Home > CIA: Plame outed to disrupt probe into Bush/Israeli attempt to plant WMD in Iraq

CIA: Plame outed to disrupt probe into Bush/Israeli attempt to plant WMD in Iraq

by Open-Publishing - Friday 2 December 2005
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Justice Secret Services USA

Goss refuses to give Fitzgerald CIA leak damage assessment

Pentagon’s Wolfowitz and Feith espionage evidence before grand jury

George Tenet granted partial immunity to testify against White House

CIA: Plame outed to disrupt probe into Israeli attempt to plant WMD

Probe of 10+ legislators, high officials tied to drugs and 9-11 finance before jury

CIA Director Porter Goss is refusing to give special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald a subpoenaed damage assessment report written by former CIA Director George Tenet detailing how many American operatives were murdered and the full extent of harm to U.S. national security which resulted from the Bush administration leak exposing Valerie Plame Wilson as a deep cover operative, according to intelligence officials.


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"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the U.S. government itself." —Thomas Heneghan, National Intelligence Expert, our great American Patriot and Federal Whistleblower

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’Outing the Truth’
The American-French Alliance (AFA)
Explosive Intelligence Briefings
Every Thursday evening at 8 p.m. EST

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THREE (3) illegal Muslim Sham Marriage Rings in the Orlando area PRIOR to 9/11 — NO prosecutions!

ON-GOING extensive treasonous briberies and cover up conspiracies by Bush White House, DOJ, OIG, FBI, DHS, INS, CIS, Congress and numerous conspiratorial traitors in the LMSM of knowingly ’giving aid and comfort’ to illegal Muslims here in the U.S., REWARDING their numerous felonies of sham marriages, illegal overstay, illegal employment, perjury, fraudulent documents, bribery, forgery, etc., with green cards and our highest privilege of United States citizenship, affording opportunities for federal employment with access to classified information —

PRIOR to and on-going AFTER 9/11

While, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, these Bush WH and Congressional traitors are ordering our own men and women in our military to Iraq in mass genocide of over 126,000 innocent Iraqi men, women, children and babies, to fight claimed ’seditious’ Muslims over NON-existent WMDs,

for the PNAC neo-con war mongers personal agendas, our military is ordered to invade and occupy the sovereign nation of Iraq to fight innocent Iraqis who did NOT attack the U.S. on 9/11, who have NEVER attacked the USA, who did NOT have WMDs,

only for our American men and women to return in coffins or with arms, legs, hands or feet blown off, bodies burned, and poisoned with depleted uranium and radiation!!!


Court Adjudicated on 11/2000, 7/2002 and 3/2005
as an official Federal Whistleblower,
illegally fired after 31 years,
without any compensation,
for reporting on-going treason

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