Home > CIA goes to court to hide JFK papers

CIA goes to court to hide JFK papers

by Open-Publishing - Friday 20 May 2005

Secret Services USA

The CIA is going to file papers in court today to block the release of documents relating to its employee, George Joannides. The details of why information regarding Joannides may be important to understanding the JFK assassination are summarized in this letter (signed by a peculiar combination of disinformation agents and legitimate researchers, meaning that the CIA itself may be of two minds on the matter). The energy the CIA is expending subverting American law leads one to believe that they are hiding something important.
posted at 2:05 AM permanent link

Forum posts

  • It is clear if one takes a look at the number "secret" documents and the use of the courts to block release of such, that somebody has something to hide. JFK was an icon to the American people and altough some of his greatness is due to the traditional spin propaganda of greatness most American presidents are given in the supported propaganda of the state, it is clear that because of the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the massive rise of corporations and domination as multinationals throughout the world many of the ideas and policies of JFK as related to Americans would be squarely against the profit motives of the war macine and the continued marginalization of the working and expanding middle classes.

    As the historical record has shown almost any progressive agenda of social development is not only met with resistance but many pro social luminaries like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, JFK, and others they were all assasinated by the powers that be, with the obvious agenda of marginalized the growing social movements and the INSTILL FEAR IN THE MOVEMENT. That is always why since the time of Jesus that this has been done. Those that believe in the use of voilence also do not believe in social integration and the non biased use of power. It is always been use to maintain the hierarchical structure of power and the vest the profits in the leadship and the debt and death in the lower and middle class.

  • I was 10 years old when President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas Texas. When the December 14, 1963 issue of POST was discarded by my parents, I stashed it in my personal archive alongside several Popular Electronics, Superman comics, an autographed picture of Allen Shepherd, and my almost complete set of the Classics Illustrated, where it lanquished for years.

    I never really looked at the photos in that POST. There was no need to. We all knew what had happened in Dallas, or at least we thought we did, having been so informed by the media and our government.

    Years later, when Jim Garrison introduced the possibility of a conspiracy to the American people, I finally took a close look at that magazine. What I saw shamed me to my very core. All along I had had before me actual evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald had not been on the sixth floor of the Dallas Schoolbook Depository when Kennedy was shot, but because of my faith in the Federal Government, I had never seen it. The lesson I learned that day has stayed with me ever since.


    Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.

    Nixon resigned over an obstruction of justice charge (with some of the legal groundwork prepared by a young Hillary Rodham). Nixon resigned gracefully, the media declared the incident over and Gerald Ford declared that it was time to "put the whole affair behind us and move forward". This was done because the last thing anyone wanted in Washington D.C. was an impeachment trial. Even Nixon’s worst enemies dared not allow it. The reasoning was simple. Sooner or later, someone would ask the following question.

    "Why, when Nixon’s re-election was a study in foregone conclusions, was it necessary to break into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate?"

    The answer to that question, never asked by politician, never asked by a servile media, was THE dark secret that could not be revealed; the secret that would have brought down the entire government!

    Years later, it did come out what had been the motive for the break-in. It was connected to what Nixon called "Hanky Panky" on the White House tapes.

    The DNC had gotten copies of the photographs taken of the three tramps in Dealey Plaza, and identified two of them as long time Nixon henchmen E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. This put the DNC in a position to at least blackmail the President, if not expose him outright. This is why E. Howard Hunt lead the break-in; it was his own ass he was trying to save.

    The photos resurfaced as part of a news story, and E. Howard Hunt sued the publisher, Liberty Lobby. He lost. Attorney Mark Lane provided witnesses that placed E. Howard Hunt in Dealey Plaza at the time that John F. Kennedy was killed.

    The photos.


    • ."The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight." President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination .

      Don’t forget he also was killed shortly after he pulled us out of the Federal Reserve.