Home > Dear Democrat/ Republicans Failing to Represent the People of America,

Dear Democrat/ Republicans Failing to Represent the People of America,

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 14 March 2006

Parties USA

Dear Democrat/ Republicans Failing to Represent the People of America,

Just a note to let you know that We the People despise your methods more each day. You have repeatedly disrespected the laws of the land, misused our military; and even the stripped away the very privacy of Americans who respectfully disagree with your legally baseless decisions. You gloss over each and every issue that should be carefully inspected.

From 9/11, to defending the Constitution, to spying on Americans, Downing Street Memo’s - and there is so much more which you continue to ignore. The backlash, which you will eventually suffer, will be a political tsunami. The smart ones are already running for higher ground.

Despite the fact this president has admitted to breaking the law, you support this-saying, “Well, well, let’s just change the law.” What is going on? Are you being blackmailed or are you in collusion with the destruction of the America? Or are you simply concerned about your own sorry butts- aiding and abetting criminals? Do you think you will suffer no political consequences? The truth is coming out and you cannot stop it. The world knew from the beginning and finally most Americans now know the truth-despite your efforts to suffocate it.

Representatives who run away like frightened schoolgirls, when one of your peers (who is doing the job he was elected to do) tells you, in detail, why the president has broken the law. Will you go on the record saying he has not broken the law? No, of course not. Think Arlen Specter. “Inherent authority” to make and break any law is not in the Constitution-read Article II again, Senator. I notice you did not read it on the floor of the Senate...did not hear you mention the Fourth Amendment, either.

Cowards and traitors- why are you in my country? I say to hell with working on impeaching just Bush-we should work on impeaching all of you for weakening this country. It certainly cannot be soon enough for new elections...I hope America survives until November 4, 2006. If it does not, we shall know whom to hold responsible.


Forum posts

  • Remember the Pentagon attack. Notice that the wing that was targeted had crucial naval offices. Conclude that the navy was not in on 911. Regard 911 as a coup by the other branches of the military. Suggestion: can the Navy pull off a counter coup?

  • great letter!

  • Former VA Secretary Anthony Principi, a Republican, well before he was removed from office, gave all veterans the call to arms. Principi said, "History is littered with governments destabilized by masses of veterans who believed that they had been taken for fools by a society that grew rich and fat at the expense of their hardship and suffering."

    Politicians, pay attention when a United States soldier talks to you.