Home > Electrical shock to testicles is NOT torture so says Congress

Electrical shock to testicles is NOT torture so says Congress

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 1 October 2006

Prison USA

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress

Oh, my God! Father, Father what has become of Your America the Beautiful? It is no more!

To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed ’Family Values’, sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???

That which these sadistic maniacs approve for others MUST first be tested on them and their loved ones, their sons and daughters, their husbands and wives, their mothers and fathers.

Time and time again experts state that which is confessed under torture is useless as most any one of us will say whatever is necessary to stop the torture.

That which our Forefathers gave life and liberty to attain for Us, freedom from persecution,

the very principles we claim to fight against, crimes against humanity, WE HAVE BECOME forced upon us by the Traitor Cabal.

Senate Wins Fight To Lower Allowable Amperage Levels On Detainees’ Testicles

September 29, 2006 | Issue 42•40

Senate Wins R

WASHINGTON, DC-Led by a bipartisan group of senators critical of White House policy on suspected terrorists, the Senate passed a bill Thursday that prohibits interrogators from exceeding 100 amps per testicle when questioning detainees. "Even in times of war, it is counterproductive and wrong to employ certain inhumane interrogation techniques, and using three-digit amperage levels on the testicles of captives constitutes torture," said Sen. John Warner (R-VA), who has also supported reducing the size of attack dogs and the height of nude pyramids. "Using amperages of 99 and lower, with approved surge protectors on the jumper-cable clamps, are the hallmarks of a civilized society." The legislation did not address amperage restrictions on suspected terrorists’ labia.


Forum posts

  • ...that is the treatment American soldiers in Iraq will enjoy, after G. W. Bush attacked Iran.

  • I can’t imagine that the electrical shock could be much worse than the pain one would feel from the jumper cable being clamped to the testicles. Is it possible that we are not talking about a shock at all?