Home > GOP Leaders to Bush: ’Your Presidency is Effectively Over’

GOP Leaders to Bush: ’Your Presidency is Effectively Over’

by Open-Publishing - Friday 4 November 2005

Edito Parties Governments USA


A growing number of Republican leaders, party strategists and political professional now privately tell President George W. Bush that his presidency "is effectively over" unless he fires embattled White House advisor Karl Rove, apologizes to the American people for misleading the country into war and revamps his administration from top to bottom.

"The only show of unity we have now in the Republican Party is the belief that the President has failed the party, the American people and the presidency," says a longtime, and angry, GOP strategist.

With the public face of support for Bush eroding daily from even diehard Republicans, the President faces mounting anger from within his party over the path that may well lead to loss of control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections and the White House in 2008.

"This presidency is in trouble," says a senior White House aide. "Even worse, I don’t know if there is a way out of the trouble."

Congressional leaders journeyed to the White House before Bush left on his South American tour this week to tell the President that his legislative agenda on the Hill is dead, his latest Supreme Court nominee faces a tough confirmation fight in the Senate and he is facing open revolt within party ranks.

"The Speaker is having an increasingly difficult time holding his troops in line," says a source within the office of House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert. "Anger at the President grows exponentially with each passing day."

At a recent White House strategy session, internal party pollsters told the President that his approval rating with Americans continues to slide and may be irreversible, citing his failed Iraq war, the failed Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers and his failure to deal decisively on a number of fronts, including Hurricane Katrina, the economy and the Valerie Plame scandal.

In meetings, leaders and strategists have suggested a number of things that Bush must do to try and save his presidency and GOP prospects in upcoming elections, including:

Apologize to the American people, Congress and our allies for misleading them on the reasons for invading Iraq;
Revamp the White House staff from top to bottom;
Fire Rove.
"We keep coming back to Rove," says a GOP pollster. "He has escaped indictment, so far, but the feeling within the party is that another shoe is ready to drop and the longer he waits to jettison Rove the greater the damage. As long as Karl Rove remains at the President’s side, the Bush presidency is effectively over and he is just riding out the days until the nation elects a Democrat to replace him. Even with Rove gone the damage may be irreparable."

Bush, however, has dug his heels in on Rove. When a GOP strategist suggested last weekend that the President fire Rove, Bush exploded.

"You go to hell," he screamed at the strategist. "You can leave and you can take the rest of these lily-livered motherfuckers with you!" The President then stormed out of the room and refused to meet further with any other party leaders or strategists.

Bush’s escalating temper tantrums and his intransigence on political issues increase Republican worries about the long term effects on both his presidency and the party’s prospects in upcoming elections.

"Right now, George W. Bush is the Republican Party’s chief liability," says a GOP strategist who has advised Presidential campaigns for 30 years. "The entire political future of the party and perhaps the nation now rests on the shoulders of a President that no one - Democrat or Republican - believes in or trusts."

© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue


Forum posts

  • "apologizes to the American people for misleading the country into war "

    NOTE TO GOP: Apology not accepted on behalf of the thousands of deaths which have been a direct result of incompetence coupled with lies-all which you personally endorsed.

    In fact, GOP ’ers became angry when tested with factual evidence that did not fit with facsist ideology.

    I will pray each of you burn in hell for what you have done to American Democracy and the Constitution, Iraq and our world relations-as there is no justice system "good enough" to deal with the likes of you.


    Middle America (A.K.A. -taxpayers)

  • ""You go to hell," he screamed at the strategist. "You can leave and you can take the rest of these lily-livered motherfuckers with you!" The President then stormed out of the room and refused to meet further with any other party leaders or strategists."

    ^Above is the fattest lie I have /ever/ heard. Where do you folks get this crap?

    I also notice you do not mention names when quoting people. Is that perhaps because said people do not exist?

    Btw, I think you’re a bit confused. You seem to be mistaking the Dem’s for the Republicans. They’re a stubborn bunch. They, or the majority of them, still back Bush.

    My hopes and prayers go out to all the people who take this shit for truth.

    • Personally I would rule it "inconclusive" barring more facts,

      however it’s not much of a stretch to imagine the George W. we’ve all seen pictures of several times giving the f*K you finger to the camera (perhaps emulating his partner in crime Cheney’s "Go f*k yourself" mentality.

      YOu know wanna be dictators do often have this kind of ’f*k yourself mentality and George has told us numerous times how badly he wants to be a dictator and more importantly shown America with the evil (p)atriot ACT.

      LOng live the Republic!

    • "Above is the fattest lie I have/ever/ heard. Where do you folks get this crap?"
      Please, does it really matter anyway? You must be one of the true believers.
      If you really fear God and love this Republic then you would know this, that Bush is not a God fearing man.Bush doesn’t really hear God, he hears only corporate elites. He has oppressed and supressed the working man and stolen his rights. He’s lied repeatedly, taken from the old, the poor, the weak and sick and given to the rich, the powerful, the godless. Would Jesus do this? So if you’re going to do any praying tonight, pray for discernment and for Bush. Wake up! The Democrats are just as corrupt and evil and ruled by the same masters as the Republicans. Not one American president has done more damage to this country’s prestige, or taken more rights away from this country’s people than George W Bush

    • Liberals like to make things up and are in deep trouble . The President has three more years to lead the Nation, and as always will do an great Job. No one knows who the 44th President will be , only that the New President will not be as good as President Bush and will of course be an Republican.

    • Neo-Conservatives like to deny truth and manipulate "reality". Neo-Liberals also like to deny truth and manipulate "reality".I don’t know who the 43rd resident will be but one thing for sure he will be a Illuminati/Bilderberger/PNAC stoogeand will do just as bad a job as Bush or Clinton, both being fraudulent genocidal pawns of Rothschild & Co.
      Ken Kirk,

    • Junior Bush is the 43rd president.

    • Sorry friend attempting to blame everything on "liberals" is an old worn out divide and conquer strategy that is no longer working in this political climate.

      Though I am not a member on any party I would most closely fall under the category "Christian Libertarian" if my beliefs had to be ’labelled’ at all and I share some so called ’conservative values’ as well as some so called ’liberal’ values as well as taking exception to some of both party’s ideology.

      The one thing bad about most partisans is they simply stick to whatever *their* party does wrong or right rather than openly and objectively looking at all of the evidence. IMO this blind allegiance to partisanship rather than specific acts or policies is what is making many who hate the corruption and dishonesty abandon BOTH parties and rather seek specific candidates that can stand on their own rather than be ’party followers’. I would personally love to see parties abolished and in their place fierce independents putting honesty and integrity over party doctrine.

      IMO their is ZERO doubt that 9-11 was hatched from INSIDE this administration the evidence is OVERWHELMING and is easily found now on hundreds of websites even much of it right here in different threads. This administration just like the Saddam it went after "murdered it’s own people" as an excuse for oil. empire and Israel (and Haliburton, Bectel and all of the other military/industrialists who practice war profiteering.

      For those who STILL after thousands of years don’t understand what wars are really fought over I would ask them to read the old piece "War Is A Racket" by serviceman Smedly Butler. War is indeed a racket where We The People are the losers paying the price for the Elitists lifestyle with our very own blood and that of our offspring.

      Bush Lied.Period. Blind partisans can continue to try and defend his lies and murder if they so choose. NOT this independent patriot.

      LOng live The Republic.


    • Right on! I’m glad to see that someone has it right.

    • I’m afraid you are right! The GOP gang, a group of people without any humanitarian moral, just move on. Americans soldiers are still seen as heroes and it make me puke just to hear in the news: thanks for serving our country.

    • Ken you’ve been smoking too much. Its affecting your thought processes. Seems to be a common lib problem.

    • I hope they don’t give us Hillary as the new puppet.

  • As a former republican, the GOP can all go rot in hell where they deserve to be. I will never accept an apology from those bastards. They deseve to be locked up and executed as traiters to America.

    • OK guys we can not incarcerate one out of three people, although I wish we could. Stop using the F-word there is worth to come. A lot worth. Beyond the F-word. And we have, have, to live with one another after that. I am surprised it still sounds incredible to most, but 9/11 was an inside job. Take anti-depressants for a few days and than go to 911truth or stopthelie

  • Please Read More 11-05


    The current scandal(s) are linked to many others. They are all part of a huge Criminal Organization that involves three main Criminal areas:

     Very Large Wide Scale Political Corruption
     International Drug Distribution
     Very Large Scale Fraud.

    I have a personal life experience and there are others like me with experience in this system. Please read the following website:

    Current news is nibbling away at part of this and it’s escalating. I expect the big picture will soon surface. The current news is starting to prepare everyone however it may be too complex and difficult to accept at first. Readers should be advised to have an open mind that a much larger or major sized picture still needs to be understood. Believe me, this is only the tip of the iceberg!

    The Corruption part of this extends beyond our shores and involves the Mob linked to those involved from the top all the way to the bottom. They are well organized with communication links throughout.

    Deep Throat II

    • Finally after all these years I’ve come to understand a quote that has stumped me
      All thanks to George Walker Bush as "The Commander in Chief " of the military.

      Here is Blake Clark’s quote:

      "Being in the army is like being in the Boy Scouts, except that the Boy Scouts have
      adult supervision".

      He must have had the Boy Emperor in mind when he penned this idea.

      cheers, jt

    • To Deep Throat II and others,

      a type of Amrageddon like Constitutional battle does indeed seem to be building here in the U.S. with the neoCon criminal cabal taking on fire from more and more sides as angry Americans of all colors, faiths, and even parties go on the offensive.

      As a result, many believe the Crime Family is going to try and pull another false flag like their 9-11 deadly hoax on the Citizens, as too many are waking up to the facts of 9-11, rather than what the corporate State-run media whores have tried to brainwash the "ditto heads" with.

      One only has to read a book like "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton" by Ambrose Evans Pritchard to understand the Siege on America is a BIPARTISAN effort and understanding how in the past drug running through places like Mena Arkansas reportedly was a joint effort involving both the Clinton(Dixie mafia) and Bush Crime Family networks. One quickly realizes drug prohibiton is simply the legistlation used among other things to artificially keep prices high so these crime familys can make BILLIONS.—Repeal Prohibition!

      Probable assinations of people like JFK Jr., Paul Wellstone, and possibly even Mel Carnahan are simply the tip of the tip of the tip of a masive iceberg sinking this country in I think one of the largest deadly scandals ever in the history of this great Republic.

      That their are some "White Knights" willing to go and battle this evil and join forces to rid our country of this plague is refreshing. I believe America is in for one hell of a fight though to save the Constituion and Bill of Rights from attack of both some Dems and Repubs and forces outside the country at the same time.

      Is it possible Fitzgerald could be the Real Thing and one of the ’White Knights’? It would be great if he had the power, connections, and financing to bring down this massive network of psychotic killers of the innocent, but I am sceptical. Though I suspect many lovers of a TRULY Free Republic exist in our military and possibly even in our intelligence agencies I don’t know if they would have the financing to take on this Machine of Death.

  • Seeing Bush slinking out of Argentina, afraid to meet Hugo Chavez in person, shows the true chickenhawk nature of this vile, mean, scared, insubstantial little man. What I look forward to, and really do think will happen eventually, is Bush completely losing it in a public situation, like throwing a tantrum or just plain punching someone (smaller than he) out on camera and then running backstage to his secret service goon squad. Chavez probably could’ve goaded him into something like that if they’d met in person, but alas, he didn’t get the chance. The whole world is laughing at Bush right now and knows he’s just a little faker who never should’ve been elected in the first place, which he wasn’t anyway. He’s a complete headcase, and belongs in the psych ward.

    • Totally true!
      There are so many skeletons in this administrative closet that it’s mindboggling! Clinton’s are there too, but Bush’s are piled high.
      I’m hoping Fitzgerald will remain alive and get all the way to the bottom of the pile.....9/11 ! That is the corner stone on which all these crimes are built.
      Long live Fitzgerald.....our great white hope!!

    • I certainly second your sentiments K.H.,

      It would make me ecstatic to see Fitzgerald turn out to be "The Real Thing" and save our country from these Treasonous attackers embedded within the ranks of our own govenment.

      Fitzgerald if he could indeed get to the bottom of the "Satanic" Nazi-like Cabal within this current administration and hold them accountable for the murders on 9-11— and all of those political hits preceding it—he would become probably one of the greatest figures in our polictical history and would undoubtedly be immortalized as a super-Patriot.

      I’m not holding my breath though. I largely believe government is most often the problem not the solution and have always realized the true unions for the sake of prosperity must up from The People. The history of this country shows that most every dollar sent in by us taxpayers is simply syphoned off and stolen and never reaches the intended projects and that citizens must work OUTSIDE of government to get what they need.


    • Bush doesn’t have any arguments! Also he claims to have an elite education, but it was useless. He has no understanding of cultures or how humans have to fight just to get their daily bread.

    • The reason that George rages over small things is that he is a cocaine adict. The morning he left for Argentenia he was photographed and his jaw was twitching and grinding from side to side, he obviously had been on a bender. When he arrived for the summet and was photographed slinking down in his chair his jaw was grinding uncontrollably and his eyes were blinking 90 miles per hour, and he had a strange guilty look on his face. Anyone who has know someone who is a coke addict knows the classic signs of jaw grinding and eye blinking, and the mood swings and rage over nothing and everything. There is nothing grouchier than a coke addict after a few days of snorting.

      Of all of the things George has done during his time in office, his cocaine is by far the most dangerous. Cocaine is very addictive and extremely hard to kick. George has admitted without actually saying it that he "did some things when he was young that were irresponsible", this was in direct reference to being asked about using cocaine...he tried to brush it off like he had done it in his youth....but all signs point to him being very addicted to it to the present day.

  • NOTE TO GOP: Apology not accepted on behalf of the thousands of deaths which have been a direct result of incompetence coupled with lies-all which you personally endorsed.

    AGREED and FURTHER: Apology not accepted on behalf of the over 100,000 civilain deaths which have been a direct result of your ILLEGAL WAR OF AGGRESSION in both AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.

    Bush, your legacy is already written. It’s too late for you. The WORST president NEVER to be elected to the office in the history of the United States.

  • In fact a murderer of thousands innocent civilians can not just apologize. Bring him to justice!

  • Dear George you have been mortally wounded by friendly fire.
    You are also a poor example of intelligent design & a liability to boot.

    • King Boy George (Bush) is dead. Rest in Hell. Your wife and family too, especially your "livin’ large in the new crib" mom.