Home > Have Yourself a “Moral” Little Christmas!

Have Yourself a “Moral” Little Christmas!

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 25 December 2004

Edito Religions-Beliefs USA

by Leslie Sheridan

Dear Fellow Humans:

At this time of year, more than any other, we are reminded of some of the better characteristics associated with being human: acceptance, charity, compassion, love, selflessness, etc. This year, we have been especially reminded of “morality” and “family values.” However, “morality” and “family values” it seems, have been hijacked from what I remember them being as a kid.

Webster’s defines “moral” as: ethical, right behavior, sanctioned or operative of one’s conscience, virtuous and noble. Mmm ... If Santa and/or God are making a list and checking it twice, the US did not do well last year, and is certainly not doing well on moral values this year either.

Why has the new version of “family values” circumcised gay rights and a woman’s choice about her own body? Why does “family” not include everyone, including our whole earth family in every country? Who would Jesus include?

As a nation, we have neither been ethical nor virtuous. We began a war last year, which was based on lies. This war has now killed over 100,000 Iraqis and over 1000 Americans, and worsened poverty as a result of spending on “military might” rather than domestic travesties toward humanity.

What happened to “thou shalt not kill?” Are our leaders reading a different Bible than the one I have on my shelf? What if the people killed were their own? What if they were your family or friends? Then, might the killing cease?

"I witnessed the horror of war, the firefights, the ambushes, the excessive use of force, the abuse of prisoners. Acting upon my principles became incompatible with my role in the military. By putting my weapon down I chose to reassert myself as a human being."

Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia

Where do we get this preposterous idea that one must kill people to “win” peace? Who would Buddha bomb? Peace is not won through the killing and maiming of humanity, or the destruction of the planet that supports us. It is won by choosing peace.

Some sit in church and/or temple each week. Why is it that many churches/temples have remained silent about the killing that the U.S. is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Sudan, etc., as well as the deaths that occur as a result of poverty and lack of healthcare?

Some “moral” shepherds preach things like “turn the other cheek, love your neighbor as yourself” every week. Yet during the litany of lies by our government, by our media and by many major corporations, and the killing of human beings, many spiritual leaders have remained silent. (Except of course, those that told their congregations how to vote, namely for the very regime that is committing immoral acts against humanity both here and abroad.) Spiritual organizations and leaders need not turn the other cheek on morality.

News flash: God is not a Republican or a Democrat! It is time for “moral” leaders to speak up and act to change the behaviors they see happening in our world that are diametrically opposed to what they preach every week. Otherwise, they are hypocrites, and religion becomes hypocrisy. And, we are hypocrites if we keep pretending to espouse the high ideals of humanity, while at the same time destroying it.

If we do not get angry about man’s inhumanity toward man, it is time for a major conscience check! Without conscience, we are less than human. We must then turn our anger into positive action as God’s (or Great Spirit’s) hands and feet on the planet! To do this, many must drop their rationalizations, denial, disengagement, financial attachments to blood-stained money, and their apathy. We are the ones we have been waiting for! There is no “they!”

Someday at Christmas men won’t be boys,
playing with bombs like kids play with toys.
Someday at Christmas there’ll be no wars,
When we have learned what life’s really worth,
they’ll be peace on earth.

Someday at Christmas, recorded by Stevie Wonder

We are complicit in murder and destruction if we are funding, working for, taking money from, or buying products from any person or organization that is helping drive an agenda of global US hegemony, genocide, poverty for some and kickbacks for wealthy. We are murderers on both a physical and spiritual level. Denial, rationalizations and apathy will not erase this fact.

This holiday season, let’s ask Santa and God for a revived conscience!



P.S. For those of you who might think it inappropriate to write about such things during the holidays, there are Holiday Carols for the “Moral” Majority on below for your holiday “enjoyment.” Envision your own children and family while singing them.


Forum posts

  • Seculars concerned about being moral?! How did that happen?

  • Why would any version of “family values” support gay rights and a woman’s right to choose to kill an unborn child? You ask who Jesus would include as family. That sidesteps the reality of Jesus teaching and works. He was willing to preach to and sit down to dinner with sinners, BUT he told them to repent from their sinful ways and serve God. He didn’t tell an adultress that she was okay to go on committing adultery and that God was wrong to make it a sin. No, he told her that she was loved, and that her past actions were forgiven so she could turn around and live a better way.

    The war is wrong - absolutely and completely - but don’t try to use that to hijack morality and family values into complete acceptance of evil.

  • Alas, people without conscience ARE human. Psychiatry defines them as Sociopaths.

  • You have NO idea what Moral really means anymore. I really need to leave you with one thought...

    How can a moral wrong be a civil right?????
