Home > George Bush PROOF of Intelligent Design

George Bush PROOF of Intelligent Design

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 4 September 2005

Parties Governments USA

"...also, the seas will lose their salt and become oceans of lemonade." conjecture from poster at Redstate.org concerning ID definition

Intelligent design or ID is in the news recently after President Bush gave proof that he thought that ID deserved debate. Intelligent design is an argument looking for an argument and the proof of ID influence is in the Presidents desire to introduce the ID debate into schools. Support for ID can be found on red state web pages, people convinced that UFO’S are proof of ID, and the media intelligence and arms empire of Sun Myung Moon.

Moon has attended the courts of Presidents Bush 1 and 11, and they have attended the court of Moon. According to a Congressional investigation report on Moon done in the seventies, he was trying to infiltrate the political and scientific community. By 1981 Moon was imprisoned but his fortunes improved when he was courted by Council for National Policy (CNP) members. CNP was an incubator for such groups as the Heritage foundation.

Moon began by funding the Washington Times in 1982 and recently purchased United Press International ( UPI ) Helen Thomas former UPI White house correspondent may have written something about the latter. From CNP soldier Oliver North and his legal fees for Iran Contra to assistance for Paula Jones to prosecute Clinton, Moon is accommodating the CNP. In the last election the media publishing the Swift Boat attack on Presidential hopeful John Kerry was funded by Moon. This background may help to explain Bush’s motive for support of Moon’s ID funded movement.

An article about Robert Kennedy, a leading advocate for the environment, raises an alarm concerning Moon and funding of the anti environmental movement. Weather scientists that forecasted Global Warming are tagged radical weathermen and this opinion is reflected in Bush’s Policies past and present. Moon is infiltrating the sciences and the ID debate is the latest fruit of his funds.

The roman Catholic pope recently stated that there was no conflict between evolution and God. Most religions would agree that there is no debate, that the invisible hand of God is at work. An MD posted the following in an article on Cleveland Jewish community online, title ’ Intelligent design attacks clear thinking’

"When intelligent design claims that life is too complex to be explained, it joins all the countless ideologies in human history that tried to stop humanity from solving problems of this world, to stop us from thinking and observing."

Scientists are left in the awkward position of defending the very methodology of science, just by getting involved with the debate, they are pulled into the vortex of the absurd. The internet chatter by the science and teaching community concerning ID is best summed as follows; You show us the tree and we’ll get the rope! The scientific and teaching communities ought to focus on the motive for the debate rather than the debate itself, if my observation is accurate.

The ID debate deserves discussion by lay people, not the proofs of science but the proofs of insightful observations, without becoming a Trojan horse for science. Let me begin.

Proof of Intelligent Design, is when Karl Rove spends the morning after Huricane Katrina patting the Anti Sheehan protesters on the back, unknowing of the political disaster an unknowing administration would confront, for not knowing.

The observant reader can add to the list of proofs and send them to the President to demonstrate their vigilance in what the President requests, an ID debate.

Forum posts

  • Mr. Callis,

    How about some facts to support your allegation "In the last election the media publishing the Swift Boat attack on Presidential hopeful John Kerry was funded by Moon."

    SwiftVets was funded by over 100,000 citizens and told the truth about John Kerry’s service in and after Vietnam. We are absolutely unrelated to the focus of your story. We aren’t "media"; we are veterans who served with Kerry and saw his self-centered self-agrandizement when we were fighting an enemy to improve the lives of the South Vietnamese.

    We were successful because we told the truth, an approach that’s hard to find in today’s "journalism".

    Tom Wright
    Officer in Charge, PCF 44 & 89

    • Truth and reality are extremely hard to find in the actions of this administration also. No? John Kerry got one thing right..."how do you ask someone to be the last soldier to die for a lie?"

      So, tell me, oh truthful one....how will Bush & Co do this?

  • The John o’neill book ’Unfit for command’ was published by Regnery press which was funded by Moon. The swift boat referance was used as a metaphor, a fitting one, I had hoped. Sorry for any confusion. The author

  • I stand corrected this is an exerpt from a piece I wrote about the connections with Moon and the Swift boat controversy. Please disregard a direct connection with Regnery and Moon. Let me know if you have any other concerns. the humbled author

    Carlton Sherwood is a Pulitzer prize winner for having written an expose on the Catholic church. He then wrote a book in defense of Moon titled Inquisition. During a frontline interview he is asked if Moon had any influence on the book published by Regnery Press. Sherwood said no but Frontline came across letters and oral statements which outline a deal with Sherwood, Moon and Regnery press. Moon would purchase 100,000 books after Sherwood made changes to the book.Regnery press is the publisher of O’Neill’s swift boat book.Sherwood is coming out with a documentary critical of Kerry and his anti war statements.
    Ironicaly a big critic of Sun Myung Moon is a highly decorated Viet Nam Vet and head of Viet Nam Vets against Kerry, Ted Sampley. In the 1995 Feb/March issue of "Veterans Dispatch" Sampley claims the Intelligence agencies( Hugel is mentioned as an example) and the Republican party had been infiltrated by Moon and his sympathizers. His article is believable but I have to suspect the motives of someone who sells POW literature and memorabilia for profit. It is ironic that Sampley and Sherwood have such opposite stands on Moon considering Moon’s( Washington Times UPI) involvement with the reelection and for that matter the election of Bush.The biggest critics and supporters of Moon are highly decorated Viet Nam vets against Kerry. It doesn’t seem plausible that they are both right.But it does seem very plausible that Moon is involved with the anti Kerry campaign