Home > Germany’s new left upsets the applecart

Germany’s new left upsets the applecart

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 13 August 2005
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Parties Elections-Elected Europe

Helmut Scholz is up for a fight - and the political establishment is running scared

by Simon Tisdall

Helmut Scholz is up for a fight - and the political establishment is running scared. The German left, he says, won’t be fooled again.

Speaking in Berlin this week, the international coordinator of Germany’s insurrectionary new electoral phenomenon, the Linkspartei (Left party), said the country was in crisis and the main parties had no solutions.

"We want to reattract people who have been turned off politics and get them back," Mr Scholz said. "We’re trying to give all people in Germany a new perspective.

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"Germany is in a critical economic and social situation. We have to face up to the task. We have to find another direction."

As the September 18 federal election looms, the Left party, comprising ex-communists from the east German Party of Democratic Socialism, governing party defectors and the predominantly west German Work and Social Justice party, is upsetting applecarts left, right and centre.

Only a few weeks ago, Angela Merkel’s conservative opposition Christian Democrats (CDU) and their allies seemed assured of an easy victory. But the latest polls show the Left party winning up to 60 Bundestag seats, which would make it Germany’s third-largest political force.

And it could deny an outright majority to Ms Merkel while further weakening Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s ruling Social Democrats (SPD).

Mr Scholz accepted his party was unlikely to win. But he pledged there would be no backroom deals to keep the SPD and Greens in power.

"One reason for the Left’s support is that voters feel they were wrong to trust Mr Schröder in 1998 after 16 years of Helmut Köhl," he said. "The Red-Green coalition managed a change of power but not a change of policy ... The ridiculous continuation of neo-liberal policies obviously contributes to today’s opportunity. We will help them correct their policies. But there is no chance of a coalition."

The Left party, jointly led by Mr Schröder’s bitter rival Oskar Lafontaine and the charismatic Gregor Gysi, opposes the government’s labour reforms and benefit cuts. It wants an overhaul of industrial and taxation policy, partly to address post-reunification recession in east Germany. It would also review Germany’s Nato membership and its troop presence in Afghanistan.

For these reasons perhaps, Mr Schröder has also vowed there will be no deals. But he may be privately hoping the Left will draw protest votes from the conservatives.

As matters stand, the CDU is well ahead of the SPD and Ms Merkel remains favourite to be Germany’s next leader. But her campaign is in danger of stalling after a series of perceived gaffes. A CDU failure to gain an overall majority, as currently indicated by the polls, could force a "grand coalition" with the SPD.

This prospect of political stalemate brings the argument back to the Left’s main message - that established parties cannot deliver the step-change the country needs.

According to Mr Scholz, the Left’s surge in support embraces the political spectrum, including those who previously backed far-right parties out of frustration, rather than ideological conviction.

He rejected accusations that the party was appeasing the neo-Nazis. What Left supporters all shared, he said, was the wish for a fresh start.

Similar grassroot pressure is also evident in post-referendum France and the Netherlands. But such a mould-breaking upheaval was incredibly hard to achieve under Germany’s electoral system, said Mark Leonard of the Centre for European Reform.

The 1998 election was the only occasion in the postwar period when a government was forced out by voters alone, he said. Change was normally achieved by minor parties such as the Free Democrats switching sides.

"This encourages identity politics," Mr Leonard said. "That’s what’s happening now. The focus is on individuals like Merkel, not on policies, because nobody really knows what to do. The energy is all on the left. But they are not going to win, so it’s a negative force."

But Constanze Stelzenmüller of the German Marshall Fund said there had been one big upheaval already. "Ten years ago a woman chancellor would have been unthinkable," she said. "Not now. By German standards, that’s stupendous progress."


Forum posts

  • Any woman but not Angela Merkel. She is too simple minded and sorry too stupid. The left party will monitor the policy of any elected German government. The drift into a plutocratic anglo/american sample has to be stopped. There is no progress if the people have to suffer. Speeches like "don’t ask what your country can do for you..." have for heaven sake no meaning in the German republic.
    Also the monitoring of power is still working even with a brown/yellow majority in the parliaments. A coup like in the USA where a miss use of power is already obvious is not going to happen in Germany again. The constitution was written by people who learned what Nazis could do.

    Yes, we are slow but we would not give power to criminals like Hitler or Bush. Of course Bush is not Hitler - at least Hitler had some brain, also he used it to demolish the country.

    To the Americans: how could you elect such a dumb ass.