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Frankenstein in Afghanistan Made in Egypt

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 26 November 2009
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Wars and conflicts International

Frankenstein in Afghanistan
Made in Egypt Nov.26 2009

The label of Frankenstein is applied to Afghanistan warlords Dr, Burhanuddin RabbanI and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf , by Benazhir Bhutto the former first women head of an Islamic country, Pakistan. The warlords were former members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood along with Zawahiri a surgeon and disciple of Violent Jihad.

Al Sharif also known as Dr. Fadl is the Egyptian author of an ideological justification for violent jihad. He and Zawahiri are both surgeons and work together to form Al Qaeda with Bin Laden. Dr. Fadl was a gifted student and considered a skilled surgeon his disciples of violent jihad practiced decapitations and scalping the heads of women.

Lewis Awad a Coptic writer and influential scholar 1950’-1980’ wrote in a Cairo publication concerning the Shelley’s’ Frankenstein and her husbands Promethius unbound. Awad was imprisoned by Nasser and Sadat and infuriated the Islamic fundamentalists, for translating and speaking about Islam as a non Muslim Arab.. He was active as an editor of an Egyptian weekly, when Dr, Fadl was earning his degree in medicine .

When Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 the media labeled his killers as Frankenstein creations, Dr. Fadl was captured for trial in the assassination of Sadat and after years in jail was released, found not guilty.
IN 1984 India’ Ghandi was assassinated and the religious extremist responsible was labeled Frankenstein creation by the media.
In 1989 Bhutto first used the label of Frankenstein to label Bin Laden and the Mujahadeen war lords in Afghanistan.

In 1995 I first noticed a site labeled Frankenstein/Afghanistan.gov. and later saw it as a metaphor for the attackers of 9/11. In 1996 the site for Afghanistan Today was Afghanistan/ Frankenstein world web. The url address is visible on the links to it as a statistical source reference. The site was also an attempt to communicate or dialogue with Taliban.

In 1998 Bhutto continues to label the mujahadeen warlords as Frankenstein, in a London speech. Writers from India and Pakistan use the Frankenstein label for Bin Laden and the Egyptian Jihadist’ right up to the attacks on 9/11, 2001.

From 1998 to 2001, Dr. Fadl is a surgeon in Yemen, stitching bodies together. By 2001, Frankenstein is a growing metaphor for the violent Jihadist created by the writings of Dr. Fadl. The thesis that Frankenstein the novel, written by Mary Shelley , was used to chronicle dates of attacks by Egyptian Jihadists, gains credibility with Dr. Fadl. The dates would prove and communicate moral support to the architect of violent jihad in an otherwise compartmentalized operation, even if he was in prison.

Dr. Fadl denies knowledge of the attacks on 9/11 ( date Frankenstein dies in novel) Madrid ( date novel was published) or London (Date of letter in Shelley’s novel). After the Iraq war started, dates of letters in the novel coincided with the dates of Al Qaeda attacks beginning with May 12, 2003. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, KSM claimed that May 12 was the alternate date for the attack in 2001 but was moved to Sept. 11. After Sept.11 Dr. Fadl turned himself in to Yemen authorities and was imprisoned. He is now in an Egyptian prison claiming to be reformed. His transformation, to a kind of Islamic religious authority, a force to change the minds of Jihadist, is as brazen and deceptive as an Egyptian violent jihadist serving as an instructor at Fort Bragg.

In the 9/11 Commission Report, the name of Abdul Rasool Sayyaf is mentioned on the page with the picture of KSM. Sayyaf was KSM’s mentor, the book also mentions that when KSM left the US he was employed by a group funded by Sayyaf. The 9/11 commission report claims that Sayyaf also trained Hambali the leader of the German cell. It is common knowledge that the Abdu Sayyaf group in the Philippines is named in honor of their trainer Sayyaf. It is in the Philippines in 1998 that stories of planes used as weapons is reported to the US by Philippine gov. Although Sayyaf is a Pashtun he is educated in Egypt and is a member of the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood, when like Fadl, he takes up violent Jihad. It was Sayyaf that first invited Bin Laden to Afghanistan.

In the lead up to the war in Afghanistan and after; a lot of trust was placed in the hands of Sayyaf and other war lords. Some US trust had been with Gen. Meshood because he was the commander of the Northern Alliance and claimed to be hunting for Bin Laden. In an interview arranged by Sayyaf, the general was killed by explosives hidden in the journalists cameras and is the first time a date matches a letter in Shelley‘s novel.

Dr. Burhanuddin RabbanI is also a member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood when he started a group for violent Jihad in Afghanistan and was the president of Afghanistan prior to the Taliban takeover in 1996. He translated the works of Qutb ,an Islamic scholar who was killed by the Egyptian government and served as the martyr of Al Qaeda.

Afghan Egyptian violent jihadist Frankensteins, were not vetted for their criminal conduct and have profited from US-Nato protection. Dr. Fadl is what he is, the author of violent Jihad and metaphorically speaking, Dr. Frankenstein.

Forum posts

  • Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin were both assassinated because they stood up against religious extremists. The extremists that killed Sadat also killed Benazhir Bhutto and Pakistan now, is in battle. The religious extremist responsible for Rabin’s assassination is a celebrity prisoner and now Israel, uses religious civilian military populations for strategic depth, called settlements.

    The settlements show appeasement to religious extremists and it was appeasement to extremists nationalists by the world community that allowed Jews to the gas chambers. When Egyptian nationalists attacked Israel in 1967 a peace was established in 1978 by Sadat and Rabin. Rabin wanted Israel to be more a state, than a biblical lightning rod for conflict. Google Frankenstein Rabin , for more.