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Dems-cowards or on the take?

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 27 December 2005

Wars and conflicts Parties USA

Democrats in congress (with a few notable and honorable exceptions) have been acting, for the longest time, as cowards, like the Chamberlains and Weimar Republicans in the 20’s and 30’s. Capitulation is their middle name.

But upon further thought, maybe most Dems are also beholden to the corporate kings who have been generous funders of the sociopath party and thereby dictate the course of action in the world. Why else would most so-called Democrats be so loath to speak up and out against this ever increasing litany of lies, war crimes, crimes against humanity, violations of the Geneva Convention, the filleting of our Constitution, the packing of the Supreme Court with rubber stampers, the bugging of America, the genocidal events of Katrina, the stealing of two presidential elections, on and on.

More and more, I am seriously thinking of registering as an Independent until both majority parties return to sanity. I won’t be holding my breath, though. My nose, yes, but not the breath. Would someone please help me understand this madness, even though we live in a catch-22 world right now?

Forum posts

  • Well, your first mistake was thinking that in this day and age most people enter politics to devote their time and abilities to the service of the public . As with most everything else in this self-centered , hypocritical world we live in ,they are in it for money and power . And the general public doesn’t care as long as they can watch NFL and shop at the mega-mall for whatever made-in-China bargains they can afford while working two or three underpaid jobs . So with the exception of the few saints in Washington who oppose this bullshit invasion of Iraq and the subsequent shredding of the constitution by a pack of moral hyenas , your wait for the democrats to awake from their stupor will be a long one , for like their republican cousins , they would have to stop blowing their corporate masters in order for that to happen .

  • [http:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/7484/ftr/pigasus.htm].
    Remember the yuppies, and the weathermen?

    Remember Abbie Hoffman, Ginsberg et al?

    It isnt about democrats and republicans..... it is about money and little else. The uberclass, the unterclass, until along comes the "final solution"...war..... So if the French and Germans can be mature enough to share taxation and currency, (and free healthcare /education) with the Italians, Greeks and Irish, maybe america needs to have a few civil wars and revolutions, oops no, not very hippy that....how about a general strike? To be honest, I dont have a solution, but one thing is certain, somethings going to give. (housing market?)

    • One simple and direct way to straighten out all the phony politicians, and I mean all of the greedy ones, is to not pay income taxes and not do your indeividual tax returns. That is where they get most of the money to run "their" government and hand out the disgusting pork and, quite important these days, the amount of money used in many government departments to bribe countries and individuals. This is big bucks.

      Start a non-income tax party (the grandchild of the Boston Tea Party) and the politicians will cry like babies. I’m ready.

    • Sounds good to me, I bet there is even an exemption for religious thought.... No taxes, only direct giving to the poor.

      Oh wait a minute, the churches already have that.