Home > Chavez Frias Is Beating The Arrogant Crowd In Washington To The Punch...

Chavez Frias Is Beating The Arrogant Crowd In Washington To The Punch...

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 4 May 2005

Governments USA South/Latin America


Chavez Frias Is Beating The Arrogant Crowd In Washington To The Punch...
Bob Chapman
May 01, 2005

THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: President Chavez said that a woman in the US Armed Forces had been detained by authorities while taking pictures of military installations in central Venezuela. He stated, "If she or any other US official does this kind of activity again, they will be imprisoned and face trial in Venezuela."

Except for Colombia and minor support in Chile, the neocons have no influence in South America. They are tired of having their countries looted. The US has gone to great lengths to isolate Venezuela, but no government will play the US game.

There is no foreign policy in Washington. It is invade, murder and occupy.

Venezuela has ordered four American military intruders and one student to leave the bases and schools where they are working.

This ends a 35-year bilateral military exchange program. President Hugo Chavez Frias cancelled the program because the US officers were spreading a negative image of his government to the soldiers they were training.

Now that Venezuela does not have to depend on the Fed’s printing presses or the criminal creation of money by the American banking system, the US has to try a new approach. Their effort to isolate Venezuela has been totally unsuccessful, so now we hear a new approach is being put together by Washington.

We would expect aid in the form of money and weapons to possible insurgent groups ... if the neocons do this (and are unsuccessful as they usually are) we would then expect oil shipments to the US to be terminated.

We can promise you that the elitists in Washington are that dumb.

We have to laugh at Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s comments over and over regarding 100,000 AK47s bought by Venezuela. There are over 200,000 in Southern California alone and we haven’t seen any revolution yet. In pledging more aid to Colombia she again condemned Venezuela.

It is not the right of any representative, of the US to question what kind of Democracy any other nation has. She again defended the FTAA, which is another looting operation on the way to world government.

Meanwhile, Venezuela will sell two Citgo refineries in the US. The government will continue with Citgo and will keep its presence in the US markets. PDVSA owns or has partial ownership in eight refineries along the eastern coast of the US and the Virgin Islands. Part of the company’s assets includes 14,000 service stations across the US.

The two refineries to be sold are not processing Venezuelan oil and are far from profitable.

Forum posts

  • Condoleezza Rice is a joke. The government is a joke, look at their hypocracy, they are developing a new mini nuke for those exciting and fun limited police actions in and about to surgically remove cities or countries at will, and then these pukes point fingers at another country buying pop guns. These jokesters never stop, they are a belly laugh a day. The tabloid plastic t.v. airs this stuff all the while the whores that pose as news casters try to keep a straight face while they pontificate the party line.

  • ! Hugo Chavez is fighting our battle !

    In a world where the most dangerous, war like, technologically advanced nation of all time is searching for your neck, attempting to slash your very throat while it drinks your life’s blood with it’s vampire teeth; what options does a man like president Hugo Chavez have to over come such a crazed monster of large proportion? His intelligence? His truth exhibited by his actions? His country sits atop a large amount of oil and that does allow him some limited ability to implement positive change for the people of his country. But the president has a tough row to hoe in his battle against global totalitarianism and the ruling elite.

    Judging by his past actions, Sr. Chavez appears to be a man who wants to create a better, fairer system of government for “all the people” that he represents, not just to continue with the economic slavery or “business-as-usual” for the very few in the upper echelons of Venezuelan society who control (or should I say controlled) the strings of national power within that country.

    It’s imperative for all North Americans to realize that it is our government that benefits from the economic slavery we are imposing in every country of the world in “our” attempt to establish a One World Economic Government in the interests of a very few that will control its actions to their own benefit. The tools of conquest are the (IMF) International Monetary Fund, (WB) World Bank, and the rest of the Central Banks of the world that control useless paper currency. If you trace down the actual ownership of these Central Banks, you’ll find out that the same groups and/or families control them all. If a foreign country doesn’t want to become economically controlled and manipulated by our financial institutions, well, then we send in our military to destroy any opposition. Covertly first, then overtly if that fails like we have just done in Iraq and will do in Iran or any other country that dares to oppose the will and authority of the USA. If you are interested to know the some of details of how this works, get yourself a copy of John Perkins book – “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”

    Our citizens have been intentionally “dumbed down.” That’s quite obvious. At the same time we’ve been socially engineered to become dependent upon worthless a paper currency, all without question. It is we, the US citizens that are in deep trouble. The sad part is that we don’t seem to understand the depth of this “hole of deception” we collectively find ourselves in, nor do we seem to even care in any real and meaningful way!

    The way I look at it, Hugo Chavez is fighting our battle in his efforts to keep his democratically elected Office of the President out of the grips of the Mad Christian Avenger who is attempting to consume the world in his desire to instigate his NWO.

    There are solutions to our plight, but before any truly effective changes are discussed or implemented, we need to realize that something must be done for the salvation of the future of the human race in the first place.

    ! Viva Chavez !

    • RE: Economic Hit Man, re: Chavez

      US Foreign Policy Threatens Every American

      Tony Russo
      principal protagonist
      Pentagon Papers Action

      US foreign policy is an imperialistic policy. A country’s policy

      is imperialistic if that country controls other countries. The list of countries

      controlled by the US is a long one. The US intervenes in other countries

      in many ways: political,social, economic, and military. The recent book

      Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins spells out the details of

      how intervention is brought about: first economists are sent into a country to

      try to tie the country’s hands with loans from the World Bank or other similar financial

      institution. That will often provide influence over the country’s policy choices. If

      that doesn’t work the secret US government sends in the jackals, that is the assassins.

      If the assassins do not gain compliance, the military is sent in. Walden Bello, the

      well known and highly respected political analyst says Perkins’ book ranks with the

      Pentagon Papers.

      Professor Chalmers Johnson has published a study Blowback: the costs

      and consequences of imperialism which demonstrates the correlation between US

      military intervention and "terrorism", or militant anti-imperialism. That is, the more

      military intervention, the more terrorism "blows back" in the wake of the intervention.

      It is a decades long pattern. US imperialism has been in operation for a long time,

      enriching US corporations. Imperialism does not enrich US workers.

      Shortly after 9/11 Z Magazine published an history of US military

      interventions in Muslim countries year by year. Looking at

      those data one can easily imagine where the motivation for the 9/11 attacks came


      Thus, we can easily infer that imperialism puts us on the front lines.

      And a policy of imperialistic war squanders the lives and sacred heroism of our youth for

      corporate power and profit.

      Given the pattern shown by Johnson it would seem that the large

      increase in intervention by Bush would result in a large increase in terrorism. And

      indeed such is the case.

      Experts in the study of terrorism say that nuclear terrorism could befall

      the US at any time. When we consider the fact that bin Laden has been in the market

      for nuclear weapons for some years now we have more than enough reason to

      demand change. If a nuclear weapon goes off in a major city we can expect a harsh

      police state to be instituted in its wake, all under the guise of protecting the people.

      The truth is however that our government’s policy has done the opposite of protecting


      The only alternative for genuinely patriotic citizens is to double the

      already strong impeachment and protest movements. Washington’s wars endanger

      our very existence. The wars must end. Our foreign policy must change without


      Remember the Pentagon Papers !