Home > Cindy Sheehan Gives BuzzFlash the Latest from Crawford

Cindy Sheehan Gives BuzzFlash the Latest from Crawford

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 10 August 2005

Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA

Direct from the drainage ditch, the intrepid protester says "Our spirits are great," but Bush "doesn’t have enough courage to face someone who actually disagrees with him ..."


Cindy Sheehan and others are at Bush’s Crawford, Texas, vacation location, bringing a message to Bush that it’s time to bring the troops home. She is a cofounder of Gold Star Families for Peace and the mother of Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, killed in Baghdad April 4, 2004.

Intrepid, courageous, and effective. Cindy Sheehan has brought the war against war to George Bush during his frustratingly insensitive 5-week-long vacation in Crawford, Texas. BuzzFlash emailed her today, and is happy to share her responses with our readers and the world.

BuzzFlash: Is it true as reported on Daily Kos that you have been warned you will be arrested on Thursday? How do you feel about going to jail? Would it be a first?

Cindy Sheehan: Yes. It would be the first time, and I am ready to go. The only way they will get me out of there is if he meets with me, [or] the end of August, or when I am arrested."

BuzzFlash: How do you see this protest ending?

Cindy Sheehan: With either our arrests, or the end of August. But if I get arrested and I am let out before the end of August, I will go back.

BuzzFlash: How many peace activists are participating with you there in the Crawford peace protest?

Cindy Sheehan: Right now, about three dozen. More are coming from all over the country.

BuzzFlash: Did Bush’s spokespersons, who came out to talk to you, address your key questions: What is our "noble cause"? And how do we "complete the mission"?

Cindy Sheehan: Yes, but they gave the standard baloney line.

BuzzFlash: Why do you think Bush isn’t meeting with you now, when he did in June, 2004?

Cindy Sheehan: In June my entire family was invited, along with 15 other families. I believe that back in June we were used as political tools. I believe he’s not meeting with me now because he doesn’t have enough courage to face someone who actually disagrees with him and would dare to call him on his lies.

BuzzFlash: How do you see the fighting ending?

Cindy Sheehan: I don’t know, I just hope it is sooner than later.

BuzzFlash: How is the administration now treating you?

Cindy Sheehan: Ignoring me since Saturday.

BuzzFlash: How are you holding up? What are the conditions there (physical, emotional)?

Cindy Sheehan: I am tired and my throat hurts from talking so much. We are confined to camping in a drainage ditch, we are using the bathroom in a camping potty, it is oppressively hot or pours down rain. But our spirits are great. And we know that no matter how hard we have it, the troops in Iraq and the Iraqi people have it even harder.

BuzzFlash: Are you encouraged by this week’s events? What can your supporters (around the nation, world) do to help?

Cindy Sheehan: I am so encouraged!!! It has been overwhelming and amazing, but not surprising. Our new website is


Money can be donated to help support Gold Star Families for Peace or the Crawford Peace House.



Forum posts

  • gag and hurl! "meetwithcindy.org"... what a hollowood script this is. profiteering by rattling the bones of her dead son. the path she has chosen is disgusting.

    • The writer speaking of ratling the bones, you lack the respect of a mother or for the record all the families that have lost sons and daughters, this is about all of them,
      I ask you do you have a relative or son or daughter in Iraq.

      Its nice to sit in a safe place and be stupid and make stupid remarks regarding the loss of a loved one in a war of lies.

      Would you trade places with anyone of our sons and daughters in Iraq today?

      I am sure they would gladly give you their place .

      the sons and daughters that have been killed will never have a future to share with their families.

      This was an invasion of a country called by bush and his buddies.

      The answers to Sept. 11, why it was allowed to happen so they could use it to invade Iraq.

      Lies, and yet you can put down Cindy for wanting answers , answers that the whole world would like to know.

      If you feel its so noble to die for a lie then you go over there. I bet you would not go.

    • what i suspect is that cindy is a mother who is willing to to exploit her own son’s death for personal gain by blaiming the american government instead of iran or seria or the bastard zarkowi. she opened herself up to criticizm by blogging about her exploits.

      i think it was the "meetwithcindy.org" thing that really pushed it past the point of respectability.

      aside from being bogus, all of that other stuff you mentioned is kind of off topic.

    • ignorance is definitely bliss for you, isn’t it? i guess people like you get scared when people like Cindy empower themselves and the rest of us by standing up for what is true and right. i pity you.

    • It is not worth the time or energy to answer the jerk who is criticizing Cindy and her noble cause. He/She/It is probably on the administration’s payroll. In the end, we will win. The truth about 911 and all the BS starting this phony war in Iraq and now this soon to be phony war in Iran will have to come out in the end. I just pray it comes out soon where people in this country start listening instead of thinking that we are told the truth in our controlled media.

    • Only 14% of the citizens asked said they agree with Bush’s war. That is a tiny fraction, so I guess the rest of us 86% would all like to know the answers to Cindy’s questions too. What in the hell are we doing over there to the tune of 250billion per month? God damn it, we could buy that country for less. Or is the 250billion going into some very special people’s bank accounts???

    • 250 billion dollars a month huh? you’re only off by 245 billion a month.

      as for opinion polls... the latest cnn/usa today/gallup survey shows president bush’s approval rating holding steady at 45 percent.

      you must be a little bit confused about that 14% thing as well. maybe it was a measure of democrats that you saw.

      in the mean time here’s some fun stuff to look up about you opportunistic hero cindy sheehan.

      THE REPORTER of vacaville, CA published an account of cindy sheehan’s visit with the president at fort lewis near seattle on june 24, 2004:

      (bush, sheehans share moments) http://www.thereporter.com/search/ci_2923921

      "’i now know he’s sincere about wanting freedom for the iraqis,’ cindy said after their meeting. ’i know he’s sorry and feels some pain for our loss. and i know he’s a man of faith.’

      "the meeting didn’t last long, but in their time with bush, cindy spoke about casey and asked the president to make her son’s sacrifice count for something. they also spoke of their faith.

      "the trip had one benefit that none of the sheehans expected.

      "for a moment, life returned to the way it was before casey died. they laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured seattle.

      for the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.

      "that was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together" cindy said.

      appearently, she has already had her meeting with the president.

    • Learn to type better, my ignorant neo-con simp. The word is Hollywood, not ’hollowood’. The question I pose to you is: How is this lady profiteering from the death of her son, my neocon simp? The US VP Cheney, who has substantial investments and stock with Hallibarton, most definitely is profiteering from the deaths of thousands. So is your Usurper President, whose friends in the oil industry as well as the military industrial complex helped to put him in the White House in the first place. They make billions while Cindy makes what? Nothing at all but publicity for a great cause, and there is no greater cause than real peace and real freedom. The Usurper is a monumental hypocrite who doesn’t believe me in real freedom or real peace any more than Sadaam did, or the Ayatollah did. The American people cannot afford to have him as President any longer nor can they afford to export hypocrisy any longer.
      I say to you and your neo-con hordes that the path of death and destruction that you have chosen for the American people is utterly disgusting & repugnant, and what Cindy is doing exhibits great courage and resolve. I say to you and your neo-con hordes that your numbers are dwindling, because there are many people out there in the heartland such as Cindy, who aren’t as gullible and as cowardly as you, real Americans who are willing to do something substantial for a great cause, real peace. Real peace, neocon simp, not the monstrous lie this unjust war continues to be.

    • the spelling of the word "hollowood" was an intentional slur. it seems to have gonea little over your head though. sorry about that.

      sheehan is receiving favor from michael moore. it is obvious enough to anyone who visits the www.michaelmoore.com site. she had a visit with the prez a year ago (http://www.thereporter.com/search/ci_2923921) and now she squats on the side of the road in texas feigning neglect by him as though he never gave her the time of day. meanwhile, michael moore is in the background pulling the strings. you boneheads buy his little movies and he laughs and swims around in your piles of money like the ambulance chaser he is. she is simply the latest gadget for him to fiddle with.

      the numbers are dwindling. uhhh... yeah right loser. you aren’t smoking your lunch are you? the only elections the democrats have won in the last fory years has been the carter election and the clinton election. carter won because nixon got caught spying on the democrats. clinton won because, to his credit, he is a very skilled politician.

    • I am not a democrat, nor a republican. I’m a libertarian. Like any neo-con simp you still are unable to answer simple questions. Such as who is actually profiteering from this war. We, as a nation, are certainly not. And yes your numbers are dwindling. And you and your kind are no longer the majority if you ever really were. Stop talking about Michael Moore. The problem is in the White House. The problem is with people like you who continue to stick your heads in the sand. Constantly referring to celebrities like Michael Moore doesn’t win you any points, except with your dwindling number of neo-con simp friends. Try using critical thinking instead, use the facts and logic, before you send another wasted response to this post.

    • Did George Bush Sr. finance, coddle and arm Saddam Hussein so that he could kill Iranians, only to see him use those weapons on his own people?
      Did G.B. Sr. encourage the Kurds to rise up against Saddam with promises of U.S. support at the end of the Gulf War, only to bail out on them which resulted in the subsequent gassing and mass graves?
      Did G.W.B. lie to congress in order to start a war of agression that so far has killed tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and killed or maimed thousands of under-protected U.S. soldiers?
      Did G.W.B. falsely accuse Saddam of having W.M.D., then invade Iraq using weapons that contain depleted uranium, effectively killing future generations of Iraqis and U.S. soldiers?
      Has the U.S., through it’s C.I.A.-backed puppet governments, been reponsible for more murders, sabotage , torture and terrorism against sovereign nations since World War 2 than Saddam could manage in ten lifetimes?
      Is George Bush, who professes to be a Christian, not?

      Now that we’ve established that both the Bushes and Saddam suck, let’s ask why the U.S. is there. If you wish to continue with your "defending freedom" mantra, maybe you can respect Cindy Sheehan’s freedom to protest. If you wish to admit that it’s an oil and control thing, then maybe you can stand erect and lift your knuckles off the floor.

    • Normaly I would ignore you since you are obviously off of your rocker, but, for your information, (the rest of us here all ready know) an American named David Chalmers from Texas, while doing business for Bay Oil Company, representatives from Exxon Mobil, Chevron/Tesaco Corporation, and El Paso Corp, all from Texas and all big Bush supporters and personal friends with Bush have all been indited for being the biggest recipients of illegal profits from the oil for food scandal. Get your facts straight before you come here you troll. They will all probably go to jail which is where Bush belongs too.

    • The above was posted for *65...191

    • Whos your daddy? Lockhead Martin perhaps?

    • Whos your daddy message is in response to the person with their head stuck in the sand. Thank you Libertarian for your great response .

    • Are we forgetting about all those people who died in the twin towers. What about Cindy’s exploits with Hugo Chaves? Get a clue people, this women is a threat to our national security. She needs to be behind bars for treason.