by Open-Publishing - Thursday 30 March 2006

Parties Governments USA

The ’Dummy-crats’ are obtaining much succor from polls showing the public favouring the election of ’Dummy-crats’ over ’Rummy-crats’ by near or exceeding double-digit margins .... WOW! .... Examples : a ) NEWSWEEK (3/16 -3/17 /06) (D) 50% / (R) 39 %... ...b) TIME (3/22- 3/23/06 ) (D) 50% / (R) 41% .... c) NBC/Wall St. Journal (3/10 - 3/13/06) (D) 50 % / (R) 37 % .... The national "Dummy-crat" leaders advise exceeding caution.... We’ve got this thing in the bag.... Shut-up .... No impeachment talk .... Nix the Censure..... They ran a Neo-con lite campaign in 2004 , under the nearly identical circumstance.... "We’ve got to "outmacho" Bush... show we’re tough.... GGRRR!!!... At the identical stage in the ’04 election cycle , the Dummy-crats also nursed massive leads in the so called generic ballot ... Examples : a) ZOGBY AMERICA ( 1/15-1/18/04) (D) 39 % / (R) 30 %..... b) TIME/HARRIS INTERACTIVE ( 5/12- 5/13/04 ) (D) 53 % / (R) 40%.... c) LA TIMES ( 6/5/04 -6/08/04 ) (D) 54% / (R) 35 %..... The Result : The Rummy-crats picked up a net gain of four seats in the House and Senate ! .... How much of this was owing to vote fraud is a question that no one can answer with definitive certainty... Certainly , much of the dramatic decline was the direct result of national "Dummy-crats’ sitting on their big behinds- waiting for the "landslide" that never happened. ... A mid-term election , even more so than a general election, is a contest over which party can activate their political base..... The "Dummy-crats" insist on dissing their base with condescending rhetoric about the "impractical" nature of impeaching Dicktator Bush.... Like parents telling wayward children that they can’t have that candy bar..... The "Dummy-crats" know better .... Sit down and shut up , children.... Clearly the only way to avoid an another electoral fiasco is to tell the "Dummy-crats" to get lost.... Take your Neocon BULL*HIT and stuff it.... http://www.pollingreport.com/cong2004.htm http://www.pollingreport.com/cong2006.htm

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