Home > Global News Matrix Interviews Ajai Raj re: Life..and Coulter

Global News Matrix Interviews Ajai Raj re: Life..and Coulter

by Open-Publishing - Friday 20 May 2005

Police - Repression USA UK

On May 3rd, 2005, a young English Major, Ajai Raj attended a speaking engagement
for Ann Coulter.

Ms. Coulter is not a stranger to controversy. She has been booed at several
events and even an attempted pie throwing incident occurred.

What happened though, on May 3rd has prompted Global News Matrix to take it
a step further.

Ajai Raj asked a question..a crude question that did not warrant an answer.
He knew he would be asked to leave the event. What happened next in our opinion
may have resulted in over-stepping the bounds of our First Amendment Protection
under our Constitution.

I encourage you all to read this with an open mind. You may not agree with
what Mr. Raj said, but he did have the right to say it....

Read on.
Drew - Senior Editor

1. Tell us a little about who Ajai Raji is. What kind
of music do you listen to? What are your hobbies and interests?

"I don’t know about Ajai Raji, but as for me...I like a lot
of music. Led Zeppelin, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and Queen are my favorite
bands, the whole classic rock thing has my seal of approval, but I like a lot
of current stuff too. Franz Ferdinand, The Arcade Fire...this could take
all day. As for hobbies, I read a lot and write a lot, play video games when
I get the chance (which is not often), bowling and Frisbee...whatever mischief
I can get myself into is usually ok by me."

2. When did you first become interested in politics? What directed you towards
that interest?

"I’ve always been conscious of the world around me, and the recent
political climate has kind of made politics impossible to ignore. I guess the
recent election and the death of Hunter S. Thompson are the events that really
got me thinking and writing about politics."

3. What is your political stance?

"Anti-bullshit. I’m not ready to plant a flag. I’d much rather
design my own."

4. What prompted you to go to the event with Ann Coulter?

"A friend of mine came in and woke me from a nap about ten minutes before
and said we should go. I had nothing better to do, so I went."

5. Was it always your intention to make a statement that would not be taken
well by the event staff, and did you go with the anticipation of being removed?

"I didn’t have any intentions other than having a good time and
maybe shocking some people out of their shells. I thought I might be asked to
leave, but I didn’t figure on getting arrested. That bit was a nasty surprise."

6. Was this a pre-planned question? Did anyone else who attended the event
with you know of your plans?

"It wasn’t planned at all...it just sort of happened when I
got to the mike. It was a surprise for everyone, myself included."

7. How many individuals attend the event with you? If the question was pre-planned,
did the group have instructions to start the "riot" once they got the
cue (the question)? If so, what was the purpose in doing so?

"I was there with four other people- some close friends- and a riot was
never in the question. I wasn’t trying to create a big scene- in fact,
there was no big scene until the cops slammed me into a door. The cops incited
the riot."

8. Describe the events of your day in chronological order prior to your arrest.

"I went to class, ate, and took a nap, as I recall. Then I was woken up
for the Ann Coulter speech, and the rest, for some reason, is history."

9. Describe your arrest. Were you read your rights? Who was the arresting officer?
Where did you go immediately prior to your arrest? Were you questioned? Did
you exorcise your right to an attorney during questioning? Did you exorcise
your right to a telephone call?

"I was not told why I was being arrested, I was slammed into a door and
dragged around, and illegally searched. I was read my rights though- ironic,
considering that they were being violated at the time. I was originally being
taken to a place called “The Cage” in the UT Police Station, but
apparently the crowd had the cops on the run, so they took me to Travis County
and booked me. I wasn’t questioned, all I really did was sit around in
Central Booking until I was released."

10. Have you read the charges filed? For reference please visit (article)
The Smoking Gun

"Yes, I’ve read them."

11. How are you intending to plea?

"Not guilty."

12. Is your defense primarily based on the First Amendment?

"That, and the fact that I didn’t violate any law. I’m being
charged on grounds that I incited a breach of peace, whereas I contend that
the cops incited the very breach I’m being blamed for."

13. Some people are claiming that what you did can be compared to yelling
"Fire" in a crowded movie theatre, therefore not protected under the
First Amendment. Care to comment?

"That’s utter bullshit, and those people are either ignorant, stupid,
or both. For more on why, see “the cops incited...” in my response
to the previous question."

14. Has anyone from affiliated directly with Ann Coulter’s contacted you? Has
anyone directly affiliated with the Republican Party contacted you?


15. How long have you followed Coulter’s work?

"Ever since I picked up one of her books and leafed through it in a Barnes
and Noble, and immediately took an ExLax to flush my system of the putrefaction
to which I’d just exposed it. Maybe a year or two ago, I don’t know.
I wouldn’t say I follow her work, exactly."

16.What do you think of the Bush Administration?

"I’m not a huge fan. I have to hand it to them for being brilliant
politicians though. I’ll spare you any historical references."

17.What is next in Ajai Raji’s life? What are your long-terms goals, both in
life and with respects to your arrest?

"Again with this Ajai Raji character. I’m not sure about my plans,
but they involve writing and having as good a time as I can. Which is usually
pretty good."

18. Have you been contacted by University of Texas staff? Have you been penalized
in any way by the university?

"I’d rather not comment on that situation, except to say that it’s
uncertain at this point."

19. How have your fellow students treated you prior to your arrest? What are
their thoughts regarding your actions at the event?

"I’ve been getting a lot of support- a group of about twenty people
were waiting for me when I got out of jail, they gave me a card and presents...strangers
have been congratulating me on the street (once or twice). Mostly it’s
been a positive response, and no one with anything negative to say has had the
balls to do so in person."

20. Do you drink alcohol or do drugs?

"No comment. Use your imagination."

21. Have you written any other article or publication, aside from your "open
letter” that we could view and post?

"Not yet, but I’ll be working on it. My life’s sort of busy
at present, it gets hard to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as the
case tends to be)."

22. Would you consider writing a weekly piece on a political web site?

"Maybe. Are you offering?"

23. What are your thoughts on today’s mainstream media?

"I would rather fuck a porcupine than turn on the TV, nine times out of

24. What are your thoughts on the events which took place on September 11,

"It was terrible. It’s even more terrible that the administration
capitalized on the suffering and death of so many people for political gain."

25. What political figures do you like and/or admire? Do you have anyone in
mind that you would like to see win the Presidency in 2008?

"I support Kinky Friedman for the governorship of Texas- I have a lot
of admiration of his campaign and his approach to politics in general and Texas
in particular. I also admire Barack Obama, for transcending petty party politics
and beating the odds. I’d like to see him in the presidential seat. Or
me, I think I’d do a pretty good job."

26. What is your major at University of Texas? What are your career aspirations?

"I’m an English major, though I’m more interested in journalism
as of late. I want to write all kinds of things, and I want people to read what
I write. I’m not set on any particular career."

27. Any last comments you’d care to add on the record?

"I was going to think of something fiendishly clever or poignant to add
here, but I ate an Oreo instead."

Forum posts

  • Man, this guys is such a loser. I feel sorry for his parents on such a wasted effort. As for his "he didn’t do anything" stance, what he actually did was make a commotion and when he was told to leave and escorted out of the auditorium he started making trouble. That’s when the police came in and he was arrested for breach of peace which he did and probably for resisting arrest. If the guy had just left quietly he wouldn’t have gotten into trouble.

  • I don’t think Ajai Raj is a loser. I see him a spontaneous young man with honest intentions and hopes for the future. I have been wondering why bellaciao printed the first hand version he wrote just after getting out of jail and it disappeared in a day or less. It’s worth reading if we can try not to be hypocritical. It was ... article=5979 . I hope Ajai Raj does take to writing. Honest people who are dying to express their convictions who haven’t got a chance in an Ann Coulter style question and answer session should absolutely write and be read.