bush trying to blame someone else for his own failings. Oh yeah, it was Kerik’s fault that he accepted the position with more money and prestige that Bush offered. It was Kerik’s fault that Bush & Co. did not ask enough questions.

Bush and his people knew about Kerik’s illegal maid, mob connections, adultery, etc. They just hate getting caught.

And Bush is one who HATES people to ask questions of him - that’s why he has so few press conferences - so it was another hypocritical, self-serving statement.

Is it any wonder why Bush’s handlers HATE to see him give a press conference? And people are still getting on Chevy Chase for calling this idiot a “dumb fuck?”

Jackson Thoreau, a Washington, D.C.-area journalist, contributed to Big Bush Lies, published by RiverWood Books and available in bookstores across the country. Thoreau’s latest electronic book, The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush & Other Things the Bush Administration Doesn’t Want You to Know, can be read at http://www.geocities.com/jacksonthor/know.html He can be reached at jacksonthor@yahoo.com or jacksonthor@juno.com


Forum posts

  • No, your right, Bush is not like hitler, he’s much worse...at least the string-pullers are. Do you really think Bush has the capacity both mentally and physically to actually make any decisions. His dad has been pulling the strings for years.

    People who challenge the bush administration have a funny way of coincidentally dissappearing.

    I’m not saying it’s their fault...Oh my no, I would never say that...it’s just a coincidence. Kinda funny huh?

    • For what it’s worth, Introduction to Hitler’s Mein Kampf begins as follows:

      "And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator..."

    • Fuerer Bush has learned from the best of ’em....

  • Bush also says God a lot. This phrase must make him a minister and rabbi as well.

  • Jackson, you are a tool. If you knew half as much about your own bullshit you might make a convincing argument.

    Rest assured, that those of us with an IQ higher than 100 are acutely aware of propaganda when we see it and tend to grasp abstract concepts better than most. Unfortunately, it seems that most visitors to this site will follow logic that supports the Eeeeeeeeevil BushCheneyHalliburtonBigOiiiiiiiilCabal® theory and treat the Protocols of The Elders of Zion as being factual as well as original.

    Sheep will always go wherever they are led. They all bleat the same thing too.

    • what the hell does the previous message mean?

      right on, Jackson!!!

    • ..propaganda or facts..the fact is that something is seriously wrong with well just about everything that has to do with bush eh..oh no,no bush is a wonderful and very concerned man of great conviction.? I think he and his chosen ones are trying to bring the whole world down using the US with all its 100 IQ and higher people to do it or through this nation and in the name of God? Get real..we are in trouble. PERIOD

    • he can’t tell his

    • ......you’re of great deceiver my friend. You are of di$grace to Huhmerica, hyp0crite, l1ar and th1ef. You and your$ are of pathet1ci$m. You Are the one of the antichri$t. You and your deathdollar$. You did not win, you know you st0le it..again and you know you will de$troy the world just like you want it. Yours’ contr0l the media to say the least. All $enators..denounce of this what you know and face the real. He $tole the heart map of all on the red moon and is The Dem0n and i$ u$ing the U$ to do it,through it and to the eventual w0rld he wi$hes. America does not stand for what you are. I know and mean knowbelieve the U$ is not dumb to have reelected this..not the America that is and you knew thay weren’t either, so you $tole it. The proof is there. Of di$grace you represent the free mind. Think like the dev1l and I $ee your’s. Use your world veil instead to cover yourself up and let the world see! Oh yes!..that will eventually happen but in the MeanTime all eyes must suffer but will awake. As will happen the dark will lash under but not reach the words..This IS it. These are of the lines,my prayer and of mine..the ’crack’ through the black of you that I wish light.

    • That is one of the most amazing little pieces I’ve read in a long time!..Whoever you are..what guts!

  • Wow. You’ve pointed out some very good and interesting things. I fully supported Bush when he first came about, but I find my confidence now at nearly zero.
    Honestly, I’m getting a bit creeped out by this.
    It is strange though that a man who is deemed so unintelligent, is also the mastermind behind September 11 and Iraq. Something is not right here.