Home > Cindy Sheehan - Impeachment tour

Cindy Sheehan - Impeachment tour

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 10 August 2005

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts Governments USA

Cindy and Amy Branham in front of the VFP Impeachment tour Bus
Story, Photos and Supporter Comments
Donate to the Crawford Peace house
Meet with Cindy
Ways to support Cindy and Gold Star Families for Peace:
*Donate to the Crawford Peace House, Military Families Speak Out or GSFP
*Join us in Crawford Texas
*Contact you representatives in Congress and demand they support the Resolution of Inquiry into the Downing Street Memo
*Work for Peace every day be patient.

If you have recently e-mailed us thank you for your support. We will try and answer all e-mails as soon as possible.

Dear Friends and Supporters,

George Bush said speaking about the dreadful loss of life in Iraq in August: (08/03/05): "We have to honor the sacrifices of the fallen by completing the mission." "The families of the fallen can be assured that they died for a noble cause."

In reaction to these two assinine and hurtful statements, members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) are going to George’s vacation home in Crawford, Tx this Saturday, August 6th at 11:00 am to confront him on these two statements.

1) We want our loved ones sacrifices to be honored by bringing our nation’s sons and daughters home from the travesty that is Iraq IMMEDIATELY, since this war is based on horrendous lies and deceptions. Just because our children are dead, why would we want any more families to suffer the same pain and devastation that we are.

2) We would like for him to explain this "noble cause" to us and ask him why Jenna and Barbara are not in harm’s way, if the cause is so noble.

3) If George is not ready to send the twins, then he should bring our troops home immediately. We will demand a speedy withdrawal.

GSFP will be joined by members of Veteran’s for Peace (VFP), Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Code Pink, and Crawford Peace House.

We GSFP members will not leave until we get answers from George Bush. We deserve and expect him to welcome us with answers to as why our loved ones are dead.

Every worker for peace, every worker for justice, every person who wants our country back are welcomed to join us on Saturday. Show George Bush that we mean business. Be there to support us family members who have already been through so much. We are fighting for our country, our world, especially the children.

Crawford is about 2 hours from Dallas where the VFP Convention is being held this weekend. There will be car pools from the convention.


Bring water and hats...we plan on staying until we are arrested or satisfied with the answers. (I am betting on jail).

Please pass this email on to your friends, lists, and media.
For more info: call
Cindy Sheehan
707-365-(please visit link)


I will be in Dallas starting tomorrow evening.

Forum posts

  • you will most likely be tactfully ignored. you would have to actually BREAK the law to be arrested. so, unless you are planning to break the law you will probably need a coloring book and some crayons.

    i’m am absolutely sure osama bin laden and abu musab al-zarqawi are reading all about your anguish and enjoying every bit of it.

    • Those who make remarks that are cold and uncaring must not have a son or daughter or family member in this
      war bush invaded a country Iraq, and has but the death mark on all who live in Iraq, those who serve in Iraq.

      Wake up and and ask god to forgive you for your stupid remarks.

      A life and lives are being taken everyday and forsome one to make light of it should be sent to Iraq, get the picture?????

    • a spade is a spade. get the picture?

    • Cindy is a real inspiration. What could President Bush be afraid of by meeting with her?
      He has all the power, the protection and the political machinery to support him.
      Just because the war is going on does not mean that concerned citizens should not think about the validity of the war, as well as other options available to accomplish the end of terrorism and protecting the iraqi people as well as the us interests.

      The "patriotic" bunch that showed up around 2 pm at the camp (not more than 20 people total) had signs asking if the iraqi people do not deserve freedom. At the same time they are interfering with the freedom of their fellow citizens to express their views and vent their feelings.
      Please - be consistent!