Home > Farce : The Saddam War Crimes Trial

Farce : The Saddam War Crimes Trial

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 1 March 2006

Wars and conflicts Justice International USA

Who should really have to answer to the Bar of Justice for war crimes conducted against the people of Iraq? 1) What about Democrat Zbigniew Brezinski ? As part of his genocidal doctrine to stir up "Islamic fundamentalism" ; a catspaw to counter the "Soviet Threat" , this war criminal was not only the key architect of of the Iran-Iraq War but it’s corrrelative madness , the Arab-Afghani war against the Soviet Union. 2 ) What about Democrat Madeline Albright ? Asked if the death of a half million Iraqi children left her with the slightest tinge of guilt she responded that it was a necessary sacrifice in order to contain Saddam. These comments were made well after she & everyone knew he had destroyed his cache of WMD. Who are these vermin to judge Saddam Hussein because he ordered the execution of Shia rebels that were attempting to overthrow his government and cut his head off ? Can you imagine that ? A leader of a government quashing a rebellion and killing off 147 rebel leaders ? 3 ) What about those Nazis in the Bush 41 government who set up the plans to destroy the water purification infrastucture used by the citizenry of Iraq. Why no war crimes tribunals for those pricks ? 4 ) What about the dog and Phony show put on by the Congressmen from Israel ( via CA. ), Rep. Tom Lantos . This prize jackass participated ,directed , and authorised a vile scheme against American people. Remember the poor homeless girl ( who we later found out was the daughter of the US Ambassador to Kuwait ) who pretended to be a young , homeless mother feigning crocodile tears about Iraqi soldiers who weree taking babies out of their incubators, leaving them to die . Those cruel ,hearless bastards ! It was a total Lie. Lantos should have removed from Congress for chairing those hearings. The cowardice and duplicity of Lizard Lantos derives from his special status as Holocaust survivior, an act of happenstance that he feels confers upon to him a dispensation (in Mosaic cannon law ) to unleash more holocausts upon the Earth. 5 ) Then there was the fraud of Iraqi troops said to be marching in lock step toward the Saudi border. Bush 41 military toadies showed Satellite Photos -100% irrefutable proof of this menacing trend. Another Total Lie. 6 ) And these were warmup acts lead to the Powell UN Presentation , all the claims Saddam Hussein posessed WMD, the death squads , the torure camps, the DU, the cluster bombs and white phosphorous, and the latest abomination : Western security services fomenting insane religous sectarian civil warfare by assassinating religous leaders and blowing up Islamic mosques and shrines. And Bill Buckley can’t figire out whu those uncivilised Iraqi’s didn’t greet us as liberators. What an Ass !!!!!!! Take your apologies , turn them into hard copy and full your bird cage with them. Shit for Shit !

Forum posts

  • AHHHH,the stories that Saddam could tell if granted a world forum......that ain’t gonna’ happen.I’m suprised they have let him live this long...IF it’s really him!!!

  • The whole story is bogus. They won’t let him shave his beard off because his bite and jawline are different from the real Saddam. Search for studies of his dentition (www.breakfornews.com for example).

    There is no media only the propaganda apparatus.