Home > BushCo wants you to believe...

BushCo wants you to believe...

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 25 June 2005

Wars and conflicts International Attack-Terrorism USA UK

Iraq is Saddam’s fault
Iraq bad intel is CIA’s fault
Notion that Iaq was buying Uranium from Niger was Britain’s fault.
Not listening to Richard Clarke regarding Terrorism’s rise was Clarke’s fault for not being more insistent.
911 and the WTC was Osama’s fault
Not scrambling military aircraft on 911 to shoot down the “high jacked” planes was Osama’s fault.
Not finding any wreckage or bodies, or even a black box at the Pentagon on 911 was - the fault of .... Somebody.
The Anthrax scare right after 911 was the fault of a disgruntled gubment employee.
Not finding him guilty was his fault.
Not getting Osama in Tora Bora was the Northern Alliance’s fault
Not finding WMD initially was UN’s fault
The fact that that the majority of the American public believed that Iraq was an imminent threat was Iraq’s/ Saddam’s fault.
The fact that Americans believed that Iraq was somehow connected to 911 was Saddam’s fault.
The notion that Saddam was lying when he said Iraq possessed WMD was Saddam’s fault
Inability to stop Iraqi looting was the fault of not having democracy
Inability to secure weapons depots in Iraq was Saddam’s fault for having them there
Build up of the insurgency is the fault of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Morrocco,
Palestine, ... you name it
Not being able to secure the oil infrastructure in Iraq is the fault of the Insurgents and Terrists.
Not listening to millions of people in protest before the “war” was the fault of the softy liberals.
Not listening to State department officials and DoD officials regarding the very problems that have arisen in Iraq is the fault of the Doves who had the nerve to mention these concerns.
Not having enough troops on the ground is the fault of France and Germany and Old Europe
Not having enough equipment for not enough troops is the fault of the Corporations that make the stuff
The fact that 8 BILLION US dollars have gone missing in Iraq after the US took control of the country is the Iraqis fault.
The strength of the insurgency is the old Iraqi army’s fault
The fact that the public seems to think that Iraq is a martial mess is the media’s fault for not showing the rosy pictures of occupation
The fact that the British believed that the “facts were being fixed around the policy” is the memo writer’s fault
The fact that American’s are dying daily in Iraq is the fault of “foreign fighters”
The fact that soldiers are not being allowed to leave Iraq or the stop loss program is the fault of all the selfish little ingrates that don’t want to enlist fault
The fact that the US cannot manage to control the chaos that has been unleashed in Iraq is somehow the public’s fault for not wanting to offer up their children or family to Donald Rumsfeld’s Department of Human Sacrifice at the Pentegon.
I see. It’s all someone else’s fault that no one wants to go play with George, Dick, Rummy, and the rest of the neo-gang in the new sand box they took over.
Would you hire someone who was not responsible?
Would you date/marry someone who was not responsible?
Would you have anyone over to your house to use your “stuff” that you knew wasn’t responsible?
Would you let someone “watch over” your loved ones who is not responsible?
Would you let someone manage your money who was not responsible?
You know. In our democracy , with our justice system there are those persons that, although they may have been the instigators and perpetrators of a particular act(s). And much of the time that or those acts that were perpetrated were crimes of a high magnitude. In these particular instances these people are not considered at fault. In these instances the perpetrators are not held responsible. In fact there is a degree of sympathy that is directed toward them. And many ask why this is, especially the victims of the crimes. Well, in our system the reason why this is, is because these people have been declared INSANE. Momentarily or otherwise. Is this what we are seeing on a grand scale today?
You be the judge.