Home > CATKILLER : Caterpillar workforce surprised by Israeli arms trade protest

CATKILLER : Caterpillar workforce surprised by Israeli arms trade protest

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 12 April 2005

Edito Movement Wars and conflicts UK

Workers arriving at the Caterpillar - Perkins site in Irlam, Greater Manchester this morning were surprised, first by a 30 foot yellow banner with an acrylic image of a Palestinian, head in hands, whose house is being demolished by a Cat bulldozer while an Israeli soldier stands guard. The spray-painted text proclaims "Stop Caterpillar... Palestine... House Demolitions... Apartheid Wall... Perkins... 100% owned by Caterpillar... Israeli Tank Deal".

The banner flew from a mound of grass along the private road to the security gate, the only entrance this morning. Management had hunkered down on red alert with police and dogs on site since 2 a.m. expecting an invasion under cover of darkness, for some reason.

Drivers rounded the banner to be met by huge photos of armoured Caterpillar D9 bulldozers smashing into Palestinian houses, while children flee. Above the photos, the "Stop Caterpillar" logo.

Then came the megaphone, offering the slowing traffic soundbites on D9 demolitions and the "Apartheid Wall", and inviting them to stop and take a leaflet from protestors gathered in front of the security gate. Around 30 people had turned up from Manchester, Liverpool, Preston, and Brighton, converging on the gate at 6:30 a.m.

Irlam is the world distribution centre for Perkins diesel spares. Caterpillar bought Perkins in 1997. Perkins CV12 engines are incorporated in T72 tanks in a joint venture with the Israeli company NIMDA for re-export to the world market.

Irlam is also one of 3 Cat Logistics sites in the UK. Cat Logistics handles Caterpillar spares worldwide. A joint venture with Honeywell and BAe bid unsuccessfully for a logistics contract with the Australian Defence Forces.

Drivers now faced a choice - accelerate through the protest in full view of the cops, or drive safely and risk having to actually look someone in the face or even take a leaflet.

It was all too much for some - they kept their windows firmly sealed while staring straight ahead. Others were interested but scared that someone might notice, a few shouted at us and declined any discussion. But quite a number, especially those not driving a Jag, perhaps even walking to work, were curious enough to take our leaflet and the War on Want Shareholders anti-Report. Some knew nothing about their company’s role in Palestine and thanked us for the information. Some knew of the issues and agreed with us completely. Some, it seems, were embarrassed to go into work through our line.

We were surprised by that, but even more so to discover that - apparently - the site is completely non-union. We began to encourage workers to join a union and take up their own issues.

To our knowledge this protest was the first to focus fully on the Caterpillar workforce, the people who could really put a stop to Cat’s collaboration with ethnic cleansing in Palestine. It was a small first step.

Why not try it in your area?

April 8th 2005


Forum posts

  • The only place to hurt them is in the purse, do not buy equipment from them and don’t let people forget this is happening, if you hold their stock sell it and let them know why. Although Caterpillar is just part of the feeding chain of war and genocide profits, none of them should be let off with a free pass.

  • Thats the stupidest thing I’ve ever read, and I’ve read plenty of stupid things here.

    • are you referring to the article, or the comment on it?

    • At least you are willing to do some reading even if what you read here is not what you want to hear. Most of you Republicans do not want to hear anything that wasn’t sanctioned by the ministry of propaganda, which is usually just Rove talking points. Oh by the way did you know Rove is a homosexual? A closet one most of the time, except when he is crusing the gay bars, who do you think got Jim/Jeff into the White house inner circle? You won’t get this fact from Fox but it may expand your scope.

    • I’d like to read some comment on the strategy of this action: it was not aimed at denouncing the company in the court of public opinion, but at inviting the workforce to act for themselves on this question.

    • Why does everyone on this site care who is gay? What does that have to do with anything?


  • That does it!!! I’m selling my humongous motherfucker 50-tonne Caterpillar bulldozer this weekend!!!!!!

    • Why don’t you do the world a favor and throw yourself under it while its moving.

    • most people on this site take themselves too seriously. just trying to lighten the mood.

      have a nice day

    • SHHHHH! QUIET!!! i’m channeling rachel corrie. she says she did that, and it really hurt.

    • no dont sell your cat dozer thats just dumb cat is the best and if u dont like it get a life

    • Dont u people get it — CATERPILLAR Supply the Equipment its the owner choce what the hell they do with it once its sold its not caterpillars Responsibility

    • Saying CAT equipment kills people is like saying silverware made rosie odonnell fat. CAT’s don’t kill people; people kill people.


    • I Agree with that comment. It has nothing to do with the Manufacturing company. If it wasnt a Cat it would be a Cummins or a John Deere.

  • So let me get this straight if CAT stops selling them equipment theres no where else on the face of the earth they can get what they need? i use CATs and won’t stop because ppl may do bad things with them. Would you feel better if the equipment was made by GM?