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Grey Areas Over The White House

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 29 July 2006

Attack-Terrorism Governments Secret Services USA


Grey Areas Over The White House
Gulf News Editorial
Published: 05/14/2006 12:00 AM

It may just be that this particular White House is not any good at spying. It could be that it is devious. It may even be a mixture of both, either way it is in a deep political and legal mess.

Osama Bin Laden remains free while millions of Americans have been spied upon, there are no weapons of mass destruction to justify war on Iraq and the Central Intelligence Agency keeps losing its head. A sorry record and one that is about to get worse for the White House.

President George W. Bush is trying to defuse the news that the three biggest telephone firms in the US provided the National Security Agency with the records of billions of calls made by Americans. Bush had previously promised Americans the programme to eavesdrop on their phone calls and emails without oversight by the courts was narrowly targeted at Al Qaida networks and was limited in scope.

The American courts, so reluctant in the past to take on the White House, will now have to intervene to protect basic rights. But of equal concern is that this White House seems incapable of conducting itself in a manner worthy of the trust.