Home > George W. Bush - Enough is enough

George W. Bush - Enough is enough

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 29 June 2005

Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

Enough is enough. Political correctness is no longer an option when discussing George W. Bush or the members of his administration. They are very simply lying bastards who have done and continue to do irreversible harm to the world.

In tonight’s speech, Bush managed to use the word “terror” or “terrorist” 31 times during the first 25 minutes.. He referenced 9/11 6 times. He invoked the name of Osama bin Laden 3 times.

By once again connecting the PNAC plan to invade Iraq with the events of 9/11, George W. Bush clearly proved that he is one lying son of a bitch. Let me remind the idiots who support this murderous criminal that Iraq was not even on America’s list of terrorist nations prior to the invasion. Just ask Colon Powell and Condoleezza Rice, both of whom declared Iraq to be no threat to America or the region PRIOR to the invasion!!!

During the post speech discussions on CNN the 2 Senators speaking discussed the benchmarks of progress in Iraq. They spoke of an Iraq that posed no threat to their neighbors and did not harbor terrorists as a primary goal. THAT WAS WHAT IRAQ WAS BEFORE THE GOD DAMN INVASION! Are they crazy or are they lying? You know the answer!!! THEY ARE LYING! The Democrats, the Rebublicans and the media are all lying! That’s all they have done for years! They are criminals they they deserve to have their careers ended and they deserve to be jailed for life for crimes against humanity!

Here is a little stat for you: George W. Bush’s environmental policies will result in the death of more human beings than in all wars combined. By virtue of his environmental policies alone, George w. Bush is a far greater threat to your well being and to our planet than any anything else on the planet other than total nuclear war. At this very moment his administration is reconstituting the production of nuclear materials that have not been produced since the end of the cold war. One speck of this plutonium can give you cancer. This is what George W. Bush contributes to the security of the world. He and his administration are the greatest threat to life on earth and they are in the midst of destroying our nation as well, by dismantling our Constitution, our civil rights, our economy and our general quality of life. Any president worth his salt would want to make the American people feel safe. George W. Bush wants to keep you frightened, and you should be. Only you should not be afraid of the enemies he points to, you should be very afraid of his policies, his administration and his lies.

(Example of the Bush administration changing scientific data in a criminal manner. This is one of many examples of such manipulation of science. In other words it is an example of LIES! LIES that get ignored my the media and can have lethal ramifications! Snip: “They rewrote everything. It’s a crime,” said Erick Campbell, a former biologist with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), who wrote the sections of the report that address the effects of the new rules on wildlife. “This is a whitewash - they took all of our science and reversed it 180 degrees.” Where is the media? What do the idiot Bush supporters have to say about this? How stupid will they feel if they ever researched the lying bastard who they support without question?)

George W. Bush never told America about the plans made by his Project for a New American Century administration. He never told this nation that Iraq was a stable nation, however undemocratic, that never threatened a single American life. He never told this nation that his invasion and that of his father killed more people than Saddam ever did, and that George W. Bush’s father and our current Defense Secretary were the ones who helped Saddam KILL HIS OWN PEOPLE in the first place!

He never told this nation that Dick Cheney’s company was doing illegal business with Saddam while he was CEO of Halliburton.

George W. Bush is simply the biggest liar to ever grace our TV sets with the exception of Dick Cheney who has yet to utter a single true statement of any importance.

Our media continue to ignore the relentless lies coming from this bastard. They too are lying bastards; but that is so obvious that it is not worth mentioning at this point.

How long are we going to take it?

Note to the military: It is getting pretty damn hard to support you when I watch you cheer this vile criminal as he lies to you and asks you to die for his PNAC handlers. Iraq was not your enemy and they were not threatening our liberty, our freedom or our safety. You swore to protect our liberty, freedom and our Constitution. You did not swear to achieve the goals of the ruling elite. Wake up and start understanding that it is the anti-war movement who support you while your commander in chief lies to you. Start thinking for yourself. Would you rather have a yellow ribbon on your grave or would you rather have the support, admiration and appreciation of the anti-war community who spend their lives looking out for your best interest?

How many more uninformed lemmings will sign up to the military in order to fight a war that is based 100% on lies? How many more people are going to blindly march to their deaths and blindly murder innocent people at the behest of the ruling elite? Let me remind these military lemmings that no nations ever started a war. Only leaders start wars. Without you they are impotent and they can cause no harm to the world. George Bush and his entire administration are chickens; they never fought for this country. They never defended their fellow Americans. They did everything they could to avoid serving their nation yet they use and abuse the members of the military as if they were nothing more that numbers on a chart. It’s their war, it is not yours! Let them give their lives for this wonderful cause.

I am sorry if offended anyone and at the same time I say too bad. Enough is enough. Our military have to stop cheering the commander in chief because he is a lying son of a bitch!


Forum posts

  • I agree. This megalomaniac has to be stopped.

    I hope enough of the Republican leadership will come to their senses and order articles of impeachment against George W. Bush (and gang) for his initial lies leading the nation into war, his war crimes, and the subsequent lies of cover up.

    This has to be done very soon before he takes his ’war on terra’ into Iran where I understand he may already be in preparation of an invasion. His poll numbers do not have to drop too much further before he needs the spark another conflict will give him. As he sees the nation tiring of the old war he’ll provide a new one.

    The Republican leadership needs to find a collective spine and do this now.

    I’m not optimistic however. Too many of the "Liar-in-Chief’s" base benefit from this war and will keep benefiting at the expense of our tax dollars and our children’s lives. There will be a draft in which the children of the wealthy (the base) will be exempt and this should provide much more fodder for other enriching conflicts. Bush will be willingly aided and abbetted by supporters of this administration and the M$M.

    You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. More lies coming. Stay tuned.

    Will Fields

  • I really think that you are totally correct. I can’t remember any other president who lied all of the time. Tried to terrify the people into believing what he said. If you were to pull the back of his hair up I wouldn’t be surprised to see 666. We couldn’t have hired anyone to destroy our country as much as this man has and is.

  • Your article "Enough is Enough" is all sound and fury and contains no useful data whatsoever. I’m not impressed with Goebel-like retoric. Try thinking, unless you want an audience of the thoughtless.

  • You are full of shit... Get off the "anti war" band waggon and start listening.. watching and actually understanding whats going on around you!

    • Which would you like this person to understand, the lying ?, the deception ?, the uneducated right wing rhetoic ?, the constant crutch of "terra" ?, the bushisms ?, the twisting of intelligence ?, the WMD’s ?, speaking of people that are full of shit sir/madam, its YOU whom should be actually watching and understanding whats going on around you, Al Queda is the least of the problems we are going to face in the future, if its up to right wing, neocon natziesque, uneducated, missinformed redneck, incest victims. Free you mind from this senseless disease called conservatism.