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’Forever’...and overwhelming thought

by Open-Publishing - Friday 8 September 2006

Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

Turn on the TV at any hour. What do you see and hear? TERROR. Warnings, war footage, bombings, alerts, plots, strange "items" in boxes, bags and backpacks (which prove harmless), documentaries about bin Laden or Islam or the Taliban, or movies about terrorists blowing something...or some ONE, up!

If you live in America, this is athe standard diet. And every evening on the CBS, ABC or NBC news the lead story is almost always about the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, or occasionally about our suffering troops and their physical and mental disabilities.

Add to this tension building atmosphere the manufactured FEAR tactics organized by the Karl Rove Republican Bushites, which often are of whole cloth..and you’ll get just a vague idea of what living in the US of A is all about these days.

This has been a 5 year ordeal so far, and shows no sign of weakening. If George Bush and his ilk get their way this adrenolin pumping, blood pressuring climate will prevail for as long as they do. The word FOREVER is never far from the thoughts of those of us who observe the plotting curve outlined every day in the media and in Bush press conferences.

Washington takes all this B.S. in stride. They know it’s largely Horse Pucky, but the public at large, often dumber than mud pies when push comes to shove, often buys every word. They live in abject terror. They believe North Korea will nuke us, or that Iran will destroy the world, or that the Muslim "hoards" will...like the armies of Saladin the Magnificent, spread out across the globe and wipe out all the infidels on Earth...with a special focus on Americans.

I don’t often recommend trying to think like a Washington politician, but in this instance.....either try it...or move to Canada.