by Open-Publishing - Saturday 1 April 2006
1 comment

Parties USA

The Democratic party formally died yesterday.... A hearing was convened to debate the merits of a proposed censure resolution proffered by WI. Senator Russ Feingold.... Were Dems going to support a "bad conduct " notice against Dicktator Bush , the so called censure.... With two execeptions (Harkin, Boxer) , the answer is a resolute NO !.... Feingold is now a pariah - in his own party..... 19 Democrats from this group of suppine losers suported censure of Bill Clinton, a president from their party, for the grave offence of getting a BJ and being embarassed to own to said "BJ"..... These same losers find no fault in Unitary dicktator Bush authorising a patently illegal spy programme that violates the Fourth Ammendment of the US Constitution..... They claim there has not been a showing that Unitary Dicktator Bush engaged in this crime spree by acts of "bad faith".... What horse shit.... Are they Mad ? .... The Unitary Dicktator hasn’t altered his illegal conduct.... The programme continues .... The constitution, the law and the courts be damned..... The gauntlet has been laid down ... The Democrats plead for the Dicktator to mend his ways.... Pretty Please , Mr. Dicktator..... OK dicktator ,we’ll change the law and everything we’ll be all right.....Don’t spy on us Dicktator.... This is a unitary executive/miltary strong man that has an approval rating a bare few point above Nixon’s poll ratings in the midst of Watergate..... Yet the invertebrates flash their anger - at Feingold ! .... The meltdown is complete , the shame total.... How the DKOS and DU people can continue the charade that it mounts to a hill of beans whether these cowards regain the House or Senate boggles the imagination..... They paved the way for the installation of two Fascists onto the Supreme Court.... They rolled over like good " Bush-bitches" on the Patriot Act.... They are more enthusiastic about the forthcoming Iran bombing campaign than Bush .... All the newly recruited House candidates are pro-Iraq war robots produced by that ghastly Israeli-firster & NAFTA pitchman , Rep. Rahm Emanuel.... No doubt they want more "Free trade" as well.... During the first Persian Gulf war , Emanuel volunteered for the Army - the frigg’in Israeli Defence Force....! ( not in combat ) ... perhaps the IDF needed a superior fundraiser who could give them his expertise on ballet dancing - his first profession.....

Forum posts

  • Yes, but soon they will all get what’s coming to them...and it’s well earned.