Home > Dear Cindy Sheehan: The Camp Casey organizers are fascists

Dear Cindy Sheehan: The Camp Casey organizers are fascists

by Open-Publishing - Monday 22 August 2005

Demos-Actions Movement USA

"Camp Casey is not a democratically run site out of sheer
necessity. There has to be some control on the overall message coming
out of Crawford." Socialists arrested for selling Howard Zinn Books,
but they let PETA set up a tent, and the media loves it.

Camp Casey is being squashed by a flood of "fake left" leaders.
If we want to save America, we need to analyze every statement and
action by every "progressive" leader. Note to Cindy: many
of your ’friends’ may be working for the wrong team. We need a flood of
real people in Crawford now to overwhelm the agent organizers- because
that’s what they do, they flood any peace group with agents- not just
one or two, but a dozen.... enough to sway decisions.

In case you haven’t been following closely, thus far Camp Casey has
been stifled. Some are camping in the ditch, some are in town and
others at Camp Casey II, a single acre, 1/4 of which is taken up by the
huge tent. Last week 212 acres were offered to Cindy- was it declined? By Who? I’m still looking for clarification, can anyone in Crawford locate Fred Mattlage (who lives in Waco)?

Cindy has raised at least $90,000 - some of that could be used to rent
a piece of land... but the current organizers seem content keeping this

People were told not to come Friday night because of the big football game, someone told Marcia Ball, don’t bring the band, it’s not a celebration. Why?

Steve Earle and James McMurtry played Camp Casey Saturday night, yet
hardly anyone knew about it... the organizers didn’t publicize this
concert because they didn’t want too many people to show up. Joan Baez
is Playing tonight... True Majority spent a bunch of money to redo the
Gold Star Families for Peace website- it does not mention either of
these concerts. Why not? The new ’full-time webmaster’ didn’t deem two
concerts by big-time performers worth a mention? Oh yeah, forgot- they
didn’t want too many people to show up.

Their excuse and definitely a problem is the parking- with no room out
near the campsite, the organizers have decided to ask people to park in
Crawford then shuttle out to camp. Why o why didn’t Cindy pursue the
212 acre plot? Did she even know about it?

Is the Crawford Peace House Cointelpro central? On Democracy Now
the leader of the Peace House said they’d bought the house in 2003 and
they’ve been waiting for protesters to show up... Why would anyone buy
a house (get loan, pay mortgage, lots of interest) in the middle of
Bush Country? They’d be outcasts in this tiny town of 700, hated and
clearly in danger of attack by rabid Bush Lovers.

  • Why are they having donations sent to a Dallas PO Box?
  • Why do they want everyone to come to the Peace House first and sign in?
  • Why are they insisting on everyone parking in Crawford then
    shuttling out to camp? Does that sound like the makings for a big
    protest, or a way to keep it small?
  • Why did someone say, ’enough donations had come in to pay off the $40,000 mortgage’?
    Why would real peace activists trying end the war use this money to pay
    off their mortgage? It was denied on DU that they did this, but EllenMental just back from Crawford
    heard they paid off their ’$15,000 note’ and they’ve purchased two
    cars. Wasting money is a top tactic of Cointelpro goons- how bout a new
    name for them? I’m partial to Karl’s Kreachers.
  • Why are they asking people to donate $$ to fix the city park?
  • Why are they asking volunteers to landscape, build them shelves
    and fix up the Peace House? (Are they planning on selling it?) All of
    our efforts should be building Camp Casey, aquiring a field for
    parking, etc.
  • Why
    would intelligent Peace Activists elect an inarticulate
    foreigner as a spokesperson? I’m not racist, it’s a simple matter of
    marketing to Bush Believers. An All-American (ie former quarterback,
    etc) Peace House spokesperson would be good PR for turning Rednecks - a
    foreigner with an accent and a Middle-Eastern name (Hadi Jawad) is
    clearly going to turn off many people- bad luck or cointelpro influence?

Why are the activists in Texas split between Camp Casey I, Camp Casey
II and the Peace House? As such, nobody really knows how many people
are there... a few hundred in each camp, some in town and some on the
road... it’s simple - Divide and Conquer. If they had the 212 acres to
park in, people could come and camp for two weeks without having to
drive to town once... all the activists could gather in one location
rather than being split 3 ways, and photos of the growing crowd would
help it to grow. Which is exactly what they’re trying to avoid.

Why did True Majority ask for money to help Cindy, then spend the money
on sending ’media specialists’ to ’help’ Cindy. In fact it turns out they were telling Cindy
to tone it down "to reach a wider audience". They didn’t ask
their members to donate directly to Cindy- they took the money and used
it for their own agenda. They even set up their own fake GSFP website to collect donations.

To the progressive community- we are never going to win as long as we
allow these fake left groups to lead us into obscurity. In short,
Move-on, PDA, CodePink, True Majority, DemocraticUnderground,
Democrats.com, MeetwithCindy.org ... they are all "left gatekeepers" -
working to minimize the damage to Bush.

The extra land was offered on wednesday, but instead of moving camp
thursday, someone organized a march in 100 degree heat to deliver
letters to Laura Bush, having even the elderly walk 3 miles carrying
banners for nobody to see.
Camp wasn’t moved until Saturday. Why not have these activists
spread out, some clean up the 212 acres of cowpies and install the
cattle guard, while others talk to the media and the Bush supporters.
Why not use this time to educate them- Bush Lied- it’s not a matter of
conjecture- it’s a fact.

Here’s my opening statement- "Look, in all honesty, no human could
really support what Bush, Cheney and their cronies are doing. You just
don’t know the truth, you’ve been fooled and you’re afraid to admit it.
Are you going to allow your children and grandchildren to suffer
because you were afraid to admit you were wrong?"

We could show them some clips from Conyers Downing Street Memo hearing, or any of the movies on this Support the Troops
page. Why aren’t activists using this time to educate the Bush
supporters. That’s all there is to it, the only people that support
Bush are those that don’t know the truth. But this isn’t happening
because Camp Casey organizers don’t even want to debate

So far this protest has been stifled in every way imaginable- the
organizers have claimed this in not a celebration, that it is about one
grieving mother. That Cindy’s message is "to meet with Bush" and that
anything else is off message. Saying that Bush Lied is ’off message’.
Why is it that people keep following these fools leading us into the

Resources for those going to Crawford,
or those looking to convince their friends that
Cindy has something important to say.

Camp Casey Now
Blog Updates on the situation in Crawford


Forum posts

  • I just found this story about the Socialists arrested at Potland Indymedia...

    Here’s the deal from a DU eyewitness. The ISO set up a table under the new "Camp Two" tent (which is huge) and loaded it with copies of Socialist Worker and Howard Zinn books. They then started peddling their stuff and handing out flyers to advertise the socialist-leaning anti-war protest in DC on September 24. They were eager, if perhaps a little too aggressive in sales, and I was indeed considering buying one of the Zinn books anyway.

    Before I could head back to the booth to actually puchase anything, one of the ISO volunteers jumped on a table and announced to everyone that they were being arrested. Sure enough, there were two or three policemen at the ISO table, and some organizers from Veterans for Peace had joined the growing fracas, with someone from ISO claiming that they were being expelled and/or arrested just for being socialists.

    ....It also had a part about someone from Democratic Underground, a group of online activists who have helped alot in providing donations, food and supplies to the Crawford Peace House...

    "I don’t think there was any reason to deny DistressedAmerican and his sister the freedom to set up their own tent at the Camp Casey site. Apparently, one of the organizers thought their message and DU’s message was too "extreme" or something ridiculous like that.There does appear to be some minor squabbles and miscommunications between Camp Casey organizers, and DistressedAmerican was one of the casualties"


  • re: Why is it that people keep following these fools leading us into the ground?

    sounds crazy- but you have to remember those in power have every resource and technology imaginable to manipulate people...

    Scientists develop revolutionary ’trust spray’

    What if they have a special perfume made with this ’love hormone’ so people will trust them, no matter how stupid their plan is...