Home > Editorial/Op-Ed: 9/11 An Inside Job?

Editorial/Op-Ed: 9/11 An Inside Job?

by Open-Publishing - Monday 11 September 2006

Attack-Terrorism USA

MSNBC Live Vote suggests the government dun’ it, or so we think

WASHINGTON, D.C. — (OfficialWire) — 09/11/06 — At the stroke of midnight, September 11, 2006, five years after that fateful day—according to an MSNBC Live Poll (34,312 respondents)—just 30 per cent of those polled actually believed the U.S. Government’s version of events—i.e. Conspiracy Theory I.

A resounding majority, 59 per cent of those polled think that there is sufficient evidence to indicate an inside job—i.e. Conspiracy Theory II.

The remaining 11 per cent have yet to decide one way or the other.

The so-called mainstream media, in its own special way, has sought to dismiss those within the second camp by associating anyone who supports the notion that the U.S. government was involved in attacking its own citizens with a "conspiracy"—a codeword for "wacko"—a slick way to discredit them without providing any reasons why they think they’re wrong.

On the other hand, the Bush administration has clearly established a history of fabricating evidence, extreme secrecy and a total disregard for Americans. With that in mind and in my opinion, Conspiracy Theory I remains highly unlikely.

Anyone who takes the time to review the facts would agree with me—that is unless they’re simply unwilling to face the facts. I say unwilling because to accept that truth might cause their entire world to come crashing down.

Oh, you bet they did it. And they’ll do it again if given the chance.


Forum posts

  • I went to a neighbor’s barbecue a couple of weeks ago, and raised the topic of the 9/11 towers’ collapse. No one wanted to pursue the possibility that something other than hijacked airplanes were responsible for bringing down the trade center. Two of the attendees were engineers, as was the host. They made some arguments that rested on the fires and the weakened steel, but it was obvious to me that they only had superficial information. I have a degree in architecture, but I make my living in residential construction. One thing I know, for sure, is that there must be a thorough investigation of ANY catastrophy before conclusions can be drawn. You can’t rely on the "obvious", especially when complex structures are involved. It seems to me that the 9/11 incident is an exercise in making assumptions, aided and abetted by a government that sees no purpose in belaboring the "obvious". Forensic investigations are the norm for most disasters that involve the failure of our built environment, so that, at the very least, we may learn from our experience. I get the feeling that, in this situation, the phsical evidence would not bear close examination. Why else would there be such a frantic effort to "clean up" the debris, destroying any evidence that might illuminate the events that transpired? Perhaps it was CYA.
    Perhaps it was an effort to show that things were "Under Control" for political purposes. Given the hints of physical evidence that seem to point to a larger, more complex event, it is unfortunate that we are left to swallow the dubious account that our Government wants us to believe. When I consider some of the other things they’ve wanted me to believe, I am compelled to question the overlooked, the unexamined, and the unbelievable. Only by reconciling the myriad coincidences of this event can we truly lay it to rest. We cannot afford to provide cover for those reponsible for failures of imagination, leadership, and public reponsibility, lest we cede our self-determination to incompetents.

    • It’s really as simple as asking the question that I heard the other day was asked in a gov public forum, "Where’s the plane that hit WT7?". The answer of course is that no plane ever hit seven it simply "fell down" after it’s Zionist owner Silverstein said they had to "pull it". 9-11 was a set up upon the American people to get them to give up their freedom and kids, and spouses, and parents, for cannon fodder to be used in in this war for Resources and Profit and to keep the dollar and Israel "happy" and more and more and more Americans and the world are learning the TRUTH every day.