Home > Cindy Sheehan threatened with arrest: Freedom to Assemble under threat

Cindy Sheehan threatened with arrest: Freedom to Assemble under threat

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 10 August 2005
1 comment

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts Governments USA

Can you believe Bush? He hasn’t attended a single funeral of the 1838 soldiers reported as killed in action, 20 dead in two days last week, 9 more today- they’re dead because he lied, and now he’s on vacation! And if that’s not bad enough, now he wants to arrest Cindy Sheehan on the grounds that she’s a threat.

Whatever happened to the First Amendment- the FREEDOM to Peaceably Assemble? According to Bush- that is no longer our right. After 9/11 they had to take away that freedom to ’protect us’. Now it’s clear who he is protecting- himself!

We the People HAVE the Constutional Right to Peaceably Assemble
and whether Bush likes it or not, we’re going to exercise that Right in Crawford.

The people assembling at Camp Casey are not terrorists- George Bush has no right to have them arrested. Can you believe he claims, "threat to national security"? NOT!

They are merely a threat to George living out his life in luxury.

We cannot allow them to steal this Freedom to Assemble right out from under us. Recall this is based on the ’Patriot’ Act vote which no Congressperson had even read, the vote that was preceeded by the Anthrax Terror Attack. Gee, who benefitted from the Anthrax sent to Dem Senators?

Speak up America! Crawford Cops CANNOT just arrest these peaceful Americans addressing grievances to the government. Cindy and all in Camp Casey have a VERY legitimate reason to be there- and no, writing a letter to Congress is not good enough.

So- is this still the good ’ol US of A,
or do we have a King George again?

Stand with Cindy
Go To Crawford Now

make The Leap- if we go, they will build it (the tent city)


Forum posts

  • americans had just better face up to it, its about time to pull out the guns. peceful prostest my ass. never got anything done but the people arrested trying to stand up for what is true.