Home > Corporate Mercenaries

Corporate Mercenaries

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 31 October 2006
1 comment

Wars and conflicts International Europe

The British government today comes under attack for its growing use of mercenaries in conflict zones while failing to introduce legislation to tackle their human rights abuses. A new report launched today by the charity War on Want reveals that no prosecutions have followed hundreds of accounts of personnel from private military and security firms committing abuses in Iraq. In one example, a website run by a former employee of the UK-based Aegis Defence Services showed security guards randomly shooting automatic rifles at civilian cars...


Forum posts

  • I am often speculating about the roles and results among the mercenaries in this war. It is apparent that a greater mercenary presence is going on than in previous US wars but nothing least of all casualties among the mercs in Iraq is being reported about it.

    I’d like to see the media at least the independant media, we know the whores won’t do it, reporting about them. The use of such forces reflects poorly enough on the Pentagon, they should not be allowed to operate this dirtiest part of their war beneath even the alternative media radar.