by Open-Publishing - Sunday 26 March 2006

Religions-Beliefs Governments USA Peter Fredson

Can We Talk?

By Peter Fredson

March 26, 2006

The other day I wrote a blog on “Reassessing George W. Bush.” And I received a serious comment from a Bush supporter.

Usually the comments are vituperation, insults, invitations to accept Jesus, fervent declarations of Christian Love, simple denials implying my brain is missing, long dissertations on religious beliefs, inarticulate defense of Bush actions, indignation at my “treasonous” criticism, or assertions that I am helping the terrorists by undermining Bush efforts, or that somehow I will get our ‘brave boys’ killed.

But here is one serious answer to my finding that George Bush is the worst President we have ever had:

"Where I come from, Bush is very well liked and believed. There is nothing that the man has done or is doing that contradicts what my town folks believe in. He is a man of God and a good Christian, and he is doing what Christianity tells him to do with non-believers."

"Yes, oil and free elections are a benefit of the Iraqi war and it is good for America. Our standard of living is the best in the world and we are deserving of it — we lead good, clean, Christian lives. And yes, we believe God talks to him because he is acting like a saint. I do not understand this statement that he is anti-Christian."


I take this comment at its face value. I believe this person is sincere, although I do not fully understand where he is coming from. He seems to be living in a bubble of isolation like Bush himself, secure, safe, religious, without curiosity, ignorant of any history except that in his Bible, reading only Biblical literature, listening only to fundamentalist evangelists, circuit riders, hallelujah sermons, gospel music, guitar folksingers and Republican politicians someplace in the Deep South.

He might be living in a small town with ten churches to every bar or night club, with a social life revolving around church holidays, Sunday school, cake walks, spaghetti suppers, bingo. His schools probably have official prayers, pledges of allegiance under his God, Ten Commandments posted on the wall. His home probably has a picture of Jesus, perhaps a small shrine with candles, and his car may have some sort of religious motto or medallion on the window.

All I have said is largely from my imagination regarding the commentator, but I live in a small town with about one church for every couple hundred population, and I observe people daily behaving as I have described.

I have no doubt that he feels safe in his home and church. In his heart he may fear that infidels are lurking everywhere, and that the terror Bush frequently mentions may come into his life, but this is mainly for rhetoric to defend the Bush murders of Muslims.

I am sure that he feels no remorse nor pity for the hundred thousand dead Muslims that Bush is responsible for murdering, or that our “brave boys” are daily destroying Iraqi lives, homes, industries, infrastructure, and dignity by imposing a harsh tyranny that nevertheless arrogantly boasts of bringing “Democracy and Freedom” to Iraq.

The fact that Bush usurped Iraqi sovereignty and imposed a puppet kind of colonial administration is of no concern. I’m not sure if the plans of Bush to invade Iran and Syria bring any sort of alarm. I don’t know if the neocon strategy of aggressive action, preemptive strikes, with Shock and Awe, elicit the slightest unease.

I don’t know what apocalyptic expectations he has of Bush, but it is common knowledge that Bush supporter’s beliefs include expecting him to help bring about the Rapture, and that he was been told by his God to invade Iraq. They believe his simplistic claim that he attacked Saddam Hussein because he was “evil.” This excuses everything, and validates his claim to sainthood as a champion of Christianity.

The fact that Bush has shown contempt for our Constitution and our laws may not bother this person. It probably is fine that Bush spies on our own citizens, arrests people without warrant, has secret jails abroad, finds “rendition” a democratic solution, and may secretly believe that torture and abuse, even leading to death, is warranted because those people hate democracy and intend to do us harm.

For him, Bush can do no harm to our democracy by installing a neoconservative corporate theocracy. This does not affect his life or his church.

And the executive action by Bush of destroying the separation of Church and State was probably hoped for and praised.

There are thousands of televangelists, faith-healers, and self-proclaimed preachers to reassure the commentator that everything is coming up rosy.

I’m sure his home-town radio station bleats out anti-abortion, anti-gay, and anti-evolution crap by the carload while advocating school prayer and harsher judges for evil doers.

But I am grateful to the commentator for letting me into some of his thought regarding our Imperial President. I can see how it is possible to live and work in our country without being aware or alarmed of the actions of our leader.

Like I said, living in a bubble can be very comforting in a world of rapidly shifting change. Being ignorant of exterior conditions is also comforting, unless and until reality suddenly intrudes on the scene.

I really don’t know the commentator, had only a glimpse into his thought or beliefs, so I may be wrong in all of my assumptions. At least it was a refreshing change from the usual insipid, thoughtless, insulting, or bible-quoting commentators.

So, whoever or wherever you are, stay the course, and you will receive a nice marble headstone with a carving of an angel on it as your reward for supporting Bush.

Forum posts

  • Mr Fredson, it is alway refreshing to read any article of yours i have opened up, it gives this psyche of mine hope that their are still rational minds among us , living in the southern united states and having no desire to fly anymore (not becaue i am scared of terror , but because the people supposedly fighting this terror scare me)I dont see very many open minded people.In short , thank you for the time that you take in expressing your views. Simpleton Says: , art , DUDLEY DORIGHT, UNDERDOG, bushbegone, rxxx and gary lineberger all thank you

  • no one can bring on the rapture .... theologically it has always been imminent.
    endtime signs are all for the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation period which
    is initiated by the Rapture of the Church.

    • right ... no man can ’bring on the rapture’ ... such a statement belies biblical ignorance

      All the signs we see today which were spoken of by Jesus (Yeshua HaMaschiach) Jesus the Messiah, were for
      the Second Coming of Christ at the end of a seven year tribulation period which is initiated by a peace pact made
      by the AntiChrist (who is alive and living somewhere in Europe possibly) and the Euro-nations, with Israel and the
      Arab states. Amazing isn’t it ... but it’s not far off. If the signs spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24 are for the
      Second Coming .... and the Rapture which is imminent, is before that Second Coming... then HOW CLOSE WE MUST BE TO THAT RAPTURE. Will Bush be taken in the Rapture? Well ... if he is truly Born Again he will .. if he stays than you know he was a ’professor of Christ’ but not a ’possessor of Christ’. Are you reading this Congressmen? Get ready .... everything is lining up beautifully for the evacuation of every TRULY Born Again Jew and Gentile on the face of the earth.

      So? ......... no man can bring on the Rapture ... Jesus says that no man knows the hour of the Rapture (we know the time of the Second Coming ... the bible says specifically that it is at the end of the 7 year tribulation when the Lord comes back to defeat the AntiChrist at the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. Therefore the next big event on
      GOD’S TIMETABLE is the Rapture of the Church ... remember Noah’s Ark .... it’s about to happen again.

      Maranatha friend..... the Lord is coming.
      Baruch Ha Shem, Yeshua HaMaschiach ....... Hu Adonai ..... Jesus is God.
      Prepare to meet thy God.

    • Are you sure that the anti-christ hasn’t already been shot in the head and died already? ronald wilson reagan was loved by many all over the world, and it is a known fact that someone was in old european wiccan establishments all over europe this past summer, maybe a spell has already bin cast to raise this creature and fight the false prophet for dominion power over all who remain after his return from the dead which true believing christians believe, who very well could be george walker bush who says God tells him to strike out at others before they strike at him?just an enlightened simpletons own personal thoughts no devine supernatural inspiration telling me this or allowing me to image this in my mind , but a well read and inarticulate viewpoint of mine, learned from thinking outside the box as only a simpleton can. ponder that and reread revelations and mentally substitute america everytime you see the great whore. is this the rest of the story? as my old friend paul harvey would say?I am asking on this point does the scripture give a time constraint on how long it will take for the anti- christ to be raised from the dead? I am no theologian, does or can any one clarify this simpletons question? please reply.

    • LIKE I SAID I AM NO SCHOLAR NOR HAVE I STUDIED THE BIBLE , I READ IT REGULARLY AND OPEN IT RANDOMLY TO THE PASSAGES I NEED, I CAN HOWEVER IN ALL HONESTY TELL YOU THAT I HAVE SEEN THE MOST UNIMAGINEABLELY UNDESCRIBEABLY BRILLIANT ALL ENCOMPASSING LIGHT FORCE THAT CAME DOWN ON JULY 17TH 1998 AND RESCUED ME A HALF SECOND BEFORE 12 WOULD BE ATTACKERS ALL CONVERGED ON ME , MAY HAVE BEEN THE 18TH COULDNT SWEAR TO EITHER DATE BUT ONE OF THE 2 I CAN . tHIS BEING WHO DID NOT IDENTIFY HIMSELF TO ME BY NAME , ALTHOUGH THROUGH MY INTERPRETATION I BELIEVE TO BE THE ANGEL OF THE LORD ,LIFTED ME 20 FEET IN THE AIR AS HE SIMULTANEOUSLY BOWLED THESE 12 VERY LARGE MEN TOGETHER AS IF THEY WERE BOWLING PINS, i was sat down next to my truck and i heard someone say what the fuc# was that? Mind numbing yes, delusional no.This is as clear in my mind today as it was the night it happened. there i was being converged upon for a reason i today do not understand, and about to be helplessly attacked by a posse of attackers and instantaneously the almost midnight sky illuminates to such an unimagineable extraodinarily undescribeably so vividly crystal clear vibrantly brilliant lit sky descending down at record speed and literally saved my life in one of the most surreal moments i thought , i would ever be able to experience, and the scope of this is still unimagineable to me til this day yet.Now how can i sit here and honestly tell you this is the angel of the lord that saved me from a sure asswhoopin and possible death this night? the answer is a resounding no> i cannot admit to trying to convince anyone of my view of that night. what i can and will attempt to do is illustrate why i think as i do.I was raised in a very loving family with 3 older siblings , my mother was injured in a car wreck when i was either just turning 5 or had just turned 5 i think,and she was mistreated and complications arose , my father the best man (who perfect by no means) that i ever have encountered worked very hard to provide all the time for our now incomplete family. he not only worked many double shifts but also volunteered anytime a friend or relative needed help repairing problems with their homes.So i was raised mostly by much older siblings for most of my developing years. the first legitimate memory in my mind that i remember on my own without any pictures for reminders or stories told to me about was of my father and two of his brothers building their parents another house, and wishing i could be up on that roof helping finish frame that house in, even when i was young i had no fear, just like all true children of God today have no real fears either, later on with a disabled mother and a father who was financially forced to work many 12 and 16 hour days , i found the time to climb up to these heights that i first remember of wanting to climb up to, and jumping repeatedly from the tip top pinnacle of the pitch of the roof, despite many summers of entertaining myself like this i never encompassed fear or pain, i was a very trusting and many times foolish typical child. who truely enjoyed pushing this luck of mine to the limit.you know i was the daredevil growing up, anything you could imagine , i would try, never breaking bones or receiving any serious long lasting pain, i thought even then i might be unique.delusional you say , well listen a little longer i say and then reason realistically with your innerself and decide then.i am just trying to give you a true description of what i remember about my youth so you can decide how you may react if presented with the luck of the draw to walk in my shoes or many times like i like to go barefootin. oh well, thats just me.getting back to this midsummer night in july of 1998 after being miraculously saved from what i had only a half second before perceived to be as my last moment on earth, images so colorfully vivid flashed through my head, there was no booming voice or an imagined voice in ones head that consciously tells us what it would do if it were making the decisions, but a clear image of the day i begged forgiveness of my sins and asked to have my immortal soul accepted into eternal heaven, when i was 12 at a bible camp which i attended because i had won a contest.on that night i also pledged an oath before my creator that i would always be loyal and that it was okay with me for him to use me anyway he saw fit.this image could not have been painted any clearer in my head and i had never spoken of that pledge outloud to anyone that i made before God that night.the next image to come to me was that the world was changing , and that many things would seem backwards bad things would be said to be good and vice versa , and that it was my mission because of my pledge to help spread the gospel of christ and change my ways and try and live as jesus taught us too, not just to trust upon faith alone , but to practice in my life the examples christ provided us to live by.i was also tasked with the knowledge that in my lifetime if man did not learn to work peacefully together and practice sharing the talents they were given with each other , that i would live to see the day of jesus christs return to the earth to fight this evil that we have become.. there were no further images and i was later arrested that night for driving drunk, you can believe i was drunk and delusional or you can listen to what i did that night. i was asked out by my wifes friend that night to take her to dinner , my wife was out of town this weekend and we were all friends , so i did, we had a large dinner and went and had a few beers after dinner at a bar called ooops which is basically an off duty policemens bar, we shared one pitcher of beer , 3 small draft beers at most after a large steak and seafood dinner, and earlier meals that day as well, feeling good , yes , drunk? no! during this vivid but surreal feeling night i feel that this arrest hapened to imprint in my mind the significance of what had happened and to insure that a simpleminded man out enjoying life did not forget this night/my opinion, only. we are all entitled to them.anyway to the best of my knowledge this was exactly how my first truely enlightening and unimagineable experience happened. once more i encountered this beings presence , almost a full year later on a trip out west investigating a possible new business, i had stopped in palm springs on my way to frisco because i wanted to see it, after getting in late at night and after cleaning up, i was walking to get a late dinner and a 50ish looking dark brown skinned man approached me talking trivially at first , he introduced himself to me as broderick. he was fairly well dressed and a pleasant faced looking man, after a shory while he pulled out a large knife and said he had fallen on hard times and needed to sell it for 20 dollars,i admit i lied and told him that i only had 5 bucks and was hungry and was wanting to eat with my last 5 dollars. he repeatededly tried to get me to handle his knife after i had repeatededly told him , i didnt want any weapons. then out from behind some shrubbery a younger mexican man came out and said broderick remember me, and they started talking of when they were in prison together, as i was attempting to walk away the mexican man who said he was "tupac" lunged at me. this is the second time i encountered the presence of what i perceive to be the angel of the lord,this time however their was no light, no images in my brain, but a realistic setting with two men who had been attempting to rob me, were left there as if frozen without ice, tupac struggling to move and broderick screaming at the top of his lungs that God must love me , because he was gonna slash my throat, over and over. i walked away and went to dinner. i did not report this there , because i did not think the police would believ it anyway. 3 days later i am in san francisco, when i check into my room, shortly after i have the news on , and much to my dismay is the mexican young man who told me his name was tupac, being shown on the news and wanted for killing two teenaged girls in the bay area in april of 1999, this is somewhere close to the 4th of july of 1999 when i arrived, and after seeing this on the news , i go downstairs and see 2 policemen, i wave them down, and tell them about the news story i saw and how i had seen the man 3 nights earlier in palm springs, they acted as they didnt know who i was talking about, so i left it at that. that night on the news however tupac his aka was arrested eerily there in san francisco on the wharf , the news made a special point of how he offered no resistance and stated the officers saying it was as if he were in a daze. not taking up for him , but this was very understandable to me..i do not know but i imagine this yong man is still in the california penal system and probaly a reformed christian spreading the word or either he was such a reprobate that their could be no hope for him, just speculation on my part though. Why would i tell you all this? the only reason i can give you is that i truely do care and these events to the best of my knowledge did honestly occur and that i can truely with no objestive urge you all to believe as i do , that jesus christ can and will save your soul if your intentions are true. i however will not naively tell you that the God i preach to you about is the only way for salvation, this is just the task my beliefs are presented with to offer this salvation which i know to be true , to you, i however also know that we are all different from one another for reasons unbeknownst to any of us, and i personally believe that the way to salvation is through jesus christ, but i am not so naive to think that the same way jesus was revealed to me through our mysterious God , that for some unkown reason to me that my same God may have revealed himself to you, with some similar but completely different message for you to give to me? ponder that socrates. all i am saying is, i can honestly say this and i truely have experienced the incidents i describe to you, i hope that you will take my advice and ask jesus christ into your lives as well, for i know what i have described,but i also accept the possibility that the religious beliefs you share although different or the same as mine could have been revealed to you through this same God for reasons that none of us understand. i pray that mankind will learn to share our talents with eah other in the spirit of true brotherhood , its a good prayer no matter what faith you subscribe to. God bless us and protect us all. i sincerely hope this at least helps someone who reads this , in christs name i pray, gary lineberger

    • 172 made my point. Many of my commentators give long disquisitions on biblical dogma and beliefs, completely irrational, living in a spiritual bubble without wordly care or concern. The Bush imposition is beneficial to their faith-based lives and they see no fault with killing Muslims or invading other countries or spitting on the constitution or civil tyranny from an arrogant daddy’s boy. Once indoctrinated in their absolutist ideology they find no escape from an inexorable flow of priestly nonsense and they become mentally enslaved for life. They see Virgins on subway walls, Jesus on a piece of toast, and are deliriously happy for the encounter. They blubber at a monument some Alabama judge made, on which their 10 or 20 commandments are inscribed, without realizing that they are engaging in idol worship. They firmly believe that Benny Hinn can cure cancer by touching them on their forehead, and they believe all the televangelists that tell them they will receive 10 times the amount they subscribe as "seed." for which the televangelists buy Mercedes Cars, Lear Jets, large mansions, 1,000 dollar suits, lavish meals but I see no bank account in Jesus name. If he ever comes back he won’t see a dime of the billions of dollars the scam artists have fleeced our of the True Believers. Sheep or sheeple, bleat your way through life.
      Peter Fredson

    • Another point that these people seem to be incapable of, is making simple sentences and paragraphs. You and I, Mr. Fredson, still manage to do that rather well. Like so many ranters, the poster you responded to seems to have written something resembling a flow of consciousness piece. I remember once reading such a thing on a writing course; it had the same basic lack of sense. It goes from thought to thought, without logic or overall connectivity. Thank you for being both clear-headed and comprehensible.

    • run on fragmented sentences do not construe irrational thoughts , it makes for tougher reading to understand the intent, and 172. does not live in a care free life, he cares about everyone, and is trying to convey something very important for everyone to understand, will they ? no will the few who will , one can only hope.

    • and by the way mr. fredson , i respect everyones opinion, on this i disagree, even with this poorly written dissertation as you put it, it may be sloppily and hastily written, but the events are real, and for yours and others benefits , that i attempt to share them.how you can construe that i am endorsing mr bush is beyond my comprehension. other than in order for there to be good , there must be evil to contrast against. that being the case , would be the only way one could assume that a true practicing Christian could ever see a need for bush. no member of the bush family is supported by me, they are evil and represent all that is wrong with the world. greed and a fight intended to create chaos , that they will lose

  • Most people can barely express themselves verbally. Add the written word and you have a formula for disaster. It’s a pure and simple proposition. Thinking does not come naturally to human beings. It is a learned skill in which only a few become proficient. What passes for "thinking" is really just pictorial representations in the imagination. And, another thing: it is unfortunate that the will develops before the thinking process. Since most people never achieve the latter, the result is a lot of willfull and intellectually challenged people running around on this benighted planet. Organized religions target and easily recruit these people.

    • Somewhere out there Jesus and Mohammad are having dinner and shaking their heads over how mankind has totally screwed up their messages . Maybe they can come back together and send all these "fundamentalist" psychos and fakers straight to hell and leave the earth to the meek, ungreedy, compassionate few that would be left .

  • you fools don’t you realize my god is Lucifer. Did I not read the book of the Goat upside down on 9-11. heheehehehehhehhe the 11th signyfied the arrival of the 11th king hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaha. the antichrist. GWB