Home > Forget Gannon: 52 Warnings yet Condi thought, ’’What a Terrible Accident’’

Forget Gannon: 52 Warnings yet Condi thought, ’’What a Terrible Accident’’

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 8 March 2005

Edito Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

by Ben Frank

Stunning new information regarding 9/11 has emerged recently, yet the mainstream media buried it and ’progressive’ bloggers focused on Gannongate.

This news is worthy of discussion by all Americans, especially the media.

In the 105 days before 9/11, the FAA issued 52 warnings that mentioned Osama Bin Laden. One of the warnings was a CD-ROM that discussed suicide hijackers.

President Bush decided to take a vacation for the month of August.

On August 6th Bush received the infamous memo titled Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the US. Bush remained on vacation.

On the morning of 9/11, both Bush and Condi thought, "what a terrible accident."

Isn’t this combination of facts at least somewhat intriguing? Why the astounding silence from the media?

Why aren’t there any investigative journalists willing to ask the tough questions? (Gary Webb and Hunter S. Thompson)

American media fell silent after September 11th because of Bush’s, "you’re with us or with the terrrists" line. Most journalists have continued their silence even in the face of dramatic evidence that ought to be headline news. The same is true for most of Congress.

One of the few brave Congressman left is Rep Henry Waxman of Los Angeles. Waxman called for hearings based on this new evidence, his two questions:

 Condi made the infamous "I don’t think anybody could have predicted..." statement. Considering the CD warning, Waxman diplomatically asks, is she incompetent or lying?

 Why did Bush withhold the information until after the elections?

These are valid questions supported by documented facts. The media has buried the story. Think about the implications

Bush withheld embarassing information until after the election.

What will it take for mainstream media journalists to cover this story and ask the tough questions? Whoever speaks up first will surely go down in the history books.


Forum posts

  • This story simply has to gain legs. it is an outrage that the MSM can’t seem to get their arms around this story.
    We were lied to, big time and the press just doesn’t care. This recently unclassified document shows that of course the administration knew something was up and was remiss in insisting that the FAA do its job. Instead, it was business as usual, not wishing to cause ’hardship’ for the aviation industry. Now the entire world has to suffer for their shortsightedness. Keep harping on this. Don’t let smokescreen stories (10 commandments, social security, gannon, etc.) continue with precedence.

  • Threshold Fears and Unanswered Questions about 9/11

    By Peter Phillips
    March 6, 2005

    The intrepid director of Project Censored cuts to heart of the 9/11 truth dilemma, which is not the absence of evidence but the public’s fear to know. It is perhaps time for some of us in the movement to rest the factual case, and address the jury’s fear. It’s still by far the biggest hurdle we face and Phillips starts to help us surmount it here. - Editor

    read @ http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050307174111734

    The nadir of this fall is seen as being our own time of planetary ecological disaster—a direct consequence of the very nature, structure, and hubris of the modern Western self. I’m drawing these lines very sharply, almost caricaturing the two views, but you can see that they underlie many of the great debates of our time. For example, how are we to regard modern science and technology—liberator of humans or destroyer of natural systems? How are we to regard the future of humankind: Is it upward or downward—Enlightenment or Kali Yuga? Is it progress or is it tragedy?

    The Great Initiation
    By Richard Tarnas

    read @ http://www.noetic.org/publications/review/issue47/main.cfm?page=r47_Tarnas.html

  • FOX TV show depicts a U.S. government plot to crash a hijacked Boeing into the WTC six months before 9/11!

    The FOX TV series The Lone Gunmen (X-Files spin off) airs their opening episode "Pilot" six months before 9/11 which depicts a secret U.S. government agency behind a plot to crash a Boeing 727 into the WTC via remote control and blame it on foreign terrorists in the hopes of generating a bigger military budget.
