Home > Fascism as it was in Italy

Fascism as it was in Italy

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 2 February 2006

Movement Wars and conflicts Extreme right Italy

My wife was born in Italy,and grew up attending school with Mussolini’s daughter. Members of her family had different opinions about the government, but dissention was tolerated. None of the anti government voices were silenced. Nobody was beaten or kicked with jackboots.

I point this out because of the Cindy Sheehan controversy. My wife assures me that many citizens of Italy during WW II were opposed to losing their sons in war, and speaking out was not considered a crime. IF T-shirts had been the fad at the time, nobody would have been arrested for wearing one desribing how many troops were dead..OR..one asking that troops be brought home!

Mussolini’s daughter once told my wife "My father doesn’t understand why he’s so hated. He says all he wants to do is help his country"

Not to defend him necessarily, but not only did he "make the trains run on time" but he drained dangerous swamps, created a form of Social Security, and passed laws aiding seniors and children in many and diverse ways.

Will Cappa

Forum posts

  • Look who’s in charge in Italy now: Silvio Berlusconi, one of Bush’s lapdogs. He personally owns either the entire Italian media, or the companies that own the media companies. And there are signs that he has started going down the propaganda/censorship path of America. If someone opposes different points of view than their own, it’s because they know their own is wrong!

  • Well, I guess Mussollini was better than Bush in some respects. Considering that Bush has cut and will continue to cut programs for youth, the elderly, low-income families and college students.
    (all for the sake of bringing the national debt even higher)

    He is running this country into the ground like every business he ever touched.

  • I might also add that recently it came out that Mussolini was killed, not by an angry mob of partisans, but rather by an agent under direct orders from that honorable gent Churchill. Yep, that same Churchill who rubbed elbows with the kindly Uncle Joe Stalin. It just goes to show how some are painted white and some are painted black, but that does not necessarily represent the truth. Unfortunately, the first victim in repressive regimes is the truth. It was Orwell who said that "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
    Americans will have a hard time coming to grips with the ugly but obvious fact that they now have a repressive, authoritarian regime ensconced in power. Ultimately they will have to resolve this, at which time apologies to an abused world will be called for. Assuming the world remains after the gang in the White House work out their plans.

  • You can’t compare Mussolini with Bush. Mussolini was kind of powerless. The Italians did not have that massive destructive nuclear force. I’m more concerned about Americans nuclear force then of any of those which might exists in the countries which formed the former Soviet Union. Soviet people and the Russians are not mean, Americans are and the Americans are they only nation in history which used the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
    Which country is more to fear? Who are the real rougues?

    • Normally, I compare Hitler with Bush.

      The major difference is, Hitler was a decorated war hero (WW 1), and Bush is an unpunished military deserter. Also, Hitler did a great deal to build up his country, creating the motorway (freeway) system, and starting the production of the Volkswagen. Bush is going out of his way to bankrupt and destroy his country.