Home > Destroy Abu Ghraib!

Destroy Abu Ghraib!

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 6 April 2005

Wars and conflicts International Prison

This weekend’s attacks on the Abu Ghraib prison facility should be welcomed as a direct assault on the foremost icon of Bush’s War of Terror. Abu Ghraib has the same meaning to Iraqis and free people across the globe as did the Bastille to French citizens prior to the Revolution; an enduring symbol of arbitrary state power and cruelty.

Under Saddam the prison could be dismissed as the natural exponent of a tyrannical regime bent on removing political opponents. Now, however, under the authority of Bush and Rumsfeld, it has devolved into the torture capital of the world, flaunting international law and ignoring even minimal standards of human decency. Simply put, it is the epicenter of new-world barbarism; a form of despotism that disguises itself as democracy.

Saddam never dreamed up the sexually deviant torture that has been used on the prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Those were authorized by men at the very top of America’s political establishment; many of whom matriculated in America’s finest universities, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton. It’s ironic that these institutions have unleashed this new pestilence on the world; these cadres of latter-day Torquemadas.

For the most part, the truth of Abu Ghraib is concealed by the collaborative American media, the state-information service. They have disguised the obvious implications of Bush’s torture gulag. In fact, Abu Ghraib, like Guantanamo and the other stars in the American prison constellation, is a laboratory where the Defense Dept is analyzing the

limits of human suffering. We know this from the many eye-witness accounts of sensory-deprivation techniques, drugs forced up prisoners rectums, extreme temperature variations, isolation chambers etc. A whole range of afflictions is being used with clinical precision to gage the parameters of human endurance. This Nazi-like attention to detail is assisted by both doctors and paramedics alike (which was reported last year in all of America’s newspapers) who have cast their lot with the tormenter-in chief.

The insurgents who boldly charged Abu Ghraib were doing the heavy-lifting for all of us. There’ll be no freedom, nor peace, nor justice as long as one block sits on top of another at that loathsome site. Let’s destroy it now and return to the values of humanity and common decency.


Forum posts

  • NUKE BERKELY.......

  • Destroying Abu Ghraib is a very good start! Why are we holding and torturing these poor people, +90% who are completely innocent? Arbitrary cruelty... and it is poisoning all of us. I think the Iraqis must have been very successful in their recent attacks on the prison considering how little I have seen or read about it.

    • "+90%" Great stat, there. Wouldn’t want to ruin it with too much research.

      Are you sure it’s not 91%, or maybe 89%? You must have done an exhaustive study.